KSTM Newsletter
Friday, September 3, 2021
Join us at Open House on September 14!
KSTM Science Fair 2021 has Started!
- KSTM science fair will kick off in all science classes this week. There will be two phases to the process this year. All students will participate Phase 1 through their science class, and some will move on to participate in Phase 2.
- Phase 1 takes place now through October 15 and includes the following: review science fair procedures, select a topic, form a testable question, create a project purpose, compile an equipment/materials list, devise a hypothesis/variable, and design an experiment.
- Phase 2 includes conducting the experiment, keeping logs of data, creating graphs/tables, writing the report and the presentation of their project at the KSTM Science Fair on December 15th.
- Phase 2 is more of an independent portion for students to work on a little in class but also outside of class time with assistance from various staff members along the way. Due to the independence needed, the decision for a student to move on to Phase 2 will be a collaborative discussion between staff members, the student, and their parents/guardians.
- We are excited to bring back the school-wide science fair and showcase the awesome scientists in the making that we have here at KSTM.
All KSTM students were given 5 new washable masks this school year. Please make sure your student is wearing a mask to school every day. Masks are also required on school buses.
- If your student does not have their iPad they must check in with the main office to make our building technology support aware.
- If it was left at their elementary school last year, please contact the elementary school to ask that it be sent to KSTM.
- If it was lost or stolen additional information will be provided to parents about the steps that need to be taken.
Pajamas, slippers and blankets are not to be worn at school.
Durags are not allowed to be worn at school.
Bandanas, of any color, are not to be worn at school
Are you signed up for Parent Portal? Sign up today to have access to your student's attendance, grades, and missing assignments.
Email lori.kuhns@ops.org for your Activation Key.
Look for 1st quarter progress reports in the mail mid-September. Utilize parent portal for now to help your student stay up-to-date on their assignments.
Week of Sept 7th - Science testing
Week of Sept 13th - ELA testing
Week of Sept 20th - Math testing
Reminder: Students need to bring their charged iPad everyday.
Students can access NWEA's Student Resource page through the lockdown browser, iPad app, or go directly to the site: https://studentresources.nwea.org. The resource page includes introduction videos, information about available tools, and links to the practice tests.
Attendance Tidbits
- Good attendance means being in school at least 95% of the time... But obviously, 100% of the time is best!
- Addressing chronic absence is a key component of improving graduation rates, increasing academic achievement, and giving young people the best chance at success in their adult life. Want the best chance at success when you are grown up? Attend School! #SchoolMatters
Attendance is being taken in every class, every day, for all students. If your student will be absent, please contact the school's attendance secretary by calling 531-299-2389. If you leave a voicemail, please include your student's name and the reason for the absence.
Did you know KSTM students are earning Class DoJo points in all of their classes?
- Respectful
- Responsible
- Safe
- Engaged