NEES Star News
Sunday, October 13th
Weekly Family Update
Welcome to the North East Star News -Family Edition for North East Elementary. Each Sunday, this email will be delivered to your inbox with information about what is happening at North East. We hope to be able to provide you with important information on a regular basis to help you support your student. Please feel free to email us with any questions!
📆 Our Schedule This Week
Monday, October 14th
Tuesday, October 15th
Wednesday, October 16th
Thursday, October 17th
Friday, October 18th
No School- Professional Day
English Language Arts Update
County Family Resource Center for Special Education
Medicaid Benefits Updates for Children
If your child previously received Medicaid benefits please remember that there is no longer an automatic renewal. You can find more information on how to renew your child’s benefits HERE.
The Office of Multilingual Education
Community School Survey- We need your thoughts!
This Tuesday- North East Store - Place your orders!
Trunk or Treat- Mark Your Calendars
PTO News
Calling all Prek Families
Unity Day- This WEDNESDAY
Coats for Kids Campaign
Next Spirit Day- Friday, October 25th
Red Ribbon Week
This Friday at NEES
This Tuesday
Parenting Workshop- Creating Routines
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