The Weekly Family WAG
September 16-20, 2024
Parent Message
Dear Mountain Families,
We hope you enjoyed the weekend. We have so many fun things ahead. This month in our Around the World Journey we are learning a little bit about the continent of Africa. Ask your child if they learned what is the largest country by size in Africa? Every Wednesday we will try to play music from different areas and give some trivia. Friday the students enjoy music they like since it is Fun Friday.
Some grade levels are on field trips this week. They always offer memorable experiences. We are really excited for the upcoming Fund Run. What a great way to get more funding through exercise. We are so grateful to our families for their ongoing support. We couldn't do it without you! Here is to a great week ahead!
In Partnership,
Megan and the Mountain Support Team
The Week Ahead
M 9/16 Student Council- Art Room 11:00-11:45
T 9/17 Parent Council 3:45-4:45 Board Room
Wv9/18 African Music and Trivia in the Lunch Room
TH 9/19 3rd Grade Field Trip to Farmer’s Market
9:00 am-1:00 pm Employee Council. 3:45-4:45 Board Room
9/20. Mountain Spirit Day Show your pride wear red and black
FUNd Run Friday, Sept 27th INFO.
Pk-K: 9:00-9:30 a.m.
1st-3rd: 9:50-10:30 a.m.
4th-6th:10:40-11:30 a.m.
FYI there will be no lunch served on 9/27. We will not have a lunch hour as usual so please pack a snack for your child. Breakfast will be served before school.
The Mountain Elementary FunD Run is the PTA's biggest fundraiser of the year. It allows us to fund field trips, classroom supplies, school events, and so much more. We are at 16 % of our goal. You can donate to the PTA right now with Apple Pay or a credit card by clicking here: https://give.mybooster.com/mountain-elementary . You can also create a profile to help your student collect donations by visiting https://mybooster.com/v3. This allows family members and friends to donate to our school. If you would like to donate cash or a check, you can drop it off at the school or bring it to the Fund Run on September 27th. We really appreciate all of your support! The top ten students are able to PIE a TEACHER and even PIE the Principal. Many students are excited for this opportunity!
Homecoming Parade- Mountain Lions Needed- “Night, Night, Knights!”
The Mountain PTA will be walking in the homecoming parade (Sept 27th) and you are invited to walk with your child. We will be handing out candy and flyers for our upcoming Halloween carnival. Come dressed in mountain gear or any red shirt. Staging will begin at 130 pm at the Canyon Complex. Look for a mountain pta banner. The parade begin at 2:30pm. We will have have a car. Staging begins are 130, they won’t care in till 130 so you cAN show up between 130 and 230. Hope you join us!
Welcome Educational Assistants
Welcome Amy Ferran, Rene Klocker and Alejandra Salazar who have/are joining our Mountain Staff. We are excited to have them join us.
Safety Update Drop off at 43rd St.
A reminder to you that there is no parking in the yellow painted areas- adults may not leave their car or stop in the crosswalk area. We ask that you park and drop off your kids and cross at the crosswalk. Thanks for your cooperation.
Update from the Lunch Room
Lunch service is going smoother. Yay! Thanks to all the Parent Help, Chartwells and Mountain Staff things are going well. Please take a minute to remind your child to pick up after themselves. This helps our custodial staff. Thank you.
Thank you- Shannon Subasi and Michael Hoodless our LAPS Parent Council reps.
We are so grateful to these parents for helping serve on this important council. Their first meeting is this week at the District Board Room on Tuesday 9/17 3:45-4:45 p.m.
PTA meeting on 9/17 at 7 p.m. Library
You too can be a card carrying member of our PTA. Have a voice in how the money is spent for less than 10$. I joined and got to vote!!! https://mountainpta.memberhub.com/store?limit=21&live=true
Upcoming Dates
T 9/24iStation Level Up Assembly K-5
8:15-8:45 a.m.
W 9/25
2nd grade field trip to Los Luceros
8:45 am - 2:15pm Los Luceros Historic Site
Th 9/26 First Grade Field Trip
8:45 am - 2:15 pm Los Luceros Historic Site
Evacuation Drill
9:30 a.m. Church next door
Fri. 9/27 FundRun 9:00 - 12:00
Homecoming Parade 1:30 come to Canyon Lot to walk with us.
Noon Dismissal- NO LUNCH