VMS ELKS Roundup
September 6, 2024
Thank you for an AWESOME first week.
What a week! We hope this message finds you well. As we wrap up our first week of school at VMS, I wanted to take a moment to share some reflections and updates.
Highlights from the First Week:
Smooth Transitions: We are pleased to report that the transition back to school has been smooth for most students. It has been wonderful seeing the enthusiasm and energy as they adjust to their new routines and classrooms.
Classroom Activities: This week, students engaged in a variety of activities designed to help them get to know their classmates and teachers. They have started to dive into their curriculum and are already showing great curiosity and excitement.
Feedback and Observations: Many students have shared that they enjoyed their first week and are settling in well. If your child has any concerns or if you’ve noticed anything you’d like to discuss, please let us know. We are here to support both students and families.
Upcoming Events: Looking ahead, we have several events and activities planned, including grade-level talks on Monday, September 9th where we go over expectations and rules to ensure the best possible school year.
Continued Communication: We believe in keeping the lines of communication open. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, concerns, or feedback about your child’s experience so far. We are here to work together to ensure a successful year for all students.
Amanda Ohlgren, Principal
VandenBerge Middle School
Direct: (763)241-3443
Extension: 2601
Kelly Fossum, Assistant Principal
VandenBerge Middle School
Direct: (763)241-3444
Extension: 2602
2024-25 Administration and Front Office Support
Front Office Staff
Katelyn Broermann
763.241.3450 ext.2605
Administrative Assistant - Health Office
Linda Hol
763.241.3450 ext.2604
Administrative Assistant
Angela Quiram
763.241.3450 ext.2600
Senior Administrative Assistant
Amanda Ohlgren
Assistant Principal
Kelly Fossum
Front Office Reminders:
Attendance - Please call the attendance line before the start of the school day for each day your student will be out. It is important to give the reason for the absence and the number of days if they will be on vacation. A doctor’s note is highly recommended for all appointments and doctors’ visits. This will ensure the days will not add up towards truancy. Please note, that after your student has been ill for 10 days without a doctor’s note on file, a doctor’s note will be required going forward.
- There are several ways to submit an absence. Call 763-241-3555 before the start of each school day your student will be absent or go to the Parent Portal and submit the absence (preferred method) https://kb.infinitecampus.com/help/absence-request-campus-parent
- Please visit the district website: https://www.isd728.org/families/attendance for more attendance information and as always feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns.
Early Release/Picking up students early - If you need to pick up your child from school early, please call the attendance office or use the online system. Leave the student’s name, the time you are picking them up, and the reason. We will issue them a pass to leave class early. They will meet you in the office. You must come in and sign them out in the main office.
Forgotten Items – Please discuss with your child their responsibility to bring the appropriate books and supplies to school each day (including his/her Chromebook) and allow them to experience the consequences if they do not. When a student has called a parent to bring a forgotten item to school, the student is responsible for picking up the item in the office between classes. The office will not disrupt class to deliver the item.
Picture Makeup Day (NOT RETAKE DAY) - September 25
Our picture makeup day is Wednesday, September 25th during lunches. Picture makeups are for students who did not have their picture taken during Open House. This is NOT our retake day! Picture retakes will take place on Friday, October 11th. ALL students will get their picture taken for school IDs and the yearbook.
Click Kemmetmueller Photography Flyer for Picture Day Information
ERHS Football Game Reminders
We continue to modify our practices at events to ensure safe and welcoming environments for both learning and activities.
- At ISD 728 football games, our young fans - from elementary through middle school, will not be allowed to attend without a parent, guardian or supervising adult in attendance.
- Additionally, and as a reminder, once a spectator has left the stadium, they will not be allowed to re-enter.
- ISD 728 also will not allow: bags, balls, outside beverages, pets, props, face paint, signs, flags, or other items that may create a disruption during the game.
- Please note - due to liability, we will no longer be storing student bags at football games. Students must make plans to store their bags elsewhere prior to the game.
Thanks for your support.
Drop Off/Pick Up Procedure
To keep traffic flowing and expedite drop off and pick up wait times, please enter the VMS parking lot from School Street. Do NOT enter from Proctor Avenue.
The reason for this is twofold:
If you enter from Proctor Avenue, you will have to circle into traffic entering the correct direction and it will back things up.
We have specialized transportation that enters from Proctor Avenue. They need to get in and out of the parking lot quickly.
A couple more reminders:
Keep moving forward as far as you can when dropping off. This helps keep traffic flowing.
Do not drop students off in the lot or drive through lanes. We want to avoid students crossing between cars.
Click HERE to view a map of the VMS parking lot
VandenBerge Volunteer Opportunities
We encourage parent involvement in our school community. If you're interested in volunteering for various events and activities throughout the year, please email our Parent Liaison, Sarah Holmgren at sarah.holmgren@isd728.org.
You're Not Alone
We are excited to welcome back Jody and her dog, Basil, this school year! Basil is a therapy dog from the “You’re Not Alone” program. who visits VandenBerge weekly to support students and staff throughout the school year, most commonly in group settings. Being a therapy dog, Basil is certified, registered and has completed obedience training. Students will be able to sign up to see Basil and participate in groups during their lunch time. More details to sign up will be sent out to students soon.
Water Bottle Request
As you are busy getting ready for another school year, please note that we are requesting any water bottle sent to school be of the type that firmly seals (Stanley cups that do not seal should remain at home). We have seen an increase in damage to books, computers and materials because of these types of water bottles. We are also requesting that all water bottles that have the spray sport feature be left at home (ex. Gatorade bottles). This type of water bottle is not best suited for the school setting. Thank you for your continued support. Any questions, please call or email amanda.ohlgren@isd728.org
Cell Phones
Students are NOT permitted to use their cell phones and wireless headphones during academic time. Please see cell phone expectations.
All students will get one free breakfast and one free lunch per day for the 2024-2025 school year. Even though one breakfast and one lunch will be free, students will still need money in their lunch account if they want to have “seconds” or a la carte items. You can deposit money in your child's lunch account through Campus Parent Portal or with cash in the cafeteria (we do NOT accept checks).
Students will use their student IDs with a scannable BARCODE every time they go through the cafeteria line (for free breakfasts/lunches and a la carte purchases). Students will receive their student ID in their homeroom class on the first day of school. Students will also place a barcode in their planners they can use in addition to their ID’s.
MN Department of Revenue
Minnesota has two tax relief programs for families with children in kindergarten through grade 12: the K-12 Education Subtraction, and the K-12 Education Credit. Both programs help lower taxes and may provide a larger refund.
Please visit the Minnesota Department of Revenue’s K-12 Promotional Materials Toolkit for resources for sharing this information with families in your school communities.
Important Dates
September 25 - Picture MAKEUP Day
September 16-20 - ERHS Homecoming Week
October 10 - Conferences from 4:00-7:00pm
October 11 - Picture RETAKE Day
October 15 - Conferences from 4:00-7:00pm
October 16 - No School - Conferences (ADD TIME)
October 17-18 - No School - Teacher Convention