Explorer Academy Newsletter
November Edition
Important Dates
November 1st - 22nd - Helpline Thankgiving Food Drive
November 11th - NO SCHOOL
November 12th - Picture Retakes 8am-11:30am
November 27th - 1/2 day for students
November 28th & 29th - NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break
December 1st - 2025-26 FAFSA/WASFA applications will open
December 20th- HALF DAY for students
December 23rd - January 3rd - NO SCHOOL -Winter Break
January 6th - Welcome back from winter break
January 20th - NO SCHOOL - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 24th - NO SCHOOL - Last day of 2nd Semester
January 27 - First day of 2nd semester
February 17th - 21st - NO SCHOOL - Mid- Winter Break
March 7th - HALF day for students
April 14th - 18th - NO SCHOOL - Spring Break
May 26th - NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day
June 6th - Graduation Day at SKHS auditorium @ 5:30PM
June 6th - Senior Parade Downtown Port Orchard @ 7:00PM
Impact Aid Survey
Dear Parent and or Guardian:
We are requesting your assistance in identifying federally connected students for our Impact Aid federal grant program. The South Kitsap School District’s operating budget is largely financed through state and local taxes; however, military bases and other federal properties are exempt from some local and state taxes. As a result, our school district does not receive all of the operating revenues that would normally be generated through the collection of these taxes.
The Impact Aid federal grant program provides funds to local school districts financially impacted by federal activities. These funds provide critical support to our students.
The survey to support our request for Impact Aid funds, is being conducted electronically through our Skyward Student System, family access and will be open October 1, 2024. Please take a moment and complete the survey. If you are not a federally connected family, there is an option to choose NO, please take the time to complete the survey, even if you are not connected. Participation is critical in the success of our survey.
The information you provide will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. If you need additional information, please contact Landa Fuchs at (360) 874-7013 or email fuchs@skschools.org
Your assistance in the Impact Aid program survey is greatly appreciated by South Kitsap School District and our students. We thank you for your continued support!
Attachment below will give you step by step instructions on how to complete the impact aid form. I also added an attachment on frequently asked questions.
We appreciate your cooperation on completeing the impact aid form.
Family benefit application
It's more than just a meal application!
Every family should apply.
Completing the annual application for school benefits can help the district secure additional funding to support students and connect them with discounted fees and community support resources.
- Free and Reduced Meals
- Family Connections/Human Services Centers
- Fee Waiver Program
- ASB & Club Membership Dues
- Athletic Fees
- Course Fees & Supplies
- AP Test Fees
- Transportation Costs For Clubs
- Field Trips
- Backpack Meals
- Gate Entrance Fees
- 24/7 Crisis Support Line
- No-Cost Health Care Access
- SKSD Clothing Closet
Here is the link to the family benefit application https://linqconnect.com/public/meal-application/new
When you apply please make sure if you want other benefits besides free and reduced meals you will need to go into skyward and complete the 2025 Eligibility Status Release of Information and 2025 Annual Acknowledgement. That allows the systems to speak to each other when it comes to other benefits, as listed above.
Helpline Thanksgiving Food Drive
Please bring items to the office. We appreciate your donations.
Breakfast option for morning students
We will be offering breakfast for students who are here in the mornings, from 7:30am-9:00am. Please reach out to the office if you would like to be signed up. Breakfast will be charged to students account, you may put money on students account. Please fill out Family Benefit form if you have not done so yet, you may qualify for free and reduced meals. Here is the link to apply or put money on students meal account, https://www.skschools.org/departments/food-and-nutrition-services.
Parking Lot Safety
For everyones safety, please be extra mindful when driving through our small parking lot. Remeber that students will be getting in and out of cars, so be cautious and drive slowly. We ask that you follow all parking signs and guidelines to help ensure the safety of all our students. Thank you for your cooperation and for helping us keep our parking lot safe place for everyone!
What does "doing school at Explorer" mean?💻
Advisory is a mandatory one hour a week on campus class. For high school students each semester you can earn credit. What do you need to do to earn it? Attend class every week, actively participate, and complete XELLO requirements.
What to do if you are sick and can't make it to school?
- Parent/ guardian contact academic advisor via phone call/email/parent square.
- Email/parent square your advisor and share where you are with your classes (ontrack, behind, grades) and your plan for work this week and where you are with your XELLO.
- Go to your advisory google classroom for advisory slides & complete any action items and mark as done.
- Email/parentsquare any on campus teachers to find out what you missed.
Weekly requirements
- Your are logging into Pearson EVERYDAY (elementary K-12) and keeping current withn your expected progress (folling the online caendar) and submitting completed work when due.
On Campus
- You are expected (and required) to attend and participate in your on campus classes (advisory, math, senior english) every class period. Three consecutive unexcussed absences is considered truant
Advisor Check in
- Every week you are required to check in withn your advisor on progress made during the week.
Monthly Check in
- Each month you and your parent will meet with your advisor and look over your progress for the month.
How to reach us!
Main office # - 360-443-3605
Paul Hulbert - Principal - hulbert@skschools.org
Michele Williams - Office Coordinator - williamsm@skschools.org
Daisy Nguyen - Office Coordinator Assistant - nguyenc@skschools.org
Dena Gugliemo-Otwell - Office Assistant - guglielm@skschools.org
Kathy Hamill - Counselor - hamill@skschools.org
Jodi Freeman - Nurse - freemanjo@skschools.org
Anna Wilson - Paraeducator - wilsona@skschools.org
Jeff Bruce - bruce@skschools.org
Shari Carragher - carragher@skschools.org
Stephanie Combs - combs@skschools.org
Eric Delacorte - delacorte@skschools.org
Valencia Hayes Weik - hayes@skschools.org
Debra Hellen - hellen@skschools.org
Teri Holtcamp - holtcamp@skschools.org
Victoria Kelley - kelley@skschools.org
Lauren Kluver - kluver@skschools.org
Amber Moon-Turner - moonturner@skschools.org
Lora-Jean Piper - piper@skschools.org