Rāmere Friday 18th of Piriri June (Term 2: Week 7 of 10)
Our Tumuaki Principal
Kia ora koutou.
From the Principal's desk:
- Poetry Anthology Book: This week I had a lot of fun putting together Term Two's Principals Challenge which was a poetry anthology book made up of poems and illustrations from children, teachers, parents and community members. All up we have made a 20-page book made up of 25 poetry contributions supported by 21 illustrations. I must admit I got quite into it and some other tasks crept up on me. Orders are open. Click this link to put your order in by Friday 25th June. Orders have come in already through our Facebook page which is very exciting for the poets and illustrators to know there is already a demand for their work. It is a bespoke book printed specifically for us. Here's the list of poets and illustrators.
- Lucy Smyth (illustrator - front cover)
- Aria Power (poet and illustrator)
- Hudson Latta (poet)
- Wylie Clarke (poet and illustrator)
- Miss Kim Nicol (poet)
- Ella Davey (illustrator)
- Anna Versteynen (poet and illustrator)
- Piper Muir (poet and illustrator)
- Mel McKenzie (poet)
- Taite Clarke (poet)
- Harry Smyth (illustrator)
- Isla Hodges (poet)
- Mya McKelvie (poet and illustrator)
- McKenna Clarke (poet and illustrator)
- Aubrey Maxwell (poet)
- Lauren McKenzie (poet)
- Halle Barrett (illustrator)
- Simone Cupido (illustrator)
- Coby Power (poet and illustrator)
- Natalie McKenzie (poet)
- Kadence Hunter (poet)
- Eva Chapman (poet and illustrator)
- Fillan Bajo (poet and illustrator)
- Caitlyn Wallis (poet)
- Nadine Abella (poet and illustrator)
- Mrs Jenny Coyle (poet)
- Zoe Muir (poet)
- Lila Cabrera (illustrator)
- Isa Wigchers van Boheemen (poet)
- Jacob Smyth (illustrator)
- Angela Gibbs (poet and illustrator)
- Mr McKenzie (poet)
- Charlie Frantz (illustrator)
- Jack Chapman (illustrator)
- Seesaw: A big thank you to parents who are visiting their child's Seesaw page and writing positive and encouraging comments. It spurs children on. Remember you can connect grandparents to your child's Seesaw page. This maximises the power of positive encouragement and love that your child experiences. It gives a real sense of support and belonging to them. If you need the QR code to do this contact your child's teacher.
- Pick Up and Drop Offs: 8.30 am - 8.50 am and 3.00 pm - 3.20 pm are very busy times along the front of our school especially on wet days. Therefore, we encourage all pick-up and drop-offs to be on the school side of the road. This is safer and avoids the spontaneity that can occur when children are focused on one thing and forget to check the road.
- Mid Year Reporting: Our mid-year interviews, where you will receive and talk about your child's report, are coming up in Week Nine (28th June - 2nd July). We encourage all children to attend with you and this year you are welcome to bring along a whanau support person. This person will be another significant adult (e.g. grandma, grandad, aunty, uncle, older brother, older sister) who has a positive and loving support based relationship with your child. Learning is a whanau experience.
- Union Meeting Friday 25th June: This coming Friday afternoon there is a union meeting for teaching staff. The effect of this is that we would encourage children to be picked up from school from 12.30 pm. Please let the office know if your child is staying right through to 3.00 pm so we know who to provide supervision for.
Thank Yous - Team Edendale
- Caci Mineur: We have Caci with us this year. It is her first year of teaching and it is wonderful to see her learning so much and growing each day. She has a lovely class of children and presents her room so well. We enjoy her positivity, can-do attitude and commitment to our school.
- Hayley Clarke: As part of Caci's induction into teaching, she has a mentor teacher who is Hayley Clarke. Hayley meets regularly with Caci for guidance and support. This is important to us as a school as it ensures the best possible induction to our school and to teaching as a profession as we can possibly make. It is great to have an experienced teacher like Hayley supporting those beginning their professional journey.
Ka kite
David McKenzie
Our Events Coming Up
Week Eight (of 10)
- Tuesday 22nd June - BOT General Meeting, 6.00pm, school staffroom
- Wednesday 23rd June - Toi Maori and Kapa Haka (Y4 - 6)
- Thursday 24th June - Matariki Whanau Day
- Friday 25th June - Union Meeting (Children can be picked up from 12.30pm)
- Saturday 26th June - Jump Jam Competition
Week Nine (of 10)
- Monday 28th June - Edendale's Got Talent; Mid Year Interviews with Reports
- Tuesday 29th June - Edendale's Got Talent; Mid Year Interviews with Reports
- Wednesday 30th June - Edendale's Got Talent; Mid Year Interviews with Reports
- Thursday 1st July - Edendale's Got Talent; Mid Year Interviews with Reports
- Friday 2nd July - Edendale's Got Talent; Mid Year Interviews with Reports
Week Ten (of 10)
- Tuesday 6th July - Sports Activator
- Wednesday 7th July - BOT Strategic Planning Day
- Friday 9th July - Senior Remarkables Ski Trip
- Friday 9th July - Last day of Term Two
Our Kaitiaki Board of Trustees
Out of Zone Enrolments - Term Two and Term Three
Enrolment at Edendale Primary School is governed by an enrolment scheme.
The Board has 20 places available for out of zone students for the 2021 school year. The exact number of places is subject to the number of eligible in-zone enrolments received.
We have two advertised enrolment periods.
The second half of Term Two 2021 from June 9th to July 9th 2021: Out of zone students seeking enrolment within this enrolment period, the deadline for receipt of applications is Monday 28th June.
Term Three Monday 26th July to Friday 1st October: Out of zone students seeking enrolment within this enrolment period, the deadline for receipt of applications is Monday 26th July.
Information and application forms can be picked up at the school office and are also available on our website
If the number of out of zone applications exceeds the number of places available, students will be selected by ballot. If a ballot for out of zone places is required, it will be held on the following Monday from the deadline dates.
Parents will be informed of the outcome of the ballot as early as possible (and within three school days of the ballot being held).
Strategic Survey - Whanau Consultation
The BOT is undertaking its annual strategic review. We would love your feedback and feedforward.
Here's the link to a four-question open-ended survey.
Responses would be appreciated by next week being Friday 25th of June.
General Meeting - Meeting 4 of 8 for 2021
The next BOT general meeting is Tuesday 22nd June starting at 6.00pm in the school staffroom. All material including the agenda has been distributed.
Our Home and School
Home and School Fundraiser - Winter Wood
The Home and School has cut 50 cubic metres of old man pine. This is $70 per cubic metre.
If you want to put an order in please contact Hamish Blackmore 027 636 0421.
Our Kura News and Information
Matariki - 2021
On Thursday the 24th of June, we are going to celebrate Matariki. As part of this, we will provide for the children and any whanau who would like to come along, with a sausage sizzle. No orders need to be taken as we will purchase the sausages and provide them free to the children. They are still welcome to bring their own lunch if they like, this will be an added extra for them.
We need a number of parents to help with cooking the sausages and getting them out to the children. If you could be here are 12 pm to set up and cook for a 1.00 pm eat. Please let the office know if you can help (03 206 6959)
After that, the children will move into their whanau groups and do an activity relating to Matariki. Parents and whanau are welcome to be part of this as well.
We will finish with a Celebration Time at 2.30 pm.
Senior Whanau Clubs - Can You Help?
We'd love to have some interested community members join us for Senior Whanau Clubs.
Are you crafty and can work with children, spanning eight lunchtimes (two lots of four weeks one in Term Two and one in Term Three) in the winter months, 30 minutes each time?
Please contact the office
Interviews and Reports - Week Nine of Term Two
From Monday 28th June to Friday 2nd July we are holding our Mid Year Interviews.
At these interviews, you receive and discuss your child's first half of the year report.
The interviews are for 15 minutes and we encourage the children to attend as the learning is a three-way partnership - school, home, child / kura, whanau, tamariki.
You are also welcome to bring a whanau support person with you as there may be people in your child's life who have a lot of input that would be valuable partners in the formal learning from school.
The link is: School Interview with Report Link
The Event Code is: hyqsg
Our Team for this Week - Team Weka
Wow we are in Week 7 already!
What a fun term we are having! We had Elgrego the magician here teaching us about core values.
We all had a great afternoon down at the Lower Mataura Valley Zone Cross Country where we saw lots of smiley faces coming over the finish line.
Team Weka have been lucky to have had the Sports Activator twice this term teaching us basketball and rugby ball skills and Emma from Sports Southland teaching us co-operative team games.
For DRIVE we are learning about how the early Maori people lived and how they came to New Zealand.
In Week 4 of this term, all the children presented their speeches to the class which were great to listen to. Ka pai!
We have nearly done two terms of PRIME Maths which the children are enjoying having their own workbook to work through.
In art, we have created kowhaiwhai patterns and produced some spectacular koru art.
Team Weka continues to be a class of authors! They are very capable and enthusiastic writers.
We are looking forward to meeting with all the whanau of our students at our interviews coming up in Week 9. Please make sure you book your interview time.
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) - Term Two Haepapa Responsibility
When we come from so many different families our values draw us together as one big school whanau.
We show haepapa responsibility when we...
Are ready for our learning
Work right through from start to finish.
Care for people, property and places.
Look after our belongings.
Involve ourselves in our school whanau community.
Every time these are shown they make our school a great place to be for children and adults.
Term One - Manaakitanga Respect
Term Three - Tohungatanga Excellence
Term Four - Ponotanga Integrity
Principal's Values Award
This week the Principal Tumuaki would like to acknowledge Penny Blackmore for being a contributor of values to our school.
Most Valuable Pupil: Team Kereru
The Team Kereru MVP for showing the school value of Haepapa - Responsibility is Jack Chapman.
Jack is a quiet, caring young man with a keen sense of humour and a love of cars and trucks.
Jack starts his school day by getting out his Home Partnership Book to show that he has done his homework the night before. He diligently completes his homework every week. Jack makes sure he has everything ready to start learning for the day.
During the day, Jack works hard to stay on task and complete his mahi (work) to the best of his ability. He listens carefully to instructions, he listens to feedback and he will go back and work to fix something if it is not correct.
Jack is mindful of those around him and works quietly to complete his tasks, asking questions if he is unsure of anything.
Jack shows responsibility by looking after his own property as well as that of others and our school. He always helps to keep our classroom tidy and does his class job well.
Jack, we are lucky to have a wonderful young man like you in our team.
Ka rawe!
Most Valuable Pupil: Team Kiwi
Team Kiwi’s MVP for Haepapa Responsibility is Kyra Cripps.
Kyra is a polite and friendly young lady who comes to school with a big bright smile on her face.
Kyra makes sure that she is ready for a day of learning by unpacking her bag, getting her books and learning tools out.
Kyra is a super duper learner who tries her best in her school work and completes tasks to a high standard.
Kyra demonstrates responsibility by always doing her Learning Partnership homework and returning her reading book each day.
Kyra is a responsible and active learner, she listens, joins in and asks questions if she is unsure of something.
Kyra takes care of our class equipment and uses things with respect. During tidy up time Kyra can often be spotted helping others tidy their space.
Kyra, you are a great role model and we are privileged to have you in Team Kiwi. Keep being your bright bubbly self, ka pai!
Most Valuable Pupil: Team Pukeko
Briar McKenzie is a wonderful role-model of Haepapa - Responsibility for the Year Threes of Team Pukeko.
Briar quickly settled into life at Edendale Primary at the start of this year, and she had no trouble with demonstrating our school values as they are already all very strongly developed within her character.
Briar is a responsible learner who consistently shows self-control with her behaviour, actions and words; I can rely on Briar to be doing the right thing, at the right time and in the right place, without needing reminders.
Briar follows instructions quickly, completes her tasks well from start to finish, and she is responsible with carrying out her class duties. She is always ready for her learning tasks, with the right tools, and she looks after her belongings carefully.
You are a fantastic member of our team, Briar! Thank you for being a caring, considerate friend and a reliable, hard-working class-mate!
Writer of the Week - Madden McKelvie
It would have a big mouth.
It would have huge eyes and super sharp claws.
Community Notices
Our Contact Information
Location: Edendale Primary School, 24 Salford Street, Edendale 9825, New Zealand
Phone: 03 206 6959
Twitter: @EdendaleSchool