Raider Nation Newsletter
Week of June 13, 2022 (Last Week of School)
End of the School Year!
Dear Atholton Families,
It is hard to believe that we have reached the last Sunday newsletter of the 2021 - 2022 school year. It seems only yesterday that we were nervous and anxious about returning to school full-time. We have navigated mask mandates, Covid-19 surges, and become quite adept at taking Covid-19 home tests. Our attempts to provide some sense of stability and normalcy for our students were a top priority. Thank you to the entire Atholton community – staff, parents, and students for making this past year a success. As a result, my heart is glad, grateful, and full as we officially close this school year and head into summer.
Please be aware of our schedule this week (see below). Final exams begin Tuesday, June 14 which is a full day of school. Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are 3hr early dismissal days. School will end at 11:10 am.
The end of a school year always brings change. Whether moving to another state or retiring, it is a time to say goodbye to some members of our family:
Ms. Lynette Burns, Gifted and Talented Education
Ms. Jean Fregeau, Career, Technology Education (PLTW)
Dr. Donna Elshaefi, Mathematics
Ms. Michelle Howard, Career Research Development
Mr. Jimmie Mowder, Science
Mr. Neil Steen, Mathematics
Sgt. Marianne Johnson, JROTC
Ms. Sandra Eggerl, School Nurse
Ms. Nancy Beneski, Guidance Secretary
Ms. Nina Dix, Data Clerk
Farwells (moving to other schools or other occupations):
Ms. Emily Dalton, English
Ms. Beth Annett, Science Assistant
Ms. Gabriela Joseph, Spanish
Mr. Christopher McKibben, Career Research Development
Ms. Amber Barker, Science
We wish everyone a successful transition to their new stations in life and thank them for their service to the Atholton community.
As we prepare for the next school year, we were excited to welcome our incoming 8th-grade students last Thursday. There was excitement in the building as the incoming students had the opportunity to learn about their new school and all of the clubs, sports, and activities available to them. I am excited to have them join Raider Nation!
Finally, whether you are traveling this summer or spending time at home, I wish everyone good health, some relaxation, and memorable moments with family and friends.
See you in August!
FYI – Back To School Night is September 1, 2022, @ 6:30 pm. Mark your calendars.
Warmest regards,
Robert A. Motley
Student Services Caseloads for 22-23. All counselors will have 9th - 12th graders.
Mr. Cohen -- Last Name A-C
Ms. Meledick -- Last Name D-Hn
Ms. Clearfield -- Last Name Ho-Md
Ms. Wright -- Last Name Me-Sb
Ms. Wade -- Last Name Sc-Z
June 14 - June 17 End of School Year Exam Schedule
Mark Your Calendar
June 15 -- 3-hour Early Dismissal
June 16 -- 3-hour Early Dismissal
June 17 -- 3-hour Early Dismissal (LAST DAY OF SCHOOL)
August 29 -- First Day of School for Students
September 1 -- Back To School Night @ 6:30 pm
Atholton High School
Click Below for Boosters' Organization News
Email: Robert_Motley@hcpss.org
Website: www.ahs.hcpss.org
Location: 6520 Freetown Road, Columbia, MD, USA
Phone: (410) 313-7065