Falcon Flyer
Belong. Inspire. Grow.
Straight from the Hardt
Hello Ridgeline Families-- Welcome to our final Friday of the year. This will also be our last full Falcon Flyer. Next Friday you may receive one more final newsletter that would include any other information or tid-bits we may have missed today. Keep an eye out.
We did it! The culminating high school event with the graduation of the class of ’24 last Saturday. It was a very nice ceremony with great music from our band and choir. Some thoughtful speeches from our senior speakers, and lots of smiling faces as each senior took their walk across the stage! It takes a lot of hands-on-deck to pull this off. Our staff team and the ceremony were organized by Ridgeline teacher, Mrs. Kacie Hoard. Big thanks to her for all the hard work and detail involved.
Another key individual in getting many students to the stage in the first place, is senior counselor, Mrs. Megan McMurtrey. And, we certainly want to recognize all senior teachers for going the extra mile this year to support our seniors! We also recognize all the sacrifices parents make during their child’s high school years, and we hope you all enjoyed a special time, as you prepare for life to be a little different going forward.
It gives me perspective and joy when I also get to talk with our incoming freshman during their 8th grade promotion nights. It also makes me feel nostalgic and sentimental looking at their young faces and knowing how much life they will experience through their next four years of high school. If you had it to do over again…would you? I have many stories to share with parents who feel like their child is never going to grow up and at times things can seem overwhelming. Then more often than not, a change does occur where maturity and some new challenges start to shape a 13 year-old who doesn’t seem to get it, into an 18 year-old who is settled in and preparing for their future. There may be still many years after high school when they argue with mom and dad—who couldn’t possibly know what they’re talking about! Sometimes you just have to figure it out on your own as experience is still one of the best teachers!
In today’s Flyer we have a few more highlights from the final week, including field day and our spirit assembly! We also have other upcoming dates and events looking ahead to summer and getting ready for fall, including the important Freshman Orientation night. I also want to draw your attention to the section about cell phone use in school for the coming year. We’re going to align our building expectations closer to the current district policy of no cell phones. We believe we should do more to protect the instructional time and also protect our students from excessive screen use, distractions, and communications that lead to negative experiences.
Like all good things, at some point they come to an end! We have a belief in the power of “moments” and the importance of beginnings and endings. I think about working a job you don’t like or a relationship that doesn’t work out, unfortunately some things in life don’t end well. At Ridgeline we value ending just as strong as we begin! Sure, I’m not a fan of the half day on Monday, but, as the expression goes…we’re going to make some lemonade out of them lemons! Our celebratory ending is a time of joy and reflection, gathering as a school community. We will parade through the campus and into the stadium. There, we’ll gather, as one, on the field and after a few special messages, we’ll count down the final seconds of the school year together! We’ll end this year with enthusiasm and inspiration for the coming year!
Make it a great summer! --Mr. Hardt
Student Services
Admission Tips for Aspiring Huskies
Again this summer, the University of Washington will host Washington Wednesdays throughout the summer to help answer questions students who intend to apply may have about the admission and financial aid processes. These opportunities are designed to be both in-person and virtual. For more information, please access this link!
Summer 2024 CVVL High School Registration is now OPEN.
Registration Link: CVVL HS 2024 Summer School Registration Link
CVVL HS SUMMER Course Information
- CVVL summer school is for credit advancement. If you failed a course and need to make up credits, please wait for information regarding credit retrieval summer school.
- You may register for only ONE summer school course.
Grads- Back Up Your Google 356 Account before June 17th!
Grads- Back Up Your Google 356 Account before June 17th! Save any work you want to keep on a thumb drive OR follow the instructions below!
Backing up your CVSD356 Google account with Takeout.Google.com
- Log in to your Chromebook or a Chrome browser with your CVSD356 account. Open up Chrome and go to takeout.google.com
- This page greets us. You can leave everything checked (the default) and scroll to the bottom. Not all the Google account features are used by CVSD356 accounts, but that’s fine.
- At the bottom of the page, click Next Step
- In part two, leave the options at their default. This will create a zip file that has all the contents of your CVSD356 account. Click Create export
- This part may take a while, depending on how many files you have. Once it is done, you can click on Download to save the zip file to your Chromebook or computer
- Now that your files are saved, you can transfer it a USB thumb drive using the Files application -or you can email it to a non-district email by attaching it in Gmail. Keep in mind if you have many large files, the attachment may be too big for email servers to handle. NOTES: These instructions are for a Chromebook, but this can be done on any PC with the Chrome browser and access to the CVSD356 account After you export your Google files, an email is sent to your CVSD356.org email. You can download the zip file by accessing this email on another device as long as the CVSD356 account still exists.
Foreign Exchange Opportunities!
Have you or your student ever wondered what it might be like for your student to experience high school in a foreign country? If so, Rotary District 5080 right here in Spokane offers a variety of options, as well as scholarships to help defray the out-of-pocket costs! Click this link to learn more.
Senior News: Class of 2025
RHS Senior All-Nighter 2025 : Important Information!!
🤍Class of 2025 🤍
The $125 package will include a ticket to the 2025 Senior Grad Night Party, a Class of 2025 Yard Sign and a FREE personalized parking spot. Parking spots will be ready to go on the first day of school. We will sell tickets through June 30th.
Click here to purchase: https://swipesimple.com/links/lnk_e54f6c68
Please direct all questions to: rhsfalconboosters@gmail.com
Last day of school bell schedule- June 17th
2024-2025 FBLA Officers
What an incredible way to wrap up the year! Our Ridgeline FBLA (Future Business Leaders) Chapter had an absolute blast at our End of Year celebration meeting on Wednesday, June 12th. We proudly announce that we have officially been recognized as a 2024 GOLD Champion Chapter by National FBLA for our chapter development and membership strategy. This was a goal we had for this year and we made it! Congrats Ridgeline FBLA!
We thanked our outgoing officers by honoring them with their official FBLA pins: We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our outgoing officers for their exceptional leadership and commitment. Your efforts have made this year truly memorable and successful. Thank you, Maddy, Teigan, Sydney, Ethan, and Kaila.
We announced our newly elected 2024-25-chapter officers: They are ready to take the helm and lead us into an even brighter future. We will kick off their summer with a Chapter Officer Leadership Retreat next Tuesday, June 18th.
Congratulations to our new Ridgeline FBLA Chapter Officer Team!
Sydney Barrie, Executive President
Kaila Zener, Executive Vice President
Ethan Rumpler, Vice President of Membership and Correspondence
Karsen McFerrin, Chair of Marketing and Promotions
Nivaaj Dhillon, Chair of Finance
Edward Stepchin, Chair of Competitive Events
Mateu Peneluppi, Chair of Business Partnerships
We gave out awards certificates: A massive shoutout to all our members who competed at the regional and state levels this year. Your hard work and dedication paid off, and it was an honor to hand out certificates recognizing your outstanding achievements. Keep shining!
We also welcomed future leaders: We were thrilled to welcome guests who are interested in joining our chapter next year! It was great to see so many enthusiastic faces ready to dive into the world of business leadership.
THANK YOU to everyone who made this year so special. We can’t wait to see what amazing things next year holds for Ridgeline High School FBLA!
Mrs. Foster's Food Production Class
A couple of candid shots of kids being awesome on the last day of cooking!🍳 🥘
Advanced Food Production
Food Truck Frenzy winners in Advanced Food Production! Congrats!
Co-Ed Volleyball tournament
We were small but mighty this year for our 3rd annual Co-Ed Volleyball tournament with 5 teams competing! All 5 teams were ready to "full send" and compete against each other for the 2024 Co-Ed Volleyball Champs title. There was fun had by all but at the end of the day the two teams that made it to the finals were CPA and Bounce That. In a close final match BOUNCE THAT was our tournament champions! Congratulations to all teams and a special shout out to Bounce That as our 2024 Co-Ed volleyball team CHAMPIONS!
Graduation 2024
Congratulations to the Class of 2024! It was an amazing day celebrating our second graduating class. We know these students will be doing amazing things and are so proud to have been a part of their journey! Once a Falcon, always a Falcon!
Congratulations to 3 Sport Athletes
Help us congratulate our 3 Sport Athlete Patch recipients for the year! These athletes have committed their time and energy to three sports/activities over the year which is a tremendous achievement. Thank you for all your hard work!
Congratulations to the newest members of the 3 Varsity Athlete club. Students who letter in three sports in a single year are recognized with a Falcon patch.
Brenna Abrahamsen
Ruby Bryntesen
Nicolas Cisneros
Landon Garner
Zachary Lytle
Breelyn Tomany
First Year Recipient - Brenna Abrahamsen, Ruby Bryntesen, Nico Cisneros, Landon Garner, Zach Lytle, Breelyn Tomany
Second Year Recipient - Mackenzie Sternod, Olivia Warrick
Third Year Recipient - Easton Amend
Falcon Artwork in our Community
Falcon Artwork in our Community!
We are so proud of our Falcon artists for truly making Liberty Lake a more beautiful place! Our artists have worked hard on multiple community projects, and we are so proud of them for using their skill, talent, and hard work to invest in the place they live. Mother Teresa said, “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” Our artists are certainly making some ripples through Liberty Lake!
Liberty Lake Library
Check out our Liberty Lake Library this summer and see our “adventure” themed artwork that students created to support their summer reading program. Persais Triplett, Mia Moen, Sarah Massey, Jessalyn Thongdy-Sihabout, Bree Calvo, Matthew Oliver, Audrey White, Scarlet Lambert, Isabelle Stickney, Berlin Greer, and Alma McDonald all contributed beautiful pieces that will be on display through the summer. While you’re there admiring the artwork, grab a book to enjoy in the sunshine!
Trailhead Gallery
We will soon have our own Ridgeline gallery wall at the city’s Trailhead building! The city of Liberty Lake sought out our Falcon artists and commissioned them to create pieces highlighting the beauty of the Pacific Northwest. Six of our drawing and painting students will be featured on the inaugural gallery wall: Savannah Woodruff, Matt Jarvis, Makayla Clark, London Jeffries, Jack Ross, and Vi Quach. Great job on all your hard work artists!
Liberty Lake Parks and Farmers’ Market
As you’re out enjoying our parks and Farmers’ market this summer, take some time to look around. Our artists painted garbage cans that will be used to keep our community clean AND beautiful! These students were busy studying for finals, but they were willing to juggle everything they had on their plates to make this last-minute community service project happen. What they were able to do in just a week was incredible! Great job Xian Au, Bree-Anny Calvo, Jessalyn Thondgdy-Sihabout, Scarlett Lambert, Izzy Olsen, Henley Porter, and Alysse Phelps!
Welcome 2024-2025 DECA Officers
This past week DECA Celebrated the end of the year highlighting achievements and saying thank you to outgoing officers, while welcoming the new!.
Thank you to Sydney Glascock, Maddison Stirtz and Kate Mulligan for your service this past year. We will miss your leadership!
Congratulations to our 2024-25 Officer Team!
Grace Sheppard- Chapter Officer
Marco Lopez- Chapter Vice President
Lilly Pederson- V.P. of Competitive Events and Business Partnerships
Brooklyn Hansen: V.P. of Hospitality
Owen Packebush: V.P. of Finance
Sylvie Carver: V.P of Membership and Correspondence
Karsen McFerrin: V.P. of Marketing
Outstanding New Members: Karsen McFerrin & Sloane Barerra
Outstanding DECA Store Members: McKinley Bell & Kate Mulligan
So excited to see what this amazing team accomplishes this next school year!!
Congratulations to our 2023-2024 PACE Student of the Year
Youth Leadership Spokane- class of 2024
Congratulations to Grant Brito, Nick Goode, Maddie Hutlyer, and Hailey Stroh - Ridgeline’s newest graduates of Youth Leadership Spokane's Class of 2024! Thank you for representing Ridgeline High School in YLS. We look forward to the many contributions you will make as servant leaders in your schools and in your communities!! Go, Falcons!
Food Trucks
Fun Fusion: Business & Marketing Meets Graphic Arts for Food Truck Fun
In an exciting collaboration, students from the Introduction to Business & Marketing class partnered with Graphic Arts I students to bring a unique food truck concept to life. Marketing students conducted market research to develop the truck's concept, while Graphic Arts students conducted client interviews with the marketing students to determine how to best design the truck’s brand logo and overall look using their technical skills in Adobe Illustrator to create what their clients hoped their food truck models would become.
The project expanded to include marketing materials like flyers and social media posts, as well as strategic partnerships with local businesses. The culmination of their efforts was a showcase event where students also served menu items from their truck with an impressive trade show-like atmosphere.
Thank you to the administrative team and office staff for their support in voting on the best truck design and overall concept. It was a memorable way to end the academic year, filled with creativity, collaboration, and delicious food! Great work, Falcon Marketing and Graphic Arts students!
Field Day 2024
We had an amazing time at our 3rd annual Field Day. Our cheerleaders, dancers, band and Unified athletes made our culminating assembly the best one we have had yet! Our incoming ASB officers got their feet wet leading the assembly and we are so excited to see what they will bring next year!
2024-2025 Cell Phone Update
Dear Parents/Guardians,
As we approach the end of the current school year, we want to thank you for your continuous support. Reflecting on this year’s achievements and challenges, we look forward to the 24-25 school year with renewed focus. One key area we are focusing on is the responsible use of technology, particularly cell phones and personal devices. In alignment with the CVSD Cell Phone Policy, Ridgeline High School has established guidelines to ensure that students can maximize their learning potential while minimizing distractions during instructional time.
Our school-wide cell phone and personal device policy aims to create an environment conducive to learning by restricting the use of these devices during instructional periods. This includes all class periods, advisory, and formal assemblies. Cell phones and personal devices must be turned off or set to silent and stored out of sight during all instructional periods unless specifically approved by the teacher. However, students may use their cell phones and devices before and after school, during passing periods, and at lunch. Usage should not disrupt the school environment or cause tardiness.
Students who do not comply with these guidelines may face consequences such as verbal warnings, device confiscation for the rest of the period or day, lunch detention, and, in repeated cases, parents/guardians may need to retrieve the device from the school. We believe that by adhering to these guidelines, we can foster a learning environment that enhances student engagement and success. Your support in reinforcing these policies at home will be invaluable in helping us achieve these goals.
Thank you once again for your partnership. We wish you a restful summer and look forward to a productive and positive school year ahead.
RHS Administration
London Jefferies, a sophomore at Ridgeline, had the opportunity to work with Dark Horse Expeditions this past year. She was featured on one of their hunts and it was recently posted to YouTube. Darkhorse Expeditions is dedicated to honoring the sacrifices of U.S. Veterans by supporting those with PTSD. Founded by Veterans who have experienced PTSD, the organization aims to guide fellow Veterans from darkness to hope. Their mission is to prevent Veteran suicide and highlight the resilience and strength possible through healing. They offer hunting and fishing expeditions, providing a supportive environment for sharing stories, mentoring, and fostering mutual understanding. Through these activities, they raise awareness of Veteran PTSD and ensure no Veteran feels alone, upholding the values of service and sacrifice.
London was part of the AP Environmental Science program this year and provided the class with education on the importance of hunting to maintain wildlife populations. You can watch her adventure on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppWFjybwaTM “Once in a Lifetime! Youth Utah Draw Elk Tag!”
Falcon Link Crew Leaders!
T-shirts are ready to be ordered for the next year’s group of Falcon Link Crew leaders. The store will stay open for two weeks and then close; you will not be able to order a shirt after the closing date. Order your shirt today.
Board & Young Reader books needed
The library is looking to expand our children’s book collection to support ALL of our Ridgeline Readers. If you have any sturdy board books, or books that appeal to young readers – especially nonfiction picture books – we would LOVE to have them. Books that are as young as Kindergarten through 5th grade are welcome! Please send them to the library with your teen or drop the books off anytime during our office hours. Thank you for supporting our Ridgeline Readers!
Summer Cross Country Conditioning
Join the FUN! Summer Cross Country conditioning! Join the Remind @RidgeXC24
Register Your Student for Bus Transportation
If your student needs transportation to and from school in the 2024-2025 school year, they will need to register to ride. Please help us out with our planning purposes for transportation for next school year. Our current Walk Zones are still in effect.
If your address has changed, contact your student's school to inform them of the new address.
Summer Youth Camps (K-8)
Registration for Summer Youth Camps is now open!
We have lots of camps: Football, Youth Basketball for Girls & Boys, Tennis, Percussion, Cross Country, Volleyball, Soccer, and Dance!
Get HS credits for your job 2024-2025
Hey Falcons! Do you need a job? Check out our Jobs Board! It's updated regularly and there are some amazing opportunities!
There are flyers in the office to scan the QR code, too!
If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Demarest in E202 or email: kdemarest@cvsd.org
Limited summer hours -school begins on September 5, 2024
Between June 21st & August 19th office will be open Monday-Thursday from 8-1pm.
Freshmen Orientation- August 28, 2024
Business Office Hours
Business Office Open Hours:
7:15- 2:30pm
(Closed 12:30-1:30pm daily)