Spartan News
SMS Weekly Newsletter: August 18th, 2024
Support Each Other- Meet Expectations- Show Pride
8/21 Girl's Basketball vs Beaumont @ SMS 5:30 PM
8/22 SMS Football vs Winburn @ Winburn 6:00 PM
8/23 No School
8/27 Reading MAP Testing Begins
8/29 Math MAP Testing Begins
8/29 SMS Football vs Bryan Station @ SMS 6:00 PM
9/2 No School
9/3 Girl's Basketball vs LTMS @ SMS 5:30 PM
9/4 Girl's Basketball vs Winburn @ SMS 5:30 PM
9/5 SMS Football vs Jessie Clark @ SMS 6:00 PM
9/6 Color Run
9/11 Girl's Basketball vs Leestown @ SMS 6:00 PM
9/12 SMS Football vs Leestown @ SMS 6:00 PM
9/18 SMS Football vs LTMS @ FDHS 6:00 PM
9/19 SBDM
10/7 SMS Volleyball Tryouts (Must have updated KHSAA Physical)
10/10 SMS Football vs Morton @ HCHS 6:00 PM
10/17 SMS Football vs TCMS @ TCHS 6:00 PM
10/24 SMS Football vs Beamont @ PLD 6:00 PM
12/16 Boys Basketball Tryouts (Must have updated KHSAA Physical)
- *PLEASE REFER TO VIDEO ABOVE* You may ONLY use the car loop in the mornings and afternoons to pickup/drop off your students. Using the staff lot creates a safety issue for our kids.
- A message from SMS Spanish Teacher Senora Davis: Spanish week 1 and I am very excited to work with your scholars! Please remember that the syllabus with class fee amounts are coming home and need to be returned to Senora Davis ASAP 🙂
- 6th graders that are interested in signing up for band, please bring your yellow form to the band room Monday morning, 8/19.
- Does your child need to see a counselor? Click here: https://forms.gle/yU6b3Gm3tfHCXaDu8
- Please join our PTSA! Please click http://southernms.memberhub.com/store?limit=21&live=true to become a member for $5! They do so much to support our students and staff!
- Did you know you can attend SBDM meetings? (Site Based Decision Making Council). There is a public input portion on the agenda, and you can bring any concerns or questions you have to the council. The council can either offer feedback or choose to put the input on the next agenda- but it is a chance to have your voice heard! All SBDM meetings take place in SMS Library. If you cannot attend an SBDM meeting and have input, you can also email to kevin.payne@fayette.kyschools.us.
Dress Code Reminder- Students can only wear pajama pants on Fridays if they have maintained their eOS employability. Pajama pants are not permitted any other day than Friday unless a Spirit Week theme.
A note from Ms. Cornett, the Attendance Specialist:
- Procedure for Student Absences due to Illness and/or Appointments: If your student is absent, please have them bring an excuse note/doctor’s note to Ms. Cornett as soon as they return. Notes need to be returned within three days of the absence. Parents/guardians can also email a note to cari.cornett@fayette.kyschools.us
- Parent notes must be HANDWRITTEN and have the date you wrote it, include the student's first and last name, date of dismissal and/or absence, the reason for early dismissal or absence, and a signature.
- Doctor’s notes can’t be handwritten, they need to come from the doctor’s office your student was seen at. The note needs to include the student’s first and last name and date(s) of service.
- Notes can also be faxed to 859-422-3588 Attn: Ms. Cornett
- Chromebooks will be distributed this week and next. Please see the graphic below for tips!
We will be offering Academic Restart, our after school tutoring program, starting on Monday the 19th. Students do not need to sign up. It is a drop in program. There is no cost. It will be in Ms. Pack's room (406). Mr. Payne will announce when he dismisses the car riders to the drop off loop to go to "Academic Restart". Students need to come up with something to work on.
Rides need to be here by 5 or students can walk home.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Ms. Pack at Jennifer.pack@fayette.kyschools.us
SMS School-Wide Expectations
eOS Store Dates
Dates: TBD
SECOND-STEP (Social and Emotional Learning at SMS)
Every week your student receives a social-emotional learning lesson during their Academic Leadership class. The lessons will differ by grade level. Second Step is the program utilized and it helps students build social-emotional skills- like nurturing positive relationships, managing emotions, and meeting goals. This helps our students thrive in school and life.
What Lesson is SMS Doing This Week?: From August 14th-September 27th, teachers will be building a community in their classroom through ice breakers, getting-to-know-you activities, and establishing relationships.
Hello, my name is Valerie Morrison and I am the District Mental Health Specialist on staff at SMS. My role is to provide students mental health support in the academic setting by providing education about emotional, psychological and social well being. By implementing therapeutic modalities I can teach students strategies that help regulate their emotions and improve their social skills. Lastly, I can assist families with referrals to outside community agencies for additional services and support. Students can be referred to me by parents, administrators and the guidance counselors. If you would like to discuss services please contact me through the information below.
Valerie Morrison, LCSW
859.422.3582 ext. 41890
Mr. Wilburn- Assistant Principal
Contact Us
Email: kevin.payne@fayette.kyschools.us
Website: https://southernmiddle.fcps.net/
Location: 400 Wilson Downing Road, Lexington, KY, USA
Phone: (859) 422-3852
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/southernmiddleschoolfcps
Twitter: @southern_middle