Giesinger Gazette

Congratulations Class of 2024 & our Former Giesinger Eagles!
May 19, 2024
Monday, May 20th
- Field Day (please send an extra change of clothes, there will be water stations)
Thursday, May 23rd
- Last Day of School
- Early Release at 12:40
Clinic News
Field Day-Volunteers Needed
We are still in need of a few spots filled, thank you to those of you that have volunteered!
Field day is right around the corner (May 20th) and we would LOVE your help. If you are willing to volunteer, please use the link below to sign up, there are several spots left. Please plan on working the entire shift where you are signing up to run a station during the outside portion of field day from 8:00am - 11:00 am.
There will be 3 sessions to cover all grade levels. Some stations are water stations. Please dress accordingly as we will be outside. Hats, sunglasses, and sunscreen are recommended. Water will be available for volunteers.
Thank you for making this fun day a success!
The grade level participation times are below.
8:35-9:20 PK, LIfe Skills, 2nd Grade
9:25-10:10 KG, 3rd Grade
10:15-11:00 1st, 4th Grades
Outstanding Lunch Charges
Please check your child's lunch balance. This can be checked through Parent Access as well as My School Bucks app/website. My School Bucks will be active until Friday, June 14, 2024 to make payments. Payments after that date will be accepted using only cash or check.
Please take care of outstanding lunch charges before the end of the school year in order to be able to receive final grade reports for the year.
Technology Tip
The Monitoring the Future study found that high school seniors who spend 3 or more hours a day on social media are more likely to report high levels of depressive symptoms.
Summer New Student Registration
Conroe ISD will be holding New Student Registration on eight dates during the month of June to encourage families to enroll their children early for the 2024-25 school year.
Summer registration will be held each Tuesday and Thursday in June at Milam Elementary and the Jett Center. The dates are June 4 and 6, 11 and 13, 18 and 20, and 25 and 27. Registration will be held from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day at each location, and there will be a PEIMS Clerk, Nurse, and High School Counselor on site.
To register, parents or guardians should bring a copy of the student’s birth certificate or other government-issued ID that establishes identity, Proof of Residence (current utility bill with parent/guardian’s name and address), Social Security Card of the child, and current immunization records.
Milam Elementary is located at 16415 FM 3083, Conroe, TX 77302, while the Jett Center is located at 19043 David Memorial Dr., Shenandoah, TX 77385, on the north end of Woodforest Bank Stadium.
For more information, visit https://www.conroeisd.net/parents/enrollment-information/.
Veterans Memorial Intermediate Mural Phase II Photo Submissions
Conroe ISD is accepting photo submissions for a second Veterans Mural at Veterans Memorial Intermediate. Photos must be of current or former military members in uniform or on active duty. Submissions are open to any resident in Conroe ISD and can be made online at https://forms.gle/sUvttCiScNikeXRN8 or scanned in person at the Administration Building by May 31.
School Health Advisory Council - SHAC
Applications for Conroe ISD’s School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) are now available through June 30! The SHAC advises the district in ensuring that local community values are reflected in the health and physical education programs as well as other responsibilities required by the State of Texas and the CISD Board of Trustees. Learn more and apply here: https://www.conroeisd.net/department/tl/school-health-advisory-council/
Bus Drivers WANTED
Giesinger Yearbook 2023-2024
Yearbooks were distributed and only 30 remain. Hurry, don't miss out on this amazing keepsake. Yearbooks are $40 and only cash will be accepted. Notify the front office if you are interested in purchasing a yearbook.
Child Nutrition Job Fairs
We are hiring cafeteria workers this summer to begin working in August.
Thursday, June 20th – 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the CISD Operations Center
Tuesday, June 25th – 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Grand Oaks High School
2024-2025 School Supplies
Click here to order.
Cryar Intermediate School Supplies
Grade Level Lunch Times
Pre-K- 11:50-12:20
Kindergarten- 11:10-11:40
1st Grade- 11:25-11:55
2nd Grade- 12:35-1:05
3rd Grade- 12:00-12:30
4th Grade- 12:15-12:45
Happy Birthday to our Staff!
Safety Reminders
- Do not drop students off on the front porch unattended before 7:15 am.
- Do not park along White Oak Blvd at any time. Our parking lot is small so guests can use the Church of Christ parking lot (1860 Longmire Rd) to park and walk through the pathway to our campus.
Your Giesinger Administration Team
Left to right: Jaime Peek (Asst. Principal), Amy Barber (Principal), Nadia McCord (Asst. Principal),
Giesinger Contact Information
Principal- Amy Barber - abarber@conroeisd.net
Assistant Principals
Jaime Peek- jpeek@conroeisd.net
Nadia McCord- nmccord@conroeisd.net
Counselor-Cathey Costas- ccostas@conroeisd.net
Secretary- Neva Hammonds- nhammonds@conroeisd.net
Receptionist - Dawn Stabler dstabler@conroeisd.net
Nurse -Gloria Green, RN- gmgreen@conroeisd.net
Registrar- Robin Rickwalt- rrickwalt@conroeisd.net
Conroe Transportation- 936-709-7916