EMS Newsletter
May 17, 2019
Dear EMS Families,
This week the board approved the hiring process and timeline for the EMS Assistant Principal below. There is much work to do. And there is a deep commitment to ensure this process provides opportunities for us to identify a candidate who will work collaboratively to grow and strengthen our community.
EMS Assistant Principal Timeline/Process:
May 13th - May 17th - Hiring Committee deliberations
Articulate and agree to:
A job description and what the EMS faculty is looking for from an Assistant Principal
Criteria for an EMS Assistant Principal
Interview questions
May 15th - Parent feedback from PTO meeting
May 17th - Family Newsletter with family survey goes out
May 17th - application posting closes
May 18th - May 20th - Hiring Committee independently reviews applications and narrows the pool for initial interviews to 3 qualified candidates by using a screener doc.
May 21st - May 24th - Initial Interviews
May 24th - Team determines which candidates go to second round
May 28th - 31st - Second round interview focused on the
Pre-work task: Using data provided, please articulate a plan for your first 90 days at EMS. Candidates will be expected to send this in advance.
Presentation of the First 90 Days task
School tour, including “lunch duty”; time with students & debrief
June 3rd - 5th - Recommend top 2 final candidates to Superintendent
Superintendent recommends final candidate to the Board
On Wednesday night I met with families who attended the PTO meeting to hear their thoughts about what characteristics are desired - from their perspective - in our next Assistant Principal. The hiring committee would appreciate hearing from more families as well. Please take a minute to complete this survey and provide your feedback to support us in this process.
When the community became aware of our need to hire a new Assistant Principal, our Team Leaders (a leadership team in our community that meets twice a month and represents each team of teachers at EMS) volunteered to join the hiring committee. This group, along with Stephanie Phillips, the Director of Curriculum for BSD, will begin our work this weekend as we review applications.
With gratitude and in partnership,
Friendly Reminders
May 20th - 24th - Vermont Science testing (8th graders only)
May 21st - Band Concert in EMS gym 7 - 8:30 p.m
May 24th - ½ day for students - noon dismissal
May 27th - No school - Memorial Day
May 30th - Chorus Concert in EMS gym 7 - 8:30 p.m.
May 31st - School dance in EMS gym 6 - 8 p.m. *with 8th graders able to stay for an extra 30 min.
June 10th - Team trips *all day final end of year field trip varies by team
June 11th - ½ day for students - noon dismissal
June 11th - 8th grade Celebration of Learning in EMS gym 1 - 2:30 p.m.
June 13th - Last day for students (half day)
Community Announcements
Hires for 2019-2020 - we are excited and very blessed to announce that the following BSD faculty will be remaining or joining us at EMS next year
Becca Ortiz will remain at EMS as a 6th grade humanities teacher.
Lindsay McQueen will remain at EMS but now as our full time health teacher.
Eva Gonova will remain at EMS as a 6th grade Special Education teacher
Judy Klima - formally at IAA as a coach and art teacher will be joining our community at our new art teacher
Please join us in celebrating these talented educators and welcoming them.
School Dance details
Tickets sold before and after school the week before the dance in the lobby of the school for $4.
Location - EMS gym. Entrance through side door by the gym driveway.
Dance doors will be closed at 6:30
Snacks and drinks for sale (range in price from $.25 - $1) throughout the dance
Games offered in addition to dancing.
Students must stay in the dance until 8 after entering.
EMS 6th Grade Community Dinner – Please join us!
Wednesday, May 29th
5:30 – 7:00 p.m.
EMS “New” Cafeteria
Looking forward to seeing all of our 6th graders and their families! The dinner is pot luck, but pasta will be provided. If you have any questions, please contact Nancy Westbrook or Gail Rose. Please RSVP if you are coming or able to help using the following sign-up genius:
Fluid Power in Design & Technology
This semester’s 7th/8th grade Design & Technology class recently completed their Hydraulic Arm Project. The project was completed in teams of two and took about 10 weeks from start to finish. After the students earned their power tool certifications, they studied levers, hydraulics, electricity, and simple machines to help them learn how to make their hydraulic arm lift, move, and grab a conductive tennis ball. The parts for the project were designed and custom made by each team. Precision measurement of all parts was required! All of the parts were fabricated using our wood shop, 3d printers, and laser cutter. This design challenge provided students with exposure to both additive and subtractive manufacturing technology as well as advanced 3d modeling. The project also featured a laser cut control manifold that teams designed/fabricated using our 40 watt Glowforge Laser Cutter. The hydraulic arms were also required to have an electrical system with a switch, grab indicator light, and a safety strobe light that is wired up to each machine and provides the operator with real time feedback. All of the functions of the hydraulic arms are labeled on the control manifold for easy operation.
Please feel free to stop down to the basement after the Chorus or Band concerts to take a look at the incredible work that our students have built.
-Eric Schoembs
Muji A. Karim, CEO of Mujiblades, LLC, Former EMS student, Visits School
Muji A. Karim is a successful entrepreneur and world-class adaptive athlete. His story is a truly remarkable journey up, literally, from the smoldering ash of adversity. A crushing, fiery automobile accident in 2011 burned him over 30% of his body and took both legs and most of one hand. The accident didn’t take his incredible talent and resolve. Muji is currently among the top 3 sprinters in his class in the nation, and he has pointed his ferociously competitive eyes to finishing among the top 3 in the Paralympic Games in Tokyo in 2020.
Muji’s presentation to our students was uplifting, enlightening, and memorable. He talked about never giving up and setting goals. For example, when his doctor told him it would take a year and a half before he'd be able to wear prosthetics successfully, Muji walked into the doctor's office in five months. He answered many questions and even met with students after the presentation ended.
A short sample of Muji’s accomplishments:
Bronze medal for the 200-meter dash at the 2017 Paralympic National Championships
Keynote speaker at the World Burn Conference (Providence, Rhode Island, 2016)
Winner of the grueling Spartan race 2018 (Las Vegas, Nevada)
Speaker for Partners Healthcare and Spaulding Hospital
Speaker for Teddy Bruschi’s (former New England Patriots Star) Tee Off golf tournament
Dozens of corporate speaking engagements
All-Conference strong safety and captain of the University of New Hampshire Football Team
University of New Hampshire graduate; Bachelor’s Degree in Policy and Management
High school in Burlington, Vermont: All-State basketball and football player and football team captain as quarterback and defensive back; post-graduate football and basketball star at Worcester Academy, Worcester, MA
EMS 8th GRADE CAMP HOCHELAGA TRIP (EMS Parent Volunteer Organized Enrichment)
DEPART FROM EMS: Friday, June 7th 3:30PM
RETURN TO EMS: Saturday, June 8TH 11AM
Camp Hochelaga is in South Hero, VT (30 minutes from BTV)
The cost of this trip is by donation $10.00 per student.
Parent Volunteer Drivers will drive EMS students at 3:30 p.m. on Friday and will drive students back to the school on the Saturday at 11 a.m.
Camp Hochelaga will provide Fri. dinner and Sat. breakfast
Students will be participating in a variety of activities during this overnight trip. Please see the attached supply list.
Camp Hochelaga~8th Grade Student~Permission Slip
*******DUE BACK FRIDAY MAY 24th*******
DEPART FROM EMS: Friday, June 7th 3:30 p.m.
RETURN TO EMS: Saturday, June 8TH 11 a.m.
_________________________________(Print Child's Name)
has permission to attend the 8th Grade overnight trip to Camp Hochelaga.
_________________________________(Print Child's Name)
has permission to attend the field trip but will not stay overnight. *Parent/Guardian will be responsible for transportation from the camp Friday evening by 9 p.m.
Parent Guardian Signature:____________________________________________________________
Contact Number: ______________________________________________
Student EMS 8th Grade Team: __________________________________________________
Edmunds Middle School BSD District and its employees will not be present and parent volunteers are organizing this enrichment trip.
I understand and agree that neither the District nor its employees or parent volunteers will be liable for injuries resulting from accidents or unanticipated occurrences beyond their control.
I understand and accept that volunteer parents, as well as members of the community will be assisting in the operation of this trip.
In case of illness or accident, I request the Parent Volunteer Team to contact me. If I cannot be reached or the emergency contact person cannot be reached at the phone numbers provided, I authorize and direct parent volunteer team personnel to seek emergency medical care or take other action they believe is necessary to protect the best interest of my child/ward. lf my child/ward is taken for emergency medical treatment, I hereby authorize the attending physician to administer the emergency treatment s/he believes is appropriate and I agree to pay any resulting expenses.
I have read the above form and my signature below demonstrates I have provided my consent for my child/ward to participate in the specific field trip described above.
Parent Signature (Parent Printed Name) Cell Phone
Student Name (Please Print)
_________I have enclosed ( $10 ) to cover the cost of the trip.
_________I can donate $_________ to help other students in need.
Cash or Check: EMS PTO
1. Cash or Check made out to EMS PTO
2. Students Drop-off: in the EMS office: 8th GRADE TRIP
3. Click paypal.me/edmundsmiddleschool
May 17, 2019
Dear Parent/Guardian of 8th Grade Student
As this 8th Grade trip is a parent-run volunteer organized trip, please note there will be no school nurse or other EMS personnel authorized to give medication legally.
You, as the parent/guardian, should attend the overnight trip or make arrangements to come medicate your child at the proper time. Please remember there is an option for your child to participate and not spend the night.
If you have any question please contact me at 864-8486 x3.
Becca McCray MSN, MA, RN
Edmunds Middle School Nurse
* Please Note: lt does get very chilly at night at the camp. lt is VERY important that your child come with adequate warm clothing/sweatpants and blanket.Clothing Needs:
______Extra pair of shorts and pants (sweatpants)
______Warm sweatshirt or jacket
______Warm pajamas
______ Socks
______Sun/baseball hat
______Raincoat (only if necessary)
Other Needs:
______Sleeping bag or sheets and blankets
______A pillow
______Water bottle
______Toothbrush and paste
______Shampoo (if showering)
______Small plastic bag for wet items
Off Limits:
_____Anything electronic (NO CELL PHONES, video games)
_____Snack, Food, Candy, Drinks
EMS Parent Clare Wool 917-912-4333
EMS Parent Kate Larson 248-515-5412
Camp Director Hannah Bogard 734-645-1543
Host Families Needed for Exchange Students
Exchange students are smart, engaged, and excited to share their country’s culture, traditions, and language. They believe that America welcomes the world and they want an American family to love them and call them their own.
By opening their homes, host families make it possible for members of their community to meet, interact, and learn from someone from a different culture. Host families provide their student with three meals a day, a bed (can be in a shared room with one other sibling) and love. Many host families develop a relationship that lasts a lifetime with the student they host; I know my family certainly has.
We have 8 students we hope to place by the end of May. Here is a bit of information about them.
David is a sweet 15 year old boy from Spain who loves to laugh and does all he can to turn a bad situation into a good one. He plays soccer and enjoys mountain biking. He also studied for four years at a professional music conservatory where he trained in piano, flute, and trumpet. While on exchange he hopes to volunteer at something related to children because he really loves little children and at home enjoys spending time with his little cousins.
Daphne is coming to the US on a CBYX scholarship. She loves talking and socializing, but also quiet time alone at times. Daphne's passion is dancing. She enjoys many different dance styles and very much hopes to continue to dance during her exchange year. She also would like to join drama club and find ways to paint and draw. At home her family speaks both German and Lithuanian. Allergy - Horses.
Munis sends his greeting from Jordan! He is 16 years old and the youngest in his family, with 11 older siblings. He enjoys exploring a wide range of interests like reading about recent technological advancements, listening and discussing music, and studying other cultures around the world, but his main passion is writing. With a dream of becoming a journalist, he would love to write for a school or local newspaper. He describes himself as a very tolerant person who loves all kinds of people equally and always abstains from any form of hatred.
Maryam is a 15 years old girl from Bahrain with a 4.0 GPA and big dreams for her future which she describes as being something enormous and not normal. She enjoys all types of music. Her favorite foods are noodles and spicy foods and her favorite color is black. Maryam believes the power of God will make all things possible. She also believes in respecting everybody with their differences because they are what make them special. Maryam loves to travel and learn new cultures. She is hoping to be able to experience rural living in a small town.
Having been awarded a Department of State scholarship, Mohammed will be coming to the US from the West Bank and he is awesome! He is fond of programming and coding in his spare time and has won several contests in pursuit of his passion. Most recently he was in a camp to develop and improve programming skills which was a wonderful experience. Mohammed also has a passion for doing volunteer work voluntary work. His friends are very important to him because they are honest and truly appreciate what friendship means. He enjoys playing soccer with them. Mohammed describes his personality as compassionate, and very friendly and he can’t wait to see his host family and have the living experience with them. He is very excited!
My name is Valeria and I’m 17 years old. I'm an active, happy, responsible, adaptable, open and mature person. Also I think I am optimistic about causes like inclusion for disabled people. Surfing is my true passion, but I also like to rappel, paddle and snowboard. I’m a Surf Therapist, which means I'm part of a group that helps people who need therapy because of paralysis or autism. It is a win-win activity. I also like to hang out with my friends, go to the movies, or go to eat something. I would like to become more independent.
Lorenzo is a 16 year old boy from northern Italy who is attending an architecture school, because his dream is to be an architect. He's a very active boy who loves sports, especially winter sports, and cold and snowy weather. His favorite activities are skiing, snowboarding, tennis, and downhill cycling. He says that he wants to take part in this experience because he loves the USA, wants to improve his English, and try American sports. Lorenzo has asked to be placed in the Northeast.
Ana is a very funny, kind and friendly 16 year old girl from Mexico who loves to travel, eat healthy and exercise. Her friends consider her to be respectful, caring, trustworthy, open minded, mature, and a good listener. In addition to cycling and reading, she enjoys being a part of her school volleyball team. She really loves spending time with those she loves and feels blessed to have them in her life. She looks forward to learning all she can about American culture and hopes her host family will want to learn about Mexico. Ana has been asked to be placed in Vermont.
Families can learn more about CIEE by visiting www.ciee.org/highschool Families interested in starting an application can do so at www.ciee.org/hostapply Please know that I am also here to help and can be reached at susankuegel10@gmail.com.
Peace - Susan Kuegel, Local Coordinator - Council on International Educational Exchange