Mustang Memo
December 13th, 2024
Holiday Spirit Week
December 16-20
Winter FastBridge Testing
Winter testing will wrap up this week. To ensure that students are prepared and able to do their best, please make sure they are well-rested and have a healthy breakfast each day. Thank you for your support!
PCE Spelling Bee
Congratulations to all our amazing spelling bee participants! Your hard work and dedication were truly evident during the competition, and we are incredibly proud of each of you!
A special shout-out to Cadence Gray, our spelling bee champion, and Sam Gudjenov, our impressive runner-up. Your outstanding performances showcased exceptional skill and composure under pressure. Way to go, Cadence and Sam!
Holiday Mart
Thank you to our amazing PTO for organizing and running the Holiday Mart! It’s such a wonderful opportunity for our students to experience the joy of giving by selecting special gifts for their families.
Volunteer Opportunities
Dates to Remember
Dec. 20th - Leader in Me Assembly @ 8:30am
Dec. 23rd-Jan. 3rd - Winter Break
Jan. 6th - Classes Resume
Jan. 15th - PLC / Late Start Wednesday
Jan. 20th - No School - MLK Jr. Day
Jan. 29th - PLC / Late Start Wednesday
Jan. 31st - Leader in Me Assembly 8:30am
Feb. 3rd - Spring Picture Day
Feb. 5th - PLC / Late Start Wednesday
Feb. 11th - Valentines Parties 2:00pm
Feb. 12th - 2 Hour Early Dismissal (1:10pm)
Feb. 12th - Student Led Conferences 4:00-8:00pm
Feb. 13th - No School - Student Led Conferences 1:00-8:00pm
Feb. 14th - No School
Feb. 17th - No School - Presidents' Day
Feb. 26th - PLC / Late Start Wednesday
Feb. 28th - Leader in Me Assembly 8:30am
School Hours
7:30 AM Office opens
7:40 AM Earliest doors are open for students, breakfast begins
8:00 AM Tardy bell - school begins
3:10 PM Dismissal of students
7:40 AM - 9:00AM PLC
7:40 AM - 8:00AM YMCA drop-off (Must be signed up)
8:40 AM Breakfast
8:40 AM - 9:00AM Drop-off
9:00 AM School start
About Us
Email: PCES-info@usd230.org
Website: https://www.usd230.org/pces
Location: 17077 West 165th Street, Olathe, Kansas, United States
Phone: (913) 592-7255
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PCESMustangs/
Twitter: @PCESMustangs