12.10.24 Badger News
Builta School, "We're So Happy You're Here"
Last Week at Builta
- 5th grade students met with the Crone Middle School music staff to learn about band, orchestra and choir classes for their 6th grade year.
This Week at Builta
12.10: 5th Grade Crone Field Trip for Holiday Concert
12.12: Kindergarten Gingerbread Program
Lunchroom Supervisor/Crossing Guard Needed
Are you interested in becoming a lunchroom supervisor? Builta is looking for a lunchroom supervisor from 11:20-1:30 daily.
Are you interested in being a crossing guard? We have positions open in the morning from 8:30-9:05 and/or in the afternoon from 3:30-3:50.
Contact Marybeth Sally at marybeth_sally@ipsd.org for more information.
My Family's Winter Family Traditions
The winter season brings different holidays and family traditions. To showcase and celebrate the ways that Builta families enjoy the winter season, we are sharing a google sheet that students and families can work on together to share about holidays and traditions that are unique to their family.
Make a copy of the google slide link below to create your family's slide. Here is the link to the google slide template. Family Winter Traditions
Please make a copy of the slide show. While on the empty template slide (The _______ Family’s Winter Traditions),
Click on file
Scroll to make a copy
You will now have an empty template slide that you can edit for your family.
When editing, add in your family’s last name at the top. On the slide include text about winter holidays celebrated, places visited in the winter, winter activities, food your family makes in winter, pictures and/or any other special family winter traditions.
You can share or email the link to your slideshow to Ms. Morgan at adrienne_morgan@ipsd.org.
The slides will be displayed on the tv display in the main office area for our school community to view.
Please email Ms. Morgan at adrienne_morgan@ipsd.org with your completed slide and it will be added to the schoolwide display.
Ms. Morgan
December Spirit Week (12.16-12.20)
We hope your student can join us on some fun dress-up days leading up to winter break!
December/January Dates
- 12.16/12.17/12.18: 5th Grade Bubble Gum Sales for 5th Grade Field Trip
- 12.17: 1st Grade in school trip with Morton Arboretum
- 12.18: 2nd grade Bricks for Kids in school
- 12.18: PTA Inflatables Party
- 12.20: All School Anniversary Celebration Activity-Board Games
- 12.23-1.3: Winter Break
- 1.6: Welcome Back from Winter Break
Dressing for Outdoor Recess
In IPSD 204, elementary school outdoor recess is held when the temperature is 5 Degrees and Above (including the wind chill). Please make sure that your children are dressed appropriately for the weather and have their coats, hats, and gloves with them at school. Students go outside for a 30 minute recess everyday.
Kindergarten & 1st: If there is snow in the field, kindergarten and first grade students are required to wear snowpants to play in the snow filled field.
2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th: Snowpants are highly encouraged but not required for 2nd-5th grade students who play in the snowy field. However, please note that the nurse's office does not have clothing available for 2nd-5th grade students who play in the field and get wet due to not wearing snow pants.