The Woodlands High School
Highlander Happenings January 10, 2025 - January 24, 2025
Senior Campus Administrators
Dr. Ted Landry, Principal
Ms. Beth Wyrick, Associate Principal Operations
Ms. Jaime Cassidy, Associate Principal Curriculum
Senior Campus Assistant Principals
Mr. Clint Rushing, A-Car
Ms. Paige Jeanes, Cas-Fue
Ms. Laura Braun, Ful-Jai
Ms. Stefanie Roland, Jam-Med
Ms. LeighAnn Wolfe, Mei-Ramd
Mr. Craig Harbin, Rami-Sto
Mr. Chad Lanham, Str-Z
Senior Campus Counselors
Ms. Julie Emmons, A-Bru
Ms. Brittany Darden, Brv-Dew
Ms. Lisa Algaze, Dex-Gou
Ms. Keisha Clarke, Gov-Joh
Ms. Monica Frank, Joi-Mas
Ms. Jane Iribarren, Mat-Pag
Ms. Elizabeth Bowling, Pah-Ros
Ms. Venitra Bradberry, Rot-Tay
Ms. Tiffani Jaqua, Taz-Z
Ms. Kristi Tabor, Lead Counselor A-Z
Ms. Kayla St. Romain, College & Career A-Z
9th Grade Campus Administrators
Mr. Dennis Muehsler, Principal
Ms. Shawne LeDee, Associate Principal
9th Grade Assistant Principals
Mr. Ryan Clapsaddle, A-L
Ms. Riqui Boyles, M-Z
9th Grade Campus Counselors
Ms. Vicky Woods, A-Gr
Ms. Allison Chambers, Gu-Pe
Mr. Matthew Kelley, Ph-Z
4 Year Planning Update
This week, your students were given instructions on how to update and submit their 4 Year Plan for approval. You can view the video here. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DVDgeJieOtXLrG3ZwAyX56ZG3DL81w2O/view The plan must be submitted before their individual counselor meeting that will take place between January 22 and March 7.
Naviance Presentation
The “Naviance 4 Year Plans and Pathways” presentation by Mrs. Tabor, you can view it here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBRkRkg9cA4. Naviance codes were emailed to parents on Friday, November 1, 2024. If you did not receive your code or cannot log in, please email Mrs. Tabor at ktabor@conroeisd.net.
In the presentation, parents were given the opportunity to ask questions. Here are the FAQs. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kBrWVQGLEh74r8lXgy3sFzqtmUkLWRs4xMWhT__Hzd0/edit?tab=t.0
Elective Extravaganza and Parent Help Night
Please join us at TWHS Senior Campus on Tuesday, January 14th for our Elective Extravaganza! The flyer is included in this edition of the Highlander Happenings. You can also join the counselors at TWHS-9th Grade Campus on January 16th for our Parent Help Night. This event is for any family who may have additional course selection questions after the Elective night.
COURSE SELECTION (SPANISH): As the course selection dates are approaching, it is important for parents to become familiar with the process their children will be going through in the coming weeks. Therefore, the following conference is being presented in Spanish to assist any parents who would like to attend. This will be very helpful for them to support their children throughout this process.
Dual Credit Important Information
SPRING 2025 DUAL CREDIT STUDENTS: Just a reminder that if you are enrolled in a dual credit class for this semester, you need to pay for your tuition ASAP or you will be dropped from the course at Lone Star College. Payments were due January 4th. Please log into your 'MyLoneStar' portal and follow these instructions for making your payment. For questions regarding logging into your Lone Star account or tech issues, please contact the IT Service Desk at Lone Star College or call the HELP desk at (281) 318-4357.
The deadline to complete all of the dual credit steps and submit DC paperwork and qualifying test scores is Friday, April 11th, 2025. Students are encouraged to sign up now for whichever test they choose. A qualifying score will help them complete the remaining dual credit steps. Students can begin completing the dual credit steps https://sites.google.com/conroeisd.net/twhs-dual-credit/dc-steps on January 6th, 2025, and this can be done before the student meeting with their counselor.
There is ample time to sign up for a dual credit course during the individual course request meetings with counselors. However, the paperwork should be submitted completely to ensure course placement. We only have a certain number of seats available for several of the dual credit classes, and they are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.
Students interested in taking a dual credit course must have a qualifying SAT, ACT, or TSIA2 placement test score. The qualifying score chart can be found here. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PRb8Ptvg5Srx8XRZ8J3vdVK6gOgSq3uNp0PQNqga76M/edit?tab=t.0 Students who already have a qualifying score on file, whether it’s an SAT, ACT, or TSIA2 test they took last year, are NOT required to re-test. Students can sign up to take the SAT or ACT test through www.collegeboard.org and www.act.org. The PSAT test is no longer an acceptable qualifying test.
Students who do not want to take the SAT or ACT test also have the option to take the TSIA2 placement test. The Texas Success Initiative (TSIA2) is a college readiness test. The test includes reading, writing, and math. When students take the TSIA2 test, their scores are good for 5 years! For students to take the TSIA2 test, they need to create an Accuplacer account as well as complete a pre-assessment activity before the testing day. This test will be given during the week of March 24th. Instructions for creating your Accuplacer account and pre-assessment activity can be found here. https://sites.google.com/conroeisd.net/twhs-dual-credit/dc-steps/step-3-qualifying-test-scores/tsia-2-testing Students are not required to take the entire test, however, it is encouraged in case they choose to do another dual credit course at a later date.
SIGN UP FOR THE TSIA2 IN MARCH BY CLICKING HERE: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeyVV6Xm1q_rkY9fl4N9G-nsKXbZMd6Hha88hunqVKSkJmScA/viewform or Scan the QR Code.
SAT School Day
The School Day SAT will be held in April, 2025. Current Juniors and Seniors can sign up to take it. Sign ups will open on February 1, 2025.
SAT Testing Dates https://www.collegeboard.org/
ACT Testing Dates https://www.act.org/content/act/en-texas.html
College and Career Update
BASEBALL: Highlander Baseball tryouts will be Jan. 17, 18, 20, & 21, 2025 at McCullough JH School, 3800 S. Panther Creek Drive, Scotland Yard Baseball Field.
Interested players should scan QR code to register.
All participants will need to have a completed physical, dated after April 1, 2024, on file to participate.
If you have any questions, contact Coach Eastman, reastman@conroeisd.net
BOYS BASKETBALL: Boys basketball is currently finishing the first round of District play. We are currently 11-11 (4-3) and we host Oak Ridge this Saturday, January 11th at 1 p.m. Games start at 10 a.m., 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. Please come out and support.
GIRLS BASKETBALL: Happy New Year from Lady Highlander Basketball! As we step into the new year, the Lady Highlander Basketball teams have been hard at work. Here’s an update on how our teams have been performing and what’s ahead for the season.
Freshman Lady Highlanders - Despite facing challenges with injuries and illnesses, the freshman Lady Highlanders have shown remarkable determination and grit. The team is led by a strong core group of players: Brenna Lipe, Alice Pain, Pilar Salinas, and Valentina Minervini. Evelia Seifert and Shivani Chandramouli have stepped up in alternating roles, making valuable contributions to the team’s efforts.
This squad boasts a mix of speed, size, skill, and passion, making them a force to be reckoned with. Their defensive tenacity and scoring capabilities make them a thrilling team to watch. As they approach the second half of the season, the team aims to regain momentum and finish strong.
JV Lady Highlanders - The JV Lady Highlanders are relentlessly pursuing their District goals. Our captain, Rylie Bartholomew, has been a dynamic force at point guard, and fearless leader who continues to push us to grow stronger. Ireland Osborne and Saimaira Chandramouli have formed a dominant duo inside the paint, while Jane Wilder and Ellie Raguso extend our offensive attack with their precision shooting from beyond the arc.
Defensively, Zoe Heatley, alongside freshman addition Sabrina Morais, has ramped up the pressure on opponents. The team’s collective efforts are beginning to pay off as we hit our stride. With the second half of district play ahead, the JV squad is ready to bring their A-game and make a statement. Stay tuned for exciting updates!
Varsity Lady Highlanders - The varsity team has experienced the highs of victory and the lessons of defeat, emerging stronger with each challenge. After a tough loss to College Park before the holiday break, the Lady Highlanders rebounded spectacularly by winning the Brazosport Holiday Classic Championship.
The tournament kicked off with a commanding 68-36 win over Columbia, fueled by fast-paced and aggressive defense. Next, the team battled through a tightly contested game against Victoria West, securing a 56-44 victory. A challenging matchup against Friendswood followed, but the Lady Highlanders’ resilience shone through in a 41-34 win. In the championship game, the team’s determination and focus secured a 57-37 victory over Angleton.
Strong play from the entire team, and the ability to make big plays in big moments contributed significantly to our success. Caelyn Hoffman’s dominant presence in the paint and elite defensive performances from Kasyn Pino, Claudia Keene, and Kanyia Chambers were instrumental. Isabel Benson and Abbie York’s adaptability and confidence, combined with Matea Stroder and Rachael Roberts’ versatility, made a difference on both ends of the court. Isa Alaniz and Aiden Pino delivered dynamic scoring and playmaking, while Rachael Roberts earned the Tournament MVP title, with Aiden Pino and Isa Alaniz named to the All-Tournament team.
SWIM & DIVE: The Highlander Swim and Dive team worked hard over winter break to prepare for the Varsity District Meet later this month. Not too long after our district meet, we have regionals and then state! Our athletes have been working hard all year to prepare for these championship meets and they are more than ready for the competition. FOR THE W!
TENNIS: Congratulations to Ahona Chowdurry for being selected the Texas High School Coaches Association Super Elite Team for the Fall Team Tennis Season. Ahona finished the season with a 9-1 record at line 1 singles and a 13-1 record in doubles.
FOREIGN LANGUAGE: Course selection time for incoming ninth graders is upon us! As students decide which foreign language to choose, the TWHS German, French, Chinese and Japanese teachers would like to mention a few things to keep in mind.
First and foremost, students should make sure that they choose the language and culture that truly interests them while they learn. They should keep their own marketability in mind. Also, which language will make them stand out to future employers?
Find more information in our TWHS Foreign Language Newsletter here: TWHS Chinese, Japanese, German, French January Newsletter
JROTC: It is great to be back at school and we have hit the ground running in JROTC. Our after-school activities schedule has changed for cadets, so this week they have been adjusting to the new schedule. Our Varsity 1 Drone Team—“The Flying Penguins”—is competing at the Cypress-Fairbanks ISD Aerial Drone Competition this Saturday, during which they will compete in team events, solo skill tests, and coding competitions. Our annual Military Ball is Friday, January 24th. This is a great experience for cadets as they and their guests enjoy dinner and dancing at this formal event. Our Raider Team competes in a grueling fitness competition in San Antonio on Saturday, January 25th.
JROTC Parent Info Night: Thinking about joining JROTC next year? During the larger Electives Night at the Senior Campus Tuesday, January 14th, JROTC will host its presentation for parents of prospective cadets at 7:15 sharp in the JROTC classroom (across from Gym 1). Parents of all grade levels 9th through 12th are welcome to come see this presentation by the instructors and cadets, and ask any questions they may have.
JROTC Spirit Night at Crust Pizza: Everyone (including family and friends) are welcome to come support JROTC at Crust Pizza (8000 Research Forest Drive #340) on Monday, January 20th from 4-9 p.m. There is no school that day, so come hang out with your friends and mention you’re there to support JROTC. This is a great way to help us provide great opportunities to cadets!
MEET IN THE MIDDLE: Our mission is to bring students with intellectual disabilities together with their typically developing peers for food, fun and physical activities! EVERYONE is welcome to join!
An inclusive meeting with all of our amazing members is scheduled for Monday, January 13, at 2:45-3:30 p.m. in room 107. This meeting will have three basketball skills stations. Be ready for some active FUN! As usual, we will have lots of snacks! Pickup is in the front loop at 3:30 p.m. sharp.
We meet twice a month on the 2nd and 4th Mondays. Questions? Contact the sponsor, Dianne Maberry at dmaberry@conroeisd.net - check us out on IG @twhs.mim. NEXT MEETING: Art stations and activities on January 27. PARENTS: Contact dmaberry@conroeisd.net if you can provide snacks for one meeting!
SCIENCE NATIONAL HONORS SOCIETY (SNHS): Applications are now open for Science National Honors Society (SNHS), the largest and most active honors society on campus! Who can join? All sophomores and older with an 85 or higher in their honors science class, plus an 85 or higher in their math AND either English or Social Studies. How do I apply? Visit room 307 or 312 to pick up a paper application. You must also complete an online form (the QR code is on the paper application). Want more info? Have Questions? To learn more, come to a new member informational meeting on Thursday, January 16th during Advisory at 10:24 a.m. in LGI 1. We look forward to seeing you there!
STUDENT COUNCIL: We will have our first meeting of 2025 on Monday, January 13th at 6:00 p.m. in the main campus cafeteria. ALL Student Council members are highly encouraged to attend so you can hear what we have planned for the spring semester and find out how you can help enhance the culture at TWHS.
Attention Male Senior Students: Mr. Woodlands will take place on Wednesday, March 19th at 7:00 p.m. at the Bock Auditorium at McCullough Junior High. If you and/or a friend are interested in participating, please stop by room 240 to pick up an information packet from Mrs. Bartolazzi by January 24th.
THE CLIMBING CLUB: Explore your sense of Adventure and Fun! The Climbing Club at TWHS will have our first meeting of the year on Friday, January 24th at 3 p.m. in room 243. Don’t forget to bring your t-shirt designs so we can vote!
TWHS BAND: TWHS Band members recently completed a strenuous season of Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA) competitions: Region Orchestra, Freshman Region Band, and All-Region Band. The band students have rehearsed their music since late July in addition to their marching season music. They competed against many other high school musicians from around the North Houston region. Region IX is one of the most competitive regions in the state.
Congratulations to the following students who earned a chair at TMEA Region IX Orchestra, SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA (advances to 6A UIL Area): Avery Sullivan - Flute, Evan Work - Oboe, Allen Minami - Clarinet, Lauren Fountain - Trombone, PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA: Nicole Fountain - Trumpet, Jacob Pagan - Trumpet, Carson Bonds - Trumpet, KK Amaya - French Horn, Caleb Cryer - French Horn, Bruno Pena - Bass Trombone, PERCUSSION SECTIONS/ENSEMBLE: Camden Clough, Alex Torres, Justice Dutchover, and Kai Chen.
The competition in TMEA Region IX Band is very difficult! In light of this, freshmen have a unique opportunity to compete against only other freshmen. TWHS sent 27 freshman students to the TMEA Freshman All-Region Band competition on December 3rd. They will be able to rehearse and perform in a clinic & concert on January 17&18.
Congratulations to these 9 Freshman for their TMEA Region IX accomplishments: Caroline May - Flute, Alice Meyer - Clarinet, Grace Allen - Clarinet, Holly Swart - Bassoon, Ethan Pogue - Alto Saxophone, Myles Honore - Tenor Saxophone, Akshay Shinde - Trumpet, Emmerich Tomlinson - Trombone, Mateo Quiroga - Bass Trombone, and Oliver Estrada - Percussion.
TWHS also sent many students to the TMEA All-Region Band competition on December 6 & 7. TWHS Band came away from the contest with more than 1/3 of its participants earning Region status! In addition, 6 students earned 1st Chair seat placement in Region IX. They were able to rehearse and perform in a clinic & concert on December 13 & 14 at Klein Cain HS. Excellent Achievement Highlanders!
Congratulations to these 46 musicians for their TMEA All-Region accomplishments: FLUTE: Charlotte Stablein*, Avery Sullivan*, Claire Glaccum*, Emily Fritsche, Caroline May, OBOE: Evan Work^, Fernado Perez*, CLARINET: Allen Minami^, Sergio Rodriguz*, Elizabeth Salinas, Alice Meyer, Alex Thomas, Brooklyn Fullmer, BASS CLARINET: Aaditya Aravind*, BASSOON: Holly Swart, ALTO SAXOPHONE: Nicco Caredda^, Felipe Perrazo Beine, Amara Lewis, Ethan Pogue, Zian Chen, TENOR SAXOPHONE: Donald Ellis^, BARITONE SAXOPHONE: Zack LeBlanc*, TRUMPET: Jake Schumate, Jacob Pagan, Finnegan Fitzgerald, Gabriel Fuenmayor, Tyson Bruno, Carson Bonds, Nicole Fountain*, FRENCH HORN: Caleb Cryer, KK Amaya, Blake Berry, TROMBONE: Lauren Fountain*, Nicolaas van Poppel, Lucas Feng*, BASS TROMBONE: Bruno Pena^, EUPHONIUM: Juan Siegert Hidalgo, TUBA: Gabriel Nino, PERCUSSION: Alexander Torres^, Justice Dutchover, Camden Clough, Kai Chen*, Carson McGuirk, Benjamin Heffernan, Miles Estrada, and Justin Teall. ^ = First Chair Region IX (automatic advancement to UIL Area) * = Advancing to UIL Area
Congratulations to the following 14 students for their District accomplishments: CLARINET: Stanley Jaskot, Amelie Le Gaspi, BASS CLARINET: Marlon Escamilla, BASSOON: Ian Simpson, ALTO SAXOPHONE: Benji Fease, BARITONE SAXOPHONE: Jordan Honore, FRENCH HORN: Stephen Swan, Kaiden Roberts, TROMBONE: Max Slusarenko, Anna Lopp, Kaleb Pish, TUBA: Chet Brown, PERCUSSION: Julia de Avellar Natal, and Sophia Reyes.
TWHS CHOIR: Please read our Choir Notes newsletter for all the latest and greatest choir news! https://secure.smore.com/n/ynb06
TWHS IMPROV: The Woodlands High School Improv Troupe is thrilled to host its Alumni Improv show on Friday, January 10th, at 7 p.m. in The Woodlands High School 9th grade campus LGI. Tickets are $5, and all money raised from the night will go to Hopes Path! Make sure to join us and bring your family and friends for a great time while helping an amazing organization!
TWHS THEATER: The Woodlands High School Theater Department is thrilled to present the award-winning musical Big Fish, a heartwarming story with a dash of magic. A traveling salesman, Edward Bloom, has a knack for telling stories about his adventures that blur the line between reality and fantasy. His son, Will, grows frustrated with his father’s embellished storytelling as their relationship further strains. Will must decipher between truth and fiction while his father recounts tales of huge fish, witches, circus performers, and giants. A soon-to-be father himself, Will is soon to discover the true secret of parenting, legacy, and story-telling, as his father begins to face his mortality and come to terms with his inevitable death.
Performances will be held in the Blackbox theater located at The Woodlands High School on January 16th, 17th, 23rd, and 24th at 7 p.m., as well as January 18th and 25th at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Don’t be late! Tickets are $10 and may be purchased at the door or online at www.twhstheater.com. This show is family friendly for all ages!
2025-2026 CALENDAR FEEDBACK REQUESTED: Conroe ISD’s 2025-2026 calendar has a different Spring Break than Lone Star College and other Texas universities. The calendars for many institutions had not been publicly released when the Board of Trustees approved the 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 calendars in January of 2024. The table below shows the Spring Break weeks of area school districts along with Lone Star College and other Texas universities.
Note: There are no changes to the current school year’s calendar. Spring Break for the 2024-2025 school year is March 10-14, 2025.
Please respond to the brief, linked survey by Friday, January 17, at noon to provide feedback to the Board of Trustees on whether you want Conroe ISD’s Spring Break to remain the week of March 9 - 13, 2026, or move to the week of March 16 - 20, 2026. They will use the provided feedback to inform their decision.
Parent Access Center Transition to Home Access Center
Home Access Center (HAC) will go live on January 21 and operate alongside the Parent Access Center (PAC) until Spring Break. (PAC will be decommissioned within the two weeks after March 17). During this transition, parents will have access to both applications. As HAC launches, PAC will notify users that HAC is now online and that student information in HAC will be updated in real-time. To prepare for HAC's replacement of PAC, documentation for parents and staff will be available in the Knowledge Base (https://kb.conroeisd.net) by January 18.
ABSENT REPORTING APP: In an effort to make things easier for our families, CISD is launching an app to help you report your student's absences to our school when they are out. Documentation such as doctor's notes will still need to be submitted to our campus attendance office, but we are excited about the convenience of this new app. You will access it through the Parent Portal. The directions are included in the link. https://kb.conroeisd.net/kb/absence-reporting-system-app-parent-directions
ATTENDANCE: To report an absence, use the Student Absence Reporting APP or call:
9th Grade: 832-592-8025
10th Grade: 936-709-1236
11th Grade: 936-709-1233
12th Grade: 936-709-1234
Early Releases: If your student needs to leave early, please send them with a note to be delivered to the Attendance office before school. Doing so will ensure that the check-out process will be as quick and efficient as possible. There are only early releases before 2:00 p.m. Please feel free to call the Attendance office if you have any questions or concerns. We are happy to help!
LIBRARY: All library books that were checked out before the holiday break are now due. Please turn them in ASAP or come by the library to renew it.
SCHOOL CASH ONLINE: Attention Parents: Please be sure to check your child's School Cash Online account frequently. The website is www.conroeisd.schoolcashonline.com. Fees are added throughout the year for various activities. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the fees charged to your child, please contact the classroom teacher or club sponsor. Failure to pay fees listed as "required" or "overdue" may result in a student not being permitted to participate in some extracurricular activities. If you need assistance logging in to School Cash Online or adding and viewing your child's account, please visit schoolcashonline.com/Home/Support and view the resources available to help.
News from the Clinic
We would like to remind you of several important updates regarding your student’s health records and requirements:
1. Vaccine Updates: If your student has received any vaccines this school year, please send a copy or screenshot to the school clinic so it can be added to their electronic record.
- Colleges and universities require a second dose of the Meningitis (MCV4) vaccine, administered on or after the 16th birthday.
- Email vaccine records to:
- Senior Campus: aransley@conroeisd.net
- Ninth Grade Campus: efalcon@conroeisd.net
2. Graduating Seniors or Moving Families:
- If you have a graduating senior or plan to move over the summer, please request a copy of your student’s vaccine record before the end of the school year.
- Records can be picked up by your student or emailed to you.
- Note: Clinic staff will not be available after May 28th for the summer.
- The district does not submit records to colleges or universities on your behalf.
- Records are kept on file for five years after a student’s last enrollment in Conroe ISD.
3. Upcoming Vaccines or Expiring Affidavits:
- If you’ve received a letter or email regarding an upcoming vaccine due or an expiring Conscientious Objector affidavit, please ensure these are submitted to the clinic within 10 days of the due date to maintain enrollment.
- Conscientious Objector affidavits can take up to 30 days to arrive from Austin. You may request up to five affidavits at a time at no charge.
4. Vision and Hearing Screenings:
- We are completing the required vision and hearing screenings for all students new to the district this year.
- If your child receives a vision referral, please ensure the letter is signed by an eye doctor and returned to the clinic to complete the referral process.
- If you need assistance obtaining an eye exam or glasses for your student, please contact the clinic nurse.
Thank you for your continued support in helping us keep our students healthy and in school!
January 10, 2025 - January 24, 2025
Friday, January 10, 2025
Science NHS Meeting 6:40 & 2:40 LGI 1
Powerlifting Meet 4:00 Weight Room
Vars Wrestling Meet @ Eulles Trinity 5:00
Alumni Improv Show 7:00 LGI - TWHS 9th
Saturday, January 11, 2025
Vars Wrestling Meet @ Eulles Trinity 8:00
JV Wrestling Meet @ Klein Oak 8:30
Boys Basketball v Oak Ridge 10:00 TWHS
Lady Highlander Basketball @ Oak Ridge 10:00
Monday, January 13, 2025
Choir Officer Meeting 2:45 LGI 2
Student Council Meeting 6:00 Cafeteria
Lacrosse Parent Meeting 5:45 LGI 1
Cheer UIL Showoff 6:00 Large Gym
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Social Studies Honor Society 2:45 LGI 1
JV White Girls Soccer v Ridgepoint 4:30 TWHS
Boys Soccer @ Grand Oaks 4:30
JV Green & Vars Girls Soccer v Grand Oaks 5:45 TWHS
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Model United Nations 3:15 LGI 1
Boys Basketball v Grand Oaks 4:00 TWHS
Lady Highlander Basketball @ Grand Oaks 4:00
Wrestling v Humble 5:00 TWHS 9th
Track & Field Kick Off 6:00 Cafeteria
Thursday, January 16, 2025
Science NHS 10:19 LGI 1
Big Fish Show 7:00 Blackbox
Friday, January 17, 2025
Wrestling Meet @ Klein Collins
Powerlifting Meet 4:00 Weight Room
Girls Soccer @ Willis 5:30
Big Fish Show 7:00 Blackbox
Saturday, January 18, 2025
Wrestling Meet @ Klein Collins
Boys Basketball @ Willis 10:00
Lady Highlander Basketball v Willis 10:00 TWHS
Big Fish Show 2:00 & 7:00 Blackbox
Monday, January 20, 2025
Choir Officer Meeting 2:45 LGI 2
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Interact Meeting 2:35 LGI 1
Boys Basketball v Caney Creek 4:00 TWHS
Lady Highlander Basketball @ Caney Creek 4:00
Boys Soccer @ Caney Creek 4:30
Girls Soccer v Caney Creek 4:30 TWHS
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Model United Nations 3:15 LGI 1
Wrestling v Seven Lakes 5:00 TWHS 9th
Tennis Booster Club Meeting 6:00 LGI 1
Thursday, January 23, 2025
Powerlifting Meet 4:00 Weight Room
Friday, January 24, 2025
Science NHS Meeting 6:40 & 2:40 LGI 1
The Climbing Club 3:00 Room 243
Lady Highlander Basketball v Alief Taylor 4:00 TWHS
The Woodlands High School
The Conroe Independent School District (District) is an equal opportunity educational provider and employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability in educational programs or activities that it operates or in employment matters. The District is required by Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Active of 1964, as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as Board policy not to discriminate in such a manner.
For information about Title IX rights or Section 504/ADA rights, contact the Title IX Coordinator or the Section 504/ADA coordinator at 3205 W. Davis, Conroe, Texas 77304; (936) 709-7752.
Website:Main Campus http://twhs.conroeisd.net/
9th Grade Campus https://twhs9.conroeisd.net/
Phone: (936) 709-1200
Twitter: Main Campus @TWHSCISD 9th Grade Campus @TWHS9thCISD