Bus Bulletin
Cromwell-Wright School
School Happenings
Reminder: Due to Minnesota's Free School Meals - ALL School breakfast and lunches continue to be FREE for all students regardless of approval on the free and reduced lunch application. If students only take MILK at a meal, they will be charged .$50 per milk. If you have questions, please contact the office.
School Picture Day is September 20, 2024 starting at 8:30 a.m.
Cromwell-Wright Public School would like to extend a THANK YOU to Dollar General, Anonymous donation, Salvation Army and Tim Homstad for donating school supplies to our school district.
If you are in need of any school supplies for your students please contact the office at 218-644-3737.
Welcome Back!
It has been so great having students back in the building. Watching their reactions to all the cool updates in the building has been so fun. Everyone appears happy and excited for the new school year, and the building is just awesome.
You may have noticed that the parking lot has been updated as well. We have about 40 new parking spots and a well-marked crosswalk for our student athletes to get to the football field and track. We also have a new drop-off and pick-up lane for parents. This lane is designed to keep all students safe by keeping them on the sidewalk rather than walking among cars or in driving lanes.
In order to be ultra safe, we would like all parents to line up in the pick-up lane at the end of the school day. Students will exit the building, stay on the sidewalks, and join you in your vehicle. If you are behind someone still waiting for their student, you may pull out of the lane to exit. This will allow others to enter the pick-up lane too. As vehicles leave, we ask that you pull forward to keep the flow of traffic moving.
This is a new system, so we understand that it may take a few days to get up and running smoothly. Please have patience as we all learn something new and try to make our parking lot the safest it can be for our students.
Lunch Menu
Upcoming Events
M 16th-
T 17th- VB @ MLWR (Moose Lake) JV 5:45/ V 7:00
CC @ Grand Rapids( Sports Complex), 4:00
W 18th-
TH 19th- VB @ McGregor, JH 5:15/C Team 7:00/JV 5:30/ V 7:00
JHFB vs McGregor, 5:15
F 20th- Elementary Cross Country Race, 3:45 p.m.
FB @ Ogilvie, 7:00
S 21st- VB @ Rock Ridge Tournament
JVVB @ Wrenshall
Budget/Finance Committee Meeting, September 18th, 5:30 p.m.
Regular Board Meeting, September 18th, 6:30 P.M.
Bethlehem/Bethany Lutheran churches are looking for two Seniors that would be interested in becoming Youth Group Coordinators. These would be paid positions. Please call Margie McCuskey at 713-569-4568 if interested for details.
Cromwell-Wright School District will have the weight room open from 7:00 A.M.-8:00 A.M. Monday-Friday for students 7th-12th grade ONLY.