The Falcon’s Nest
January 24, 2025
Message From the Principal
Dear Annette Perry Elementary Families,
As we welcome the spring semester, I want to thank you for your continued partnership in ensuring a safe and supportive learning environment for our students. Your cooperation makes all the difference, and I’m excited about the growth and learning ahead for our school community!
I’d like to take a moment to address some important reminders for everyone’s safety during morning drop-off:
- If your child is not enrolled in Quest, please do not drop them off before teachers are present in the back drop-off lane.
- If your student exits your car before teachers arrive, all cars must remain stopped until a teacher is present to direct traffic.
These steps are essential to keeping all students safe during busy morning arrivals.
Additionally, we have noticed an increase in illness among students and staff recently. To help us maintain a healthy school environment, please remember the following:
- If your child has a fever, they should remain at home until they are fever-free for 24 hours without medication.
- Students should also stay home if they are experiencing vomiting or diarrhea.
Thank you for helping us prioritize the well-being of everyone at Annette Perry Elementary. Together, we can ensure a productive and joyful spring semester filled with learning and growth!
We appreciate your continued support, and as always, please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
Warm regards,
Erika Jackson
Principal, Annette Perry Elementary School
Perry Elementary Administration Team
Erika Jackson, Principal erikajackson@misdmail.org
Nena Johnson, Assistant Principal nenajohnson@misdmail.org
Crystal Constante, Counselor crystalconstante@misdmail.org
Upcoming Events at Annette Perry Elementary School
Mark your calendars for these important dates!
- Tuesday, January 28, 2025
- 3rd and 4th Mavs Day during CAMP
- Monday, February 3rd
- Start of National School Counseling Appreciation Week
- Wednesday, February 5th
- 100th Day of School
Important Title 1 Documents
TEA Texas Academic Performance Reports (TAPR)
TEA released the 2023-24 Texas Academic Performance Reports (TAPR) data reports on December 12, 2024. These data reports pull together a wide range of information on students' performance in each school and district in Texas every year. These reports show student performance disaggregated by student groups, including ethnicity and socioeconomic status. The reports also provide extensive information on school and district staff, programs, and student demographics.
I have attached the district's TAPR report, Glossary, and Guidelines for disseminating the data. Alternatively, you can access your campus TAPR data report on TEA's TAPR website.
Safety and Security
Ensuring the safety and security of our students, staff, and visitors is our top priority at Annette Perry Elementary School. We have implemented several measures to maintain a secure environment and would like to share some key points with you:
Visitor Badge System: To enhance security, we have a strict visitor badge system in place. All visitors, including parents and guardians, must adhere to the following procedures:
- Check-In at the Office: Upon arrival, all visitors must check in at the front office. Please bring a valid photo ID for verification.
- Visitor Badge Issuance: Once verified, you will receive a visitor badge that must be worn at all times while on school premises. This badge helps us identify authorized guests and ensures that everyone on campus is accounted for.
- Check-Out: Before leaving the school, please return to the front office to check out and return your visitor badge.
Other Safety Measures:
- Secured Entrances: All school entrances are secured and monitored. Entry is only allowed through the main entrance, which is supervised by our office staff.
- Emergency Drills: We conduct regular emergency drills, including fire, lockdown, and severe weather drills, to ensure that students and staff are prepared for any situation.
- Staff Training: Our staff undergoes continuous training on safety protocols and procedures to ensure they are well-prepared to handle any emergencies.
We appreciate your cooperation and understanding in following these procedures. Your support helps us create a safe and secure learning environment for all our students.
Bell Schedule
Every instructional minute matters. It is crucial for students to be in the classroom and ready to start the day at 8:00 AM. Our teachers are prepared to begin the instructional day promptly at 8:00 AM. Students can start entering the building at 7:30 AM.
Any student dropped off after 8:00 AM will be marked tardy. We appreciate your cooperation in helping your child arrive at school on time and ready to learn. Thank you for your support in fostering a punctual and productive learning environment.
To ensure accurate daily attendance tracking for every student, parents must email the attendance clerk at perryattendance@misdmail.org for each day their child is absent. This email will serve as the written excuse. If email access is unavailable, send a written note with your child upon their return to school.
Include the following in your email:
- Student’s full name
- Student’s grade and teacher
- Brief description of the reason for the absence
- Your name
- Your relationship to the student
Tardies and Early Releases:
- Tardies and early releases will not be excused without a doctor’s note.
- Students with excessive tardies, early releases, and/or unexcused absences will be referred to the district truant officer.
Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up
Student Car Drop-Off: 7:30 AM - 8:00 AM
To ensure a safe and efficient drop-off process for all students, please follow these guidelines:
There are two driveway entrances into Annette Perry Elementary. The north entrance leads around the back of the school where car pick-up and drop-off are located, as indicated on the map. This is the designated area for all student drop-offs. The south entrance is for buses and visitor parking only and leads to the front of the school and the bus loop. For safety reasons, parents are not permitted to park or drive in the front of the school to walk students to the door. This entrance is exclusively for buses and daycare vehicles.
Students can only be dropped off at the back of the school. The back driveway is an exit only, and there are signs posted to indicate this. Please be cautious of student walker traffic. Do not park in the bus lane or fire lane at any time, as these areas must remain clear for emergency and bus traffic.
To ensure a quick and smooth drop-off process, students should be ready to unload when you reach the drop-off zone. Please ensure your child has their backpack on their back and all belongings inside their backpack when exiting the car. Adults will be available to assist if needed.
We appreciate your cooperation in following these procedures to help keep all our students safe and to maintain an efficient drop-off process.
Back Driveway
Bus Loop
Dismissal Procedures
Dismissal begins at 3:30 PM and ends at 3:45 PM. All students will be escorted by staff directly to their designated waiting areas for dismissal.
Walkers: Walkers will be dismissed from both the front and back of the building. Please ensure that students use the designated crosswalks and sidewalks for safety. Students in grades PK-1 will be dismissed from the back doors near the dumpsters and bicycle racks. Parents must have their child’s car tag, which you will receive on meet the teacher night. It is recommended that an adult or older sibling accompany students in 1st grade or younger. Students in grades 2-4 will be escorted by a teacher to exit through the front doors and are not required to wait on campus for parents or siblings. It is not mandatory for an adult to walk with students in grades 2-4.
Car Riders:For the safety of all children, if your child is in the car rider area, you may not walk up to the doors to pick them up. Car riders will be escorted to the cafeteria and dismissed when their vehicle is ready to load.
You will need your car tag to pick up students in the car rider lane. Car tags, which list the student’s name and dismissal number, will be distributed on meet the teacher night. Make sure you have your child's car tag ready to be scanned upon arrival. Once your card is scanned, we ask you to remain in the same line. All parents picking up need to remain in their car.
Parents entering car rider lanes should use one of the two car rider lanes. Parents of K-2 students are asked to use the lane closest to the building for quicker loading times. For families with multiple students, older students will go to the youngest student to wait for dismissal. Signs will be placed to direct parents.
Tags will be scanned until 3:45 PM. Any student not picked up by this time will be taken to the front office.
School Bus and Day Care Riders: School bus and day care riders will be escorted to their bus when it arrives. The front bus loop is closed to all traffic except buses and daycare vehicles during dismissal.
Quest: Quest students will be escorted to their location at dismissal time.
Additional Information:
- Parents will not be permitted inside the building during dismissal.
- Students who are not picked up by 3:45 PM will be taken to the office and must be signed out. You must bring your car tag or photo ID to sign out a student.
- Any changes to a student’s dismissal must be made in writing by email, a note in your student’s backpack, or a ClassDojo message to the teacher before 3:00 PM.
We appreciate your cooperation in following these procedures to ensure a safe and efficient dismissal process for all students.
Monitor and add funds to student lunch accounts using the online meal payment system.
Families that are eligible for free or reduced-priced meals must complete an application. Click here to get details on the Free & Reduced Meals page.
Click HERE for the current lunch and breakfast menu.
Elementary lunch for students is $3.00; breakfast is $2.00.