Black Bear Bits
September 20th, 2024
Important Dates
9/9-9/25: School Spiritwear Store Open
9/15-10/15: Hispanic Heritage Month
9/21: Tualatin Dance Team Clinic
9/22: Garden Work Party 8-10:00 a.m.
9/23: Fun Run Fundraiser Kickoff
9/24: PTA Restaurant Night- Pizza Hut
9/24-9/27: Fall Book Fair
9/25: Family PJ Reading Party 6-7 pm
9/24: Art Lit Teach the Teacher Training -6-8:00 p.m.
9/25: Art Lit Teach the Teacher Training 1-2:30 p.m.
10/4: Fun Run
10/30: Trunk or Treat
In this Edition
- Note from Principal Brown
- Garden Work Party
- Fall Book Fair Information
- Meet our New Staff
- Family PJ Night
- PTA Restaurant Night
- Black Bear Spirit Wear Store Open
- Fun Run Information
- OBOB Information
- Lost and Found
- PTA Newsletter
- Art Lit at Tualatin Elementary
- Trunk or Treat Save the Date
- Library Volunteer Opportunities
- Looking to Volunteer
- TuHS Week Of Gold
- Tualatin Dance Team Clinic Information
- Too Sick for School Guidelines
- School Wide Expectations
- Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook
- Monthly Life Skills
- Important Links
Message from our Principal
Dear Black Bear Families-
I hope everyone is getting used to getting back into the school routine! At Tualatin Elementary, we work diligently to prepare all students for success as learners!
Our teachers are working on providing clear and consistent instruction regarding behavior and community skills. Our students have been working hard to demonstrate PAX behavior in the classroom, at lunch and recess, walking through the halls, and in every setting students access throughout the day. If you want more information on what PAX and the Good Behavior Game are all about, you can access information about this program at https://www.paxis.org/school-based-programming/.
We also continued to follow our Social and Emotional Learning scope and sequence with a highlight on monthly themes. This month, students are working on defining and demonstrating Safe, Kind, and Responsible behavior. Safe, Kind, and Responsible behaviors are call our big 3 behavioral expectations. In the classroom and throughout the building teachers and staff provide specific praise for our Black Bears who are working so hard on our big 3 school-wide expectations.
Lindsay Edison, our Dean of Students, has joined classrooms this month to review the Students Rights and Responsibilities Handbook so that all students understand TTSD’s expectations for student behavior to create a successful classroom setting that improves students' learning outcomes. Taking this extra step of visiting classrooms has made a tremendous impact on our students and provides an opportunity for kids to ask questions about expectations and share experiences they have had regarding classroom behavior.
When you get a chance, please ask your students about what they are learning about behavioral expectations, PAX, the big 3, and school rules. They have a lot to say and have brilliant ideas about how students can help each other have excellent classroom and school experiences!
As always, please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns! Go Black Bears!!
Dr. Bobbie Brown
Garden Work Party - Sunday!
Our first garden work party of the year is this weekend, Sunday 9/22 from 8-10:00 a.m. Please come to celebrate our summer volunteers and help us catch up on the end-of-season tasks like harvesting and weeding. The early bird catches the worm. Tools and light refreshments provided.
See Link Below to Sign Up!
Calling all readers! Our Fall Scholastic Book Fair is coming up next week, September 24th - 27th in our school library. All students will have an opportunity to visit the book fair with their classes during their scheduled library time, plus it will be open after school for families to visit.
Book Fair Hours:
Tuesday 9/24 - 11:00am - 4:00pm
Wednesday 9/25 - 8:00am - 7:30pm - Family PJ Reading 6-7pm!
Thursday 9/26 - 8:00am - 4:00pm
Friday 9/27 - 8:00am - 6:30pm - Music & Shop!
There are still a few remaining volunteer opportunities available! All volunteers will need to complete the background check and cashiers must be a PTA Member. Scholarships are available for the PTA membership.
All money raised during the book fair helps us purchase new library books and supplies for our school library. Thank you for supporting our library and our students!
Meet our Staff
Regina Davis-2/3 Split Teacher
We are thrilled to have veteran teacher, Regina Davis, with us leading our 2nd/3rd grade split. She comes to us from Byrom and Deer Creek and has a wealth of experience teaching! When you see her in the halls, make sure to say, "HI!"
Will Pope - AmeriCorps Member
We are so excited to welcome Will Pope to our school for a year of service through AmeriCorps! He will be doing individual and small group tutoring, along with helping get our TEAF (Tualatin Elementary Arts Foundation) program back up after a Covid break!
Travis Hill - PE Teacher
Mr. Hill will be participating this weekend in the Ironman 70.3 Triathalon! He'll swim 1.2 miles in the frigid Columbia River, bike 56 miles, then round it out with a 13.1 mile run! We are so in awe! Please send all your best wishes and stamina-vibes to him!
Family PJ Night
On Wednesday, September 25th, the Book Fair is open late and we are hosting a special Family PJ Reading Night from 6:00pm - 7:00pm. Put on your pajamas and settle in for some good books! We have members from the local Fire Department, the Mayor’s office, high school students and more to read stories. Families can rotate through several classrooms and listen to a story from our community members. Plus, we will be providing free pizza to all attendees! Can’t wait to see you there!
Eat at Pizza Hut & Support Your School!
Did somebody say pizza? Our first restaurant night of the school year is next Tuesday, September 24th at the Tualatin Pizza Hut! Dinner plans just got easier, stop by the shop for a pizza and be sure to mention the Tualatin Elementary PTA school fundraiser when ordering.
Pizza Hut will be donating 20% of their sales back to the Tualatin Elementary PTA for all orders placed on Tuesday, the 24th.
Thank you for supporting our school!
Black Bear Spirit Wear Store is Open!
Get into the school spirit and support Tualatin Elementary by purchasing our exclusive Black Bear spirit wear! The online store is open now through September 25th. There is a variety of t-shirts, sweatshirts, jackets, hats and more in youth and adult sizes, featuring our latest (and super cute) Black Bear design. All orders will be delivered to the school and sent home with your child mid-October.
P.S. All students will receive a free Black Bear t-shirt at our upcoming Fun Run on October 4th.
Let’s RUN and Have Some FUN!
The Tualatin Elementary Fun Run is Friday October 4th and it is one of our biggest fundraisers of the year! We will setup a race track on the field and students run as many laps as they can, all for a good cause!
Start spreading the word about our Fun Run! You can register your student now and get more information at www.MyBooster.com.
Fun Teacher / Guest Race 8:25AM-8:35AM
5th Grade 8:40AM-9:15AM
4th Grade 9:20AM-9:55AM
3rd Grade 10:00AM-10:35AM
2nd Grade 10:40AM-11:15AM
1st Grade 12:00-12:35PM
Kindergarten 12:40PM-1:15PM
Schoolwide Photo with new Spiritwear Shirts given out that day: 1:15PM
Bracelet Sales - Parent Volunteers Needed!
We will be selling bracelets before school Sep 30th - Oct 3rd from 7:30am - 8:00am. Students can purchase different colored bracelets to support their favorite teacher runner and our “mystery runner”. Bracelets are $0.50 each. Students love showing off their bracelets!
Help us Raise $10,000 for our School!
The Fun Run is our first big fundraiser of the school year and our goal is to raise $10,000. All of the money raised will go towards supporting our school, students, and staff.
Come Cheer on Your Student!
Parents and family members are invited to come cheer on your student on Fun Run Day! Stay tuned for details on what time each grade level will be running.
Look for flyers and more information coming home with your student soon!
OBOB for 3-5th Grade
Lost and Found is Filling Up!!
PTA Newsletter
We are excited to share our first Tualatin Elementary PTA Newsletter of the new school year! Stay up to date on the latest news, upcoming events and learn about ways you can get involved! Click the link to read our September issue now!
Art Lit at Tualatin Elementary
Art education in TTSD elementary schools is 100% volunteer based. Our PTA provides all supplies and lesson plans, but we rely upon volunteers to bring art into our classrooms. Please consider helping in your student's classroom.
Volunteers do NOT need to have any artistic inclination. Each month (6 times/year), we will have a training lesson where we teach volunteers about an artist as well as how to teach the project to our students. Total time commitment is 1-3 hours, 6 times throughout the year. Our goal is to have at least 3 volunteers for each classroom so that there is double and triple coverage in case you are unable to help with every single project. In addition, there are free art classes hosted by the TTSD District where Art Lit volunteers can take classes from professional artists. For questions or further information, please email TualArtLit@gmail.com
Save The Date for Trunk-or-Treat Event!
Join us on Wednesday, October 30th from 5:00pm - 7:00pm for an evening of fun at our Trunk-or-Treat event! All Tualatin Elementary families are invited to come and enjoy a family-friendly celebration and an opportunity to do some “trunk-or-treating”.
The school’s rear parking lot will transform into a delightfully cute (and maybe a little spooky) “neighborhood” where everyone can visit each of the decorated vehicle trunks for candy and other goodies! Costumes are encouraged!
Grab a bite! The El Mas Chignon food truck will be onsite for the event so be sure to come hungry and enjoy some delicious tacos and Mexican food!
This is an outdoor event and will happen rain or shine.
Reserve Your Parking Spot!
Are you interested in decorating your vehicle and handing out candy or other goodies? There are only 22 parking spots available, so sign up early to claim your spot!
Keep a look out for more Trunk or Treat details coming soon!
Library Volunteer Opportunities
Help us raise money at the fall book fair for our school library. This event can happen ONLY if we have enough volunteers. We need help setting up and taking down the book fair and cashiering. All volunteers will need to complete the background check and cashiers will need to be a PTA member. Scholarships are available for the PTA membership.
You can email Kathleen Cunnington at kcunnington@ttsd.k12.or.us or sign up directly here.
Thank you for Supporting our school library!
Library Volunteers Needed!
Do you like to keep things organized? Do you understand the Dewey Decimal system and are good at alphabetizing? Then we have a great volunteer opportunity for you that involves picking up library books, checking them in and shelving them on Wednesday or Thursday mornings 8am to 9:30. Please contact Kathleen Cunnington at kcunnington@ttsd.k12.or.us for more information.
OBOB Helpers Needed!
Do you have a 3rd, 4th or 5th grader that will be a part of our fun reading program Oregon Battle of the Books? If so, we need your help. Each grade has 4 meetings per year during their lunch/recess. We also have 3 battle days and an assembly that will need volunteers. Volunteers will help with score keeping, timers, asking already prepared questions and other items as needed. The students are really excited for OBOB and to keep it going this year I will need your help. Please email Kathleen Cunnington at kcunnington@ttsd.k12.or.us if you have questions or would like to volunteer.
Looking to Volunteer?
Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Tualatin Elementary. Please follow the steps below to go through the application process.
All volunteers must complete the checklist below to volunteer:
Complete a background check at:https://www.helpcounterweb.com. (This needs to be renewed every three years.) You will also need to complete the Child Abuse online training.
Please read- Abuse and Sexual Misconduct Reporting Handout
Please read- TTSD Electronic Acceptable Use Policy
Please follow the instructions for the Mandatory online training found in this link- Online Training. Once training has been completed please email your certificate of completion to vmadrigal@ttsd.k12.or.us and epowers@ttsd.k12.or.us
Please read- Tualatin Elementary Training Slides
When the above has been completed, contact me (epowers@ttsd.k12.or.us ) or 503-431-4800) and I will watch for your volunteer profile to get approved
Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Please note that it can take a few weeks for the background check, so plan ahead!
TuHS Class of 2025 Gold Tailgate
On Friday, September 27, from 4:30-6:00 p.m. in the Byrom Elementary School parking lot, TuHS Class of 2025 invite you to their Gold Tailgate! There will be food, cornhole, spikeball, face painting, and a dunk tank! Donations are encouraged and appreciated!
The tailgate is raising funds for Children's Cancer Therapy Development Institute. September is childhood cancer awareness month and TuHS is committed to educating the community about childhood cancer and raising funds in the fight against childhood cancer. Childhood cancer is the leading cause of death by disease in children and over 400,000 kids develop cancer worldwide each year.
Tualatin Dance Kids Clinic - 9/21
Who: Kindergarten - 5th graders
When: Saturday, September 21st. Registration 8:30am - 9:00am. Clinic from 9:00am - 12:30pm (Final performances begin at 12:15pm).
Where: Tualatin High School Main Gym
What: Dancers will be dancing in groups by age and will learn a routine from the Tualatin High School dancers and coaches. There will be a short performance at the end for friends and family!
Register for the clinic here. Payment can be made online here or you can bring cash or a check the day of the clinic.
Check out our Team Website for additional clinic details!
The 21st Century Community Learning Center After School Program
The 21st Century Community Learning Center After School Program will begin Monday, September 16th. This free program will provide a time for academic enrichment, tutoring, recreation, and snacks. Free transportation will also be provided. Program times will be from 2:25 to 4:50, Monday through Friday.
Limited spaces are available.
For more information, contact Kirsten Plumeau at 971-427-0626 or kplumeau@ttsd.k12.or.us
Too Sick for School?
If your child exhibits any of the following symptoms, keep them home.
Please call the attendance line (503-431-4770) to let us know what symptoms the child has.
Students must be fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication. Students experiencing diarrhea and/or vomiting are required to stay home for 24 hours from the last episode of symptoms. A new cough requires 24 hours of improving symptoms (no cough or cough well-controlled). If they have any of these symptoms, please keep your child home until there is a clear observation they are getting better and meet the exclusion guidelines for returning.
- Fever or chills
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Fatigue
- Muscle or body aches
- Headache
- New loss of taste or smell
- Sore throat
- Congestion or runny nose
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea
If your child presents with any of the following symptoms at home or at school, there are specific exclusion guidelines we will follow.
Please see full guidance in the OHA "When can my child return to school" .
Memory Book - Requesting Your Photos!!!
Greetings Black Bear Families!
What a great start we've had to the school year! Our school Memory Book (yearbook) is already in the works and we need help from our amazing families. How can you help, you ask? Any time you are taking photos at a school event, activity or in the classroom - parent volunteers, this includes you too - please take a moment to send them our way, so they can be used in our beautiful 64-page full-color memory book.
We are currently looking for photos from:
- The 1st Day of School (or first days of school, for all grades INCLUDING Pre-K & Kinders)
- Our Fall Family Night at Lee Farms
- UPCOMING EVENT: Book Fair - Sept 24-27
Photos can be sent to: tualatinschoolphotos@gmail.com Please list the Event/Teacher, Grade & Child's Name
Memory Books Questions can be sent to: tualatinmemorybook@gmail.com Interested in joining our committee? WE want to hear from YOU!
School Wide Expectations
Welcome to another school year! We are so excited to start this year off on a positive note as our teachers are teaching and reviewing our school-wide expectations throughout the first two weeks of school. We wanted to share with you our expectations for each major area of the school so you can collaborate with us on supporting all our students! Below you will find our expectation checklists:
Overview of School-Wide Expectations (English & Spanish):
Each area specifically:
Arrival/al llegar a la escuela
Thank you for working with us to ensure our students know and practice our school expectations!
Student Rights Handbook Links and Information
Each classroom has been presented an overview of the district’s Students Rights and Responsibilities handbook through the following presentation by our Dean, Mrs. Edison:
Students Rights and Responsibilities Handbook Presentation
Manual de Derechos y Responsabilidades de los Alumnos
The goal of this presentation is to inform students about their rights and responsibilities as a student in the Tigard-Tualatin School District and how best to support a safe, kind and respectful learning community for all students at Tualatin Elementary.
Monthly Life Skills Focus
This year, we are going to continue our SEL Life Skills focus of the month. We will be celebrating our life skills each month by presenting a Life Skills award! Your student may be picked for this award or for our Black Bear Leader award each month. If they win any Life Skill or Black Bear Leader award, they will receive a certificate and get their picture taken by Avery! This month’s PAX Life Skills are Safe, Kind and Responsible. Students will practice these skills in all areas of the school and throughout their school day.
Thank you for partnering with us in supporting these life skills at home!
Important Links
Email: tualatinoffice@ttsd.k12.or.us
Phone: 503-431-4800
TTSD prohibits discrimination and harassment on any basis protected by law, including but not limited to, an individual’s perceived or actual race,color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national or ethnic origin, marital status, age, mental or physical disability, pregnancy, familial status, economic status, or veterans’ status, or because of the perceived or actual race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national or ethnic origin, marital status, age, mental or physical disability, pregnancy, familial status, economic status or veterans’ status of any other persons with whom the individual associates. 504, and Title IIA Coordinator: Carol Kinch; ckinch@ttsd.k12.or.us, 503-431-4137 Title IX Director: Len Reed; lreed@ttsd.k12.or.us, 503-431-4012. Mailing Address: 6960 SW Sandburg Street, Tigard, OR 97223