Sayéik: GastiNEWS
November 25
Principal's Note
Hello SGCS families,
I hope everyone had a great weekend! As you may/may not be aware, a snow storm is on its way! If necessary, a remote learning day may be called. You will receive a text, phone call, and email by 7:00 AM tomorrow if that's going to happen. Stay tuned!
This week is a short one:
Thursday, November 28: Thanksgiving, no school
Friday, November 29: no school
In partnership,
Stacy Diouf
SGCS Principal
Mid Year Assessments
We will being our Middle of Year assessments the week of December 2. We will start with MAP and then move to DIBELS. Your child(ren)'s teacher will share the schedule with you. Please make sure your child(ren) get plenty of rest and a good breakfast before testing!
Stacy Diouf
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