Grades 6-12 Science
November 2022 Secondary Science Newsletter
Secondary Science Department
Email: jnord5257@columbus.k12.oh.us
Website: https://www.ccsoh.us/site/Default.aspx?PageID=2577
Location: 3700 South High Street, Columbus, OH, USA
Phone: (380) 997-0466
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ColumbusCitySchools/
Check Out this Infographic! Everything on it is a link to a separate explanatory document.
Let's Talk the 5E Model of Learning
By using the 5E Learning Cycles teachers will be able to:
• Provide supports to students as they learn to frame questions, assess and analyze data, and create and critique explanations (including engaging with others in a public forum) – all important components of scientific and engineering practices.
• Select instructional materials that promote the teaching and learning of science by using scientific and engineering practices.
• Assess students’ abilities in multiple ways that are compatible with scientific and engineering practices.
Students engaging with grade-appropriate science content through scientific and engineering practices and the 5E Learning Cycle will be better prepared to meet the challenges as they enter higher education or pursue careers.
Engage: Open your unit with an engaging phenomenon that draws in your students. Students are engaged with a challenging situation which activates prior knowledge. This should provoke questions. The engage should not last more than a period.
Explore: Students investigate the phenomenon. Prior knowledge is challenged and ideas are created. Thus far, you have not taught the students anything about the topic yet. This is where you can gathe their misconceptions.
Explain: Students explain the phenomenon. Knew knowledge is gained and applied. This is where you front load the vocabulary. Interactive lecturing techniques should be used.
Elaborate/Extend: Students apply their knowledge towards new situations. Knowledge is deepened and extended. This is where you differentiate. Who needs vertical learning, horizontal learning, and interventions?
Evaluate: Students reflect on their knowledge and the learning process. Formative assessment is done throughout the entire unit. Summative assessment does not only have to be paper/pencil.
***Contact Jenny Nord if you want her to come to your school and conduct a PD on the 5Es for your science teachers.
Resources You Might Find Useful
Templates for all kinds of presentations. Since you are an educator, you can get verified and it opens up many, many more free resources. Use this link: https://www.canva.com/education/
The Nature Conservancy:
-Virtual Field Trip: Explore Our Oceans: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mz1DxWHjAY
-Game Templates: https://ditchthattextbook.com/resources/templates/#tve-jump-1837d0f2211
-Jeopard Labs: a free online version of this where you don't even need Slides or PowerPoint
-10 Game Hooks to Encourage Learning in your Class: https://ditchthattextbook.com/game-hooks
-Templates: https://ditchthattextbook.com/resources/templates/
-YouTube Template: https://ditchthattextbook.com/infographic/youtube
-NSTA's Twitter Page: Stop by NSTA’s Twitter page and get the latest updates on lesson plans, web seminars and other professional learning, NGSS, NSTA Atlanta23, and more.
-NSTA and NASCAR are thrilled to announce year two of our collaboration with exciting new STEM resources for K-8 educators. New for 2022-23, we have teamed up to produce six racing-themed lesson plans focused on sustainability and safety. https://tinyurl.com/4cbjt2uw
-Our Beautiful Planet: increase student understanding of how the world works with Our Beautiful Planet! View the ready-to-use tools and phenomena-based science lessons from Our Beautiful Planet that are intended to enhance student sensemaking and foster equitable learning in the classroom. New short climate science films and accompanying lessons are available, free of charge, now! Learn More
-Don't forget the Freebies! Scroll down for your grade level.
The Office of Assessment hosted the virtual Ohio Assessment Conference Sept. 13-15, 2022. Almost 1,600 participants attended the conference sessions over the three half days. Recordings of the conference sessions and PDFs of the presentations are now available in the 2022-2023 Assessment Conference section of the test portal.
NSTA National Conference in Atlanta: March 22-25, 2023
Join us next spring for an unparalleled professional learning experience! Share space with educators of all experience levels and backgrounds to delve into pedagogy, explore new ideas and best practices, and revitalize your mind and spirit. NSTA Atlanta23 is your place to expand your knowledge and fuel your inspiration so you can face the future with even more confidence. REGISTER TODAY
SCHEDULE AT-A-GLANCE: see link below
NSTA Miscellaneous:
-High School STEM Competition: SHS promotes research and experimentation at the high school level and supports students’ future STEM pursuits through scholarships and recognition. Registering for JSHS is of no cost to student participants. Participating students have the opportunity to present their STEM research in a forum of their peers and professional STEM personnel representing the Department of Defense, federal research laboratories, and academia. More Information
-Toshiba/NSTA ExploraVision Competition: Real-World Problem Solving
ExploraVision is more than just a student competition: It allows students to simulate real research and development. Register now so you and your students will have plenty of time for brainstorming! Read More-Upcoming webinars for November, December, January: More Info
CLEAN: Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network
CLEAN is putting on its regular professional development webinar series again this fall. They host this to help teachers learn how to use the CLEAN collection to teach about climate and energy. They have a new webinar this year highlighting climate and mental health.
The dates and links to registration are included below. Here is a link to more information on our site: https://cleanet.org/clean/community/webinars/index.html
Register now for the Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) webinar series to enhance your knowledge and teaching about climate and energy education!
Here are their upcoming webinars, if interested:
“Strategies for Integrating Climate Science into the Elementary Classroom with CLEAN” presented by Alicia Christensen, Tiffany Boyd, and Rae Han
November 3rd @ 6:00pm ET / 5:00pm CT / 4:00pm MT / 3:00pm PT
Link to register and more details: https://cuboulder.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_L1lK4gfnQiWenMUA54qBCg
“Beyond Doom & Gloom: How to Teach Climate Change Towards Empowerment” November 8th @6:00 pm ET / 5:00 pm CT / 4:00 pm MT / 3:00 pm PT
Link to register and more details: https://cuboulder.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_qWGzT7JOT0qobI3fZ9aU7A
Callisto: Space Innovation Tour: From launchpad to lunar orbit, discover how Amazon, Lockheed Martin, and Webex are testing new technology that could help future astronauts solve challenges of deep space. See link below.
Amplify Science:Learning science is more meaningful when students can make connections to real people who have made significant contributions to the field. To help you build those connections, we've created three free posters, along with a zero-prep activity that you can use in your science classroom today.
Request your free world-changing scientist posters and find out about how you can win a $500 Donors Choose gift card.
ASCD: How to Ignite Joyful Learning in Classrooms Webinar
This webinar features a panel of educators and experts who will share their own stories of igniting joy in the classroom. This webinar will also include information on:
- The connection between joyful learning and confidence, motivation and agency
- Student responses to learning through joyful, hands-on experiences
- Tangible, hands-on activities designed to spark joy in learning
Empowering Education Free SEL Webinars:
-Mindful Movement for Youth
Mindful movement increases body awareness and self-regulation for kids (and grown-ups!). Come to this interactive workshop to learn mindful movement techniques you can bring to your classroom. Be ready to move!
December 6, 2022,
6-7:30 PM ET
-Trauma-Informed Teaching: Part I
With almost half the nation’s children experiencing one or more serious traumas before the age of 18, it is more important than ever that schools use trauma-informed practices. This introductory training will introduce concepts and definitions of trauma-informed teaching.
January 31, 2023,
6-7:30 PM ET
-Trauma-Informed Teaching: Part II
Part II of the Trauma-Informed Teaching Training builds on the definition of trauma and adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). Together, we will take a deep dive into the needs of students who have experienced trauma, and offer specific trauma-informed teaching interventions.
February 16, 2023,
6-7:30 PM ET
-Restorative Practices
This training defines the theory of Restorative Practice and gives you practical tools to use in the classroom. We’ll cover community-building and relationship-strengthening techniques that help teachers productively respond to conflict.
April 18, 2023,
6-7:30 PM ET
-How Can My School Pay For SEL?
If you don’t know where to turn for SEL best practices, curriculum, resources, and funding, we're here to help. Come to our special workshop for tips to get funds for your SEL program.
May 9, 2023,
6-7:30 PM ET
Articles that Might Interest You
-Earlier Start Times Do Not Hurt Elementary Students: https://tinyurl.com/yc4a47cw
-3 Big Mistakes to Avoid when Helping Readers Grapple with Challenging Texts: https://tinyurl.com/y9wbayen
-Want Test Scores to Improve? Make Engaging Families a Top Priority: https://tinyurl.com/3m8dy529
-Addressing the Link between Anxiety, Depression and Student Attendance: https://tinyurl.com/2p93h5s8
-10 Buzzwords Educators Never Want to Hear Again: https://tinyurl.com/28tkzdr6
-How to Teach about Natural Disasters with Care: https://tinyurl.com/4x5u56mh
-5 Ways Teachers Can Collaborate to Support English Learners: https://tinyurl.com/mwuh6frh
-What Will Teachers Carry over from the Pandemic into Normal Times: https://tinyurl.com/4xbkfwtm https://tinyurl.com/y7bha2ne
-Educators Share Strategies to Engage Students: https://tinyurl.com/36s9rsze
-Why Many Academic Interventions Don't Have Staying Power - and What to Do about It: https://tinyurl.com/yzrz74tj
-Making Sure Students Struggles Are Productive: https://www.edutopia.org/article/making-sure-students-struggles-are-productive
-What Kids Gain when We Don't "Teach" Books: https://www.middleweb.com/47929/what-kids-gain-when-we-dont-teach-books/
-5 Tips for Embedding Digital Citizenship in Schools: https://thejournal.com/articles/2022/10/18/five-tips-for-embedding-digital-citizenship-in-schools.aspx
-Don't Wait to Start Helping Students to Ace Their AP Exams: https://tinyurl.com/2p844h25
-Earthquake that Killed the Dinosaurs Triggered Earthquake that Lasted Weeks to Months https://tinyurl.com/28vf7p7n
Spruce Run Nature Center
Spruce Run Nature Center November/December newsletter: https://www.smore.com/cxmg8
Check out the flyers below for the November and December open houses. October's was wonderful!
Science to Be Thankful for...
HS Chemistry:
Chemistry of Thanksgiving Food: several activities https://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/education/students/highschool/chemistryclubs/activities/thanksgiving.html
Wards Thanksgiving Science Activities: https://tinyurl.com/mr4b8e6j
6 Experiments You Can Do with Food: https://www.weareteachers.com/thanksgiving-food-experiments/
Cranberry Raft Engineering Challenge: https://onlypassionatecuriosity.com/cranberry-raft-engineering-challenge/
Office of Teaching and Learning Curriculum
Brian Morton, Director of Secondary Curriculum
Sonja Dill, Secondary Curriculum Supervisor
Laura Schnebelen, K-5 Coordinator, lschnebe@columbus.k12.oh.us
Jennifer Nord, 6-12 Science Coordinator, jnord5257@columbus.k12.oh.us
Heather Allen, K-12 Spruce Run Coordinator, hallen704@columbus.k12.oh.us