Bass Middle School
Bulldog Bulletin: July 29, 2024

Aug. 26, 2024
Character Ed Word of the Week: INTEGRITY
Communication - Important Change
If you would prefer to receive text messages for communication from the school, please log into your Infinite Campus, click on settings and then contact preferences. Scroll down to select preferences and check all that apply.
Upcoming events
*Please access the parent calendar on the BMS website for club meeting dates. Most clubs begin in September.
Aug. 26: Order your fall MUMS from our Garden Club (scroll to bottom for the link)
Aug. 27: Last day to order BMS spirit wear from PTO (scroll to bottom for the link)
Aug. 27: Soccer game - SRMS @ BMS 4:30 (girls play first)
Aug. 29: Soccer game - BMS @ ECMS 4:30 (boys play first)
Aug. 30: Last day to purchase your BMS yearbook for $45.00 (Link below)
Sept. 2: HOLIDAY (no school)
Sept. 3: Soccer game - MMS @ BMS 4:30 (girls play first) *Student tailgate before the game. Watch for announcement.
Sept. 6:I MISS SUMMER day! Wear school appropriate travel attire.
Sept. 6: Bulldog Break (PTO fundraiser)
Sept. 6: Mum orders are due (pick up date TBD)
Sept. 10: Fall Picture Day
Sept. 10: Progress Reports
Sept. 10: Soccer Semi-Finals
Sept. 12: Soccer Championship
Sept. 16: Volleyball tryouts begin (scroll to bottom for link)
Sept. 24: Open House (5:00-6:30)
Please make note of the following:
Items being dropped off during school hours
Please limit items being dropped off at the school throughout the school day. We do not interrupt classroom instruction for students to retrieve items. Students may check the office at the beginning of their lunch period. Make certain that you let someone in the office know that you are dropping the item off so they can enter your student's name on the slideshow.
The school will NOT accept items dropped off by third party drivers for any reason.
Transportation change request
Complete this form only in the event that the student is NOT aware of the change. Please do not submit your change on this form if your student is aware. The transportation change request form is located on the BMS website under Quick Links. Thank you.
Tips for Parents About Student Social Media
1. **Open Dialogue**
- **Discuss Social Media**: Regularly talk to your teenager about their social media usage, including the apps they use, who they follow, and what they post. Ask if they have more than one account.
- **Address Bullying Risks**: Have conversations about how social media interactions can sometimes lead to bullying behaviors, either as a victim or a perpetrator, and emphasize the importance of reporting any negative experiences.
2. **Set Ground Rules**
- **Establish Guidelines**: Create clear rules about social media usage, including screen time limits, privacy settings, and acceptable online behavior.
- **Anti-Bullying Policies**: Make it clear that bullying behavior, such as spreading rumors, making hurtful comments, or excluding others online, is unacceptable and will have consequences.
3. **Use Parental Controls**
- **Leverage Technology**: Use parental control features or apps to monitor activity discreetly. This can help track inappropriate behavior or signs of bullying.
- **Regular Check-ins**: Review your child’s social media accounts together to discuss their interactions and address any concerning behavior, including signs of cyberbullying.
4. **Stay Educated**
- **Know the Platforms**: Stay informed about the social media platforms your teenager uses and understand how they can be used positively or negatively.
- **Recognize Bullying**: Learn to recognize the signs of cyberbullying, such as exclusion from group chats, mean comments, or persistent negative messages.
5. **Encourage Responsible Behavior**
- **Digital Footprint**: Teach your teenager about the permanence of online posts and the concept of a digital footprint. Encourage them to think before they post, especially when it comes to commenting on others.
- **Cyberbullying Awareness**: Discuss the importance of kindness online and the severe impact bullying can have on others. Encourage them to stand up against bullying and to support peers who may be targeted.
6. **Model Good Behavior**
- **Lead by Example**: Model responsible social media use yourself. Demonstrate how to interact respectfully online and the importance of addressing any harmful behavior you encounter.
7. **Address Privacy Concerns**
- **Account Privacy**: Ensure your teen's social media accounts are set to private, limiting who can see their posts and interact with them, which can reduce the risk of bullying from strangers.
- **Personal Information**: Remind them never to share personal information that could be used to target them or others in a harmful way.
8. **Spot Warning Signs**
- **Watch for Red Flags**: Pay attention to changes in behavior, such as your teen becoming secretive about their device, sudden mood swings, or withdrawal from family activities, which could indicate they are experiencing or engaging in bullying online.
- **Engage Proactively**: If you notice something troubling, approach the conversation with empathy. Ask open-ended questions to understand what’s going on, and be prepared to intervene if necessary.
9. **Encourage Offline Activities**
- **Promote Balance**: Encourage your teenager to engage in offline hobbies and activities. A healthy balance between online and offline life can reduce the likelihood of them becoming involved in negative online behaviors like bullying.
By staying involved and informed, you can help your pre-teen/teenager navigate social media safely, minimizing the risk of bullying and fostering positive online interactions.
Parent Engagement
Parent Lunch n' Learn - PBIS and Spotlight
Last week, we held our first Parent Lunch n' Learn over our PBIS program and Spotlight! If you were not able to attend, please click on the link below to see the presentation.
Curriculum Corner
See what your student is learning each nine weeks!
Gifted Testing
Gifted referral period: August - September
If you are interested in having your student evaluated for gifted classes, please complete the referral form and return it to Caitlin Toney (caitlin.toney@cowetaschools.net).
If your student was in REACH in elementary school, the gifted eligibility will continue in middle school. There is no need for re-evaluation.
All gifted referral forms must be returned by September 6, 2024. Click below to print the form.
Gifted testing will take place in October.
Nurse Rachel Posson
Signs of Suicide- September
During this school year, school staff are working to teach students about mental health and how to seek help if they are worried about themselves or a friend. We are using a program called SOS Signs of Suicide. The program teaches students about this difficult topic and encourages them to seek help.
SOS has been used by thousands of schools over the past few decades. Studies have shown that it effectively teaches students about depression and suicide while reducing the number of students’ self-reported suicide attempts.
Through the program, students learn who they can turn to at school for help, if they need it:
that depression is treatable, so they are encouraged to seek help
how to identify depression and potential suicide risk in themselves or a friend
to ACT (Acknowledge, Care and Tell a trusted adult) if concerned about themselves or a friend
Students will watch age-appropriate video clips and participate in a guided discussion about depression, suicide, and what to do if they are concerned about a friend. Following the video, students will complete a response slip which asks whether they would like to talk to an adult about any concerns. School staff will conduct brief meetings with any student asking to talk.
We encourage you to visit www.sossignsofsuicide.org/parent for information on warning signs for youth suicide, useful resources, and some of the key messages students will learn.
An opt out form will be sent home this week. If you do not want your child to participate, please sign and return the form to their homeroom teacher. If you have any questions, please reach out to your child's counselor.
Please have all opt out forms returned by September 3rd!
Backpack Buddies
Backpack Buddies is a 501c3 non-profit organization created to supply economically disadvantaged children in the Coweta County School System with food for the weekend. If you are interested in signing up for the program, scan the QR code to the right.
Small Groups Offered During Spring Semester
Kate's Club
Kate's Club is offering a weekly grief support group at Bass Middle School. Kate's Club is a local non-profit organization that provides programs for students who are grieving the death of someone important to them. This group is open to students in any grade who have experienced the death of a parent, sibling, grandparent, other family member, or friend. If you know of a student who might benefit, please click on the link below to complete the permission slip.
In small group we will define worry and anxiety. We will discuss possible triggers and how to recognize when our body is feeling anxious. We will also help develop coping skills to deal with stress and anxiety.
Students will learn more about following directions, taking turns, controlling their bodies, filtering thoughts, and more!
If you are interested in signing your child(ren) up for stress/anxiety or self control group please click the link below.
#BulldogsRead will meet every six to eight weeks to read and discuss books. The first selection for our 2024-2025 School Year is A Corner of the Universe by Ann M. Martin. Students should have a completed permission slip in order to participate in the book club.
Visit the BMS website for the latest information regarding athletics.
*CCMSAL permits 7th and 8th grade students to participate in school sports.
Home Athletic Events
We love for our students to attend home athletic events to support our athletes. Due to limited supervision after school, please make note that students may not remain at school unless we announce that we are having a tailgate before the game begins. Therefore, students must go home using their normal transportation and may return to the school at 4:30.
In addition, students must be picked up by 6:00 p.m. for all athletic events.
Soccer Highlights
Middle School Athletic Season
*All sporting events begin at 4:30 p.m. and cost $5.00 per person to attend.
Fall: Football, Cheerleading & Volleyball
Winter: Basketball
Spring: Track
Middle school students are required to have a paying adult with them at all high school events.
Any 8th Grade Boy or Girl that wants to Wrestle at Northgate High School this year, there will be a parent meeting on September 3rd @ 6pm in the Main Cafeteria at Northgate High School.
If you have any questions please contact Bo Dettmering at bo.dettmering@cowetaschools.net.
Other Information
Blake Bass Middle School
Assistant Principal: Angie Markham
Assistant Principal: Austin Dickens
Email: cindy.bennett@cowetaschools.net
Website: bms.cowetaschools.net
Location: 500 Shaw Road, Sharpsburg, GA, USA
Phone: 770 254 2600
Follow us on social media
BMS Twitter: @BassMiddle1
BMS Athletics Twitter: @AthleticsBass
BMS Instagram: bassmiddleschool
BMS Facebook: @BassMiddleSchool
BMS Website: http://bms.cowetaschools.net/