Colonial Park Weekly News
June 3 - June 7
Principal's Note
Dear Colonial Park Families -
It is hard to believe we are about to enter our last week of the school year. It is jam-packed for our students!
Field Day is scheduled for Monday, June 3. I am attaching Ms. Dean's schedule and rotation, and we welcome spectators for our Field Day events. The lunch options for Monday are only hamburger, cheeseburger, hot dog and Happy Sack, so please send your student with a home lunch if they do not want any of the choices. We are inviting our students in grades K-4 to wear their Fun Run t-shirt, or a t-shirt of the same color, for Field Day. Preschool does not participate in our Field Day, and they will have their own Field Day fun in the courtyard with their teachers.
Field Day Schedule and Rotation
Our last day of school will be Wednesday, June 12. All students in grades K-4 will be dismissed at 12:00, and our preschool students will be dismissed at 11:40. On our last day, we will have a Clap Out for our graduating fourth graders! At 11:45, our fourth graders will walk through the building to the cheers of students and staff, and then exit into the recess area. We invite all families to arrive a little early to dismissal to cheer on our fourth graders as they leave Colonial Park for the last time!
One of my favorite Stoneham traditions is when the graduating seniors return to their home elementary school, and our students have the chance to celebrate them. We were thrilled to welcome them on Friday, and our students' enthusiasm did not disappoint! We wish all our graduates the best of luck, and we know they will be successful in any path they choose.
Attached please find the last lunch menu of the year and our 2024-2025 School Calendar. I hope everyone has a wonderful week!
Rosa Flynn
Information for Fourth Grade Families
It's a big week for our fourth graders and our fourth grade families! We are excited to welcome everyone to the Moving On Ceremony, scheduled for Wednesday, June 5, at 9:00am in our gym. Entry to the building will not be available until after morning arrival, which typically wraps up by about 8:35. Also, there is no parking in the fire lane in front of the building, and I expect our parking lot will fill up quickly. If you are able to walk or park in the surrounding neighborhood streets, please do.
The Middle School has provided a link to the SCMS Summer Learning Website. They will be sharing this link with you; however, I wanted to provide it as well. The summer learning is not graded, but there will be school-wide activities based on the material during the first few weeks of fifth grade.
Important Upcoming Dates
June 2024
Monday, 3 Field Day (spectators welcome) and Kona Ice Truck (CP students only)
Tuesday, 4 Grade 4 MS Visit, 1:10 to 2:10
Wednesday, 5 Moving On Ceremony, Grade 4, 9:00am
Thursday, 6 Field Day, Rain Date
Thursday, 6 Ms. Kelsey Moving-on Ceremony, 9:00am
Thursday, 6 Grade 3 Showcase, 2:00 to 2:30
Friday, 7 Grade 2 Parent Event, 8:45 to 9:30 (cafeteria)
Friday, 7 Ms. Sue and Ms. Courtney Moving-on Ceremony, 10:00am
Friday, 7 Staff vs. Grade 4 Kickball (no spectators)
Friday, 7 PTO Sponsored Grade 4 Party
Monday, 10 K Enrichment- Discovery Museum, Bubbles 9-11am cafeteria
Wednesday, 12 Grade 4 Clap-Out, Last Day of School, Early Release Day