Family Knight News
Your Support System!
Should you ever need support, we are here to provide it. Please see the graphic above. For any classroom related support, please contact the classroom teacher first. Administrators are available should you need support with anything else.
Bridgett Brown - Grades PreK, K, 1, Testing
Kadian Dennis-Walls - Grades 2, 3, Title I, EIP Support, Car Riders
Kemel Roberts - Grades 4, 5, Special Education, 504 Support, Transportation
Message from the Principal - Mrs. Haynes
Dear LES Parents and Families,
It feels as if it's been so long since I first wrote to you and since the start of the school year. We are already beginning our sixth week of school. What a wonderful whirlwind it has been; truly fast and furious. We have hit the ground running and have barely come up for air. A lot has already happened, including a robust Curriculum Night. It was great to see so many of you. A lot goes into planning after school events, and our teachers are always excited to see you show up! We love to see our families and we especially appreciate your support.
As you may recall from my first newsletter, our theme this year is LEADing with IMPACT! Our teachers and staff are committed to getting our students to their desired outcome. We realize that there are some students who are on a one year path to success while there are others on a multiyear path to success. Your child's teachers are equipped with the data to tell your where your child stands. Students who are on a multiyear path need additional support at home so we can ensure they are not only meeting their typical goals, but also their stretch goals. Teachers use structured literacy to identify gaps and help students fill them. Please join us in ensuring your child's trajectory is moving onward and upward.
Did you realize that if your child has missed two days of school that they have already missed 10% of the school year? Missing school means missing instruction. Please ensure that your child is at school unless sick. It is equally important that students are on time to school. Joyful Learning and Morning meeting take place upon arrival and are essential components to help students level set the day. Intervention time aka Knight Time begins immediately following the morning announcements. This is where students get math and reading intervention and extension. Additionally, some grade levels have reading and/or math at the end of day, and this can be impacted by early checkouts. Please help us by ensuring you child is at school every day all day, unless sick.
We are excited about our start of the school year. Our students are displaying great behavior. However, if you are receiving calls regarding your child's behavior, it is important to take these calls seriously and have the important conversation with your child regarding school rules and expectations. Our PreK students and many of our Kindergarten students are new to school. They are adjusting and learning, and our teachers are pros with helping them. However, our first through fifth grade students should already know and understand schoolwide expectations. Our goal is always to keep students in class and learning, so your support is greatly appreciated.
I hope that you've been getting the information you need from our teachers' weekly newsletters. We are intentional with meeting our goal of communicating with our families. If you are not receiving a weekly newsletter, please reach out to your child's teacher. I don't want you to miss a thing!
We love our LES students so much! They are a part of our dynamic LES family, and I'm so proud of the great care our teachers provide to our students. Our students are our top priority! Teaching and learning is second only to the safety and security of our staff and students. We appreciate our families and our communities. I'm looking forward to seeing you this year as we work together to LEAD with IMPACT.
Your Proud Principal
Candace Haynes
Please join us for our 1st Skate Night of the school year!
Congratulations to our Teacher of the Year - Mrs. Amie Schaff!
Mrs. Alvarez passes the TOTY torch to Mrs. Schaff!
Mrs. Haynes congratulates Mrs. Schaff!
The Admin Team congratulates Mrs. Schaff!
Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Schaff, & Mrs. Choi - Our Top 3 TOTY Finalists!
A Visit from Superintendent Dr. Calvin Watts!
Dr. Watts greets 1st Grade Teacher, Mr. Smith!
Dr. Watts compliments a 5th Grade Class!
Dr. Watts greets a faithful LES Volunteer, Mr. Caron!
Dr. Watts welcomes a registering family!
Meet the LES Administrative Team (A-Team)
Kindergarten Color Days - Brown Day!
LES has a brand new website! Check us out!
Important Information from our School Counselors, Ms. Younger and Ms. Williams!
Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned” (Buddha).
We all at some point throughout our lives experience anger and have oftentimes not handled it in the most appropriate way. How we manage anger looks different for each individual and is dependent upon not only being aware of our triggers, but also on having a toolbox of positive coping skills to refer to. This is no easy feat for an adult, so imagine the difficulties of trying to regulate your emotions as a child.
According to The Child Mind Institute, “the key to learning self-regulation skills is not to avoid situations that are difficult to handle, but to coach kids through them and provide a support framework until they can handle these challenges on their own”. With that being said, equipping your child with the appropriate tools will help provide them a foundation for effective emotion management.
Here are some key ways to help your child better manage their anger:
Encourage your child to express their anger because we all get angry, but you can assist your child in being able to express their anger in a healthy way (i.e using their words to communicate their feelings)
Allow your child to take some cool down time, which could be a great moment for them to practice positive coping skills. Some useful skills that they can utilize during that time are deep breathing, walking it off, doing meditation, or even engaging in activities that teach discipline, such as martial arts, football, etc.
The most important thing to remember is that repetition is key. Remember to practice these skills often! A great book that you could read with your child to explore not only anger management, but also self-control when dealing with all emotions is How to be a Superhero Called Self-Control by Lauren Brukner.
Your school counselors,
Ms. Younger (k-2) & Mrs. Williams (3-5)
Calendar Peek
Please stay connected to ParentSquare for the most up to date information as events are subject to change!
9/11 - Patriot Day
9/12 - Skate Night at Sparkles - 5:00-9:00 pm
9/13 - Dot Day - Wear Dots
9/18 - Annual Title 1 Parent Meeting - 5:00-6:30 pm
9/19 - Local School Council Meeting - 12:00 pm
9/20 - Digital Learning Day (DLD)
9/26 - Picture Day
Looking ahead:
10/2 - 4th & 5th Grade Field Trip to the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra
We have new carpet in our school!
Only water is allowed in our classrooms. Please ensure that student water bottles only contain water. This carpet will be with us for the next 10 years or more and we want to be good stewards of what we have received.
Student Dress Code
- For safety reasons, it is very important that students wear tennis shoes to school. Even when not in PE, students are playing outside daily. Our goal is to avoid accidents, including trips and falls in the hallway. Please save the crocs, yeezys, slides, sandals, and similar shoes for wearing outside of school.
- Head coverings such as hats, caps, hoodies, satin night caps, scarves, bandanas, etc. should not be worn to school.
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
About Us
Lawrenceville Elementary is very proud to be a PBIS school. PBIS focuses on positive behaviors, teaching and reteaching school and classroom expectations and rewarding students with incentives. Our school expectations are taught and referred to daily so all students can be equipped to have a successful day at Lawrenceville Elementary.
Our Awesome Incentives:
- Lead Bucks: Buy rewards and admission to events throughout the school year.
- BOB (Best on Bus): These students have a chance to earn a Pizza lunch with the A-Team.
- PBIS Store: Students can use their LEAD bucks to buy desired items.
- PBIS Celebrations: Fun school-wide events to celebrate students for awesome behavior!
You can help!
We encourage all parents to talk with your child about the school motto and what it means to them. Ask them if they earned any Lead Bucks this week. Ask them about some of the PBIS Celebrations and how to earn it.
Lunch Visitors
We temporarily put a halt to having lunch visitors.
Lunch visitors are welcome to return the week of 9/16.
Here are important points to remember:
- Visiting parents may only have lunch with your own children. Other students are not allowed to sit with other students' parents. Please do not ask them to do so.
- Outside fast food and soda are not permitted in the cafeteria.
- You must be listed in our system to have lunch with students. No exceptions.
- Your visitor's badge must be worn so that it is visible to staff.
- Lunch visitors should go directly to the cafeteria without visiting any other areas in the building.
- Lunch visitors are expected to return to the front lobby desk at the conclusion of lunch without visiting other areas in the building.
Ice Cream
Ice cream is sold daily. It is $1.00 cash only.
Classroom ice cream parties are a great way to celebrate students. Please send the money to the teacher with a note if you would like to purchase ice cream for the entire class.
August Happenings
Kindergarten Color Days - Blue Day!
Busy bees in skills block
3rd Grade Team in Action
Some of our Littlest Black Knights in Play 2 Learn
On Pink Day Mrs. Haynes learned that wearing Hello Kitty makes one very popular!
We encourage all families to create a MPP account. No purchase is necessary to have a MPP account. You will be able to read and digitally sign documents and/or make necessary payments. It is a great way for you to manage and keep track of all of your student payments and forms in one place throughout the school year.
MyPaymentsPlus is linked directly to your school’s student information system (SIS), enabling us to show real-time balances and invoices, and eliminating the need to call or visit your school in search of information.
Simply create a free MyPaymentsPlus account to get started today:
Important for you to know!
Please find the important links and information below:
1. ParentVUE
* Grades and Schedules: Monitor your child's academic progress and access their class schedules through ParentVUE. [Login to ParentVUE]
2. MyPaymentsPlus
* Student Meal Accounts: Manage your child's meal accounts, add funds, and monitor their meal purchases with MyPaymentsPlus.
* School Activities: Review and pay for school activities and fees conveniently online.
3. ParentSquare
* School Communication: Stay informed and connected with our school's latest updates and communications by activating your ParentSquare account. [Activate Your ParentSquare Account]
We encourage you to take advantage of these resources to stay engaged with your child's educational journey. Should you have any questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our office.
Get Connected!
We realize that most of you are connected to ParentSquare! Please add the App!
Central Gwinnett Cluster Spotlight - CHECK us out because we are awesome!
(If it buffers or resets, refresh the page and play again. it works!)
Previous Editions of the Knight News
Mission, Vision, Motto
Vision Statement: Lawrenceville Elementary will provide the foundation for all students to become life-long learners and successful citizens.
Mission Statement: We will provide a learning environment where students strive to: Lead by Learning, Embrace Diversity, Achieve Excellence, and Demonstrate Leadership.
Motto: Today’s Learners … Tomorrow’s Leaders
Our Theme This Year: LEADing with IMPACT at Lawrenceville Elementary!
Lawrenceville Elementary School
Principal ~ Mrs. Candace Haynes
Assistant Principal ~ Mrs. Bridgett Brown
Assistant Principal ~ Mrs. Kadian Dennis-Walls
Assistant Principal ~ Mr. Kemel Roberts
Location: 122 Gwinnett Drive, Lawrenceville, GA 30046, USA
Phone: 770-963-1813
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