Ellison's October Updates

Fall Break, October 14th - 18th
There will be no school from October 14th through October 18th.
Normal school schedule will resume on Monday, October 21st.
Heart of Gold Awards
Congratulations to all of our Eagle Staff that have been recognized as Heart of Gold recipients!!
Ms. Faulks, Dr. Irwin, Coach Kepler, Ms. Picot, and Ms. Scheafnocker
Ellison's October Events
October 1
-Lady Eagle Volleyball (Varsity, 9th, and JV) - Lake Belton - 5:30 PM & 6:30 PM
-Varsity Tennis - Lake Belton - 4:30 PM
October 3
-Girls & Boys Cross Country - Heritage Park, Belton - 6:00 AM
-Sub-Varsity Tennis - Lake Belton - 4:30 PM
-Swim Meet - Clements Boys and Girls Club
October 4
-Lady Eagle Volleyball (Varsity, 9th, and JV) - University - 5:30 PM & 7:00 PM
October 5
-KISD Monster Mash - middle school meet
-Swim Meet - Clements Boys and Girls Club
October 7
-Fall Choir Concert - EHS Auditorium - 7:00 PM
October 8
-Lady Eagle Volleyball (Varsity, 9th, and JV) - Ellison - 5:30 PM & 6:30 PM
-Boys Varsity Golf - Mill Creek Golf Course, Salado - 8:30 AM
October 9
-Freshmen and JV Football - Belton - 6:00 PM
October 10
-Girls & Boys Cross Country (District Meet) - HOT Soccer Complex, Waco - 6:00 AM
-Girls Varsity/JV Girls Golf - Sammons Golf Course, Temple - 8:30 AM
-Varsity Football - Searles Stadium - 7:00 PM
October 11
-Lady Eagle Volleyball (Varsity, 9th, and JV) - Chaparral - 5:30 PM & 7:00 PM
October 12
-Band Contest - US Bands at Burleson
-Swim Meet - Roy and Jean Potts Swim Center, Belton High School
October 15
-Lady Eagle Volleyball (Varsity, 9th, and JV) - Ellison - 5:30 PM & 6:30 PM
October 17
-Freshmen and JV Football - Ellison High School - 6:00 PM
October 18
-Lady Eagle Volleyball (Varsity, 9th, and JV) - Lake Belton - 5:30 PM & 7:00 PM
-Varsity Football - Waco - 7:00 PM
October 19
-Band UIL Regional Marching Contest
October 21
-Girls & Boys Cross Country (Region III-5A Meet) - Lynn Creek Park, Grand Prairie - TBA
October 22
-Lady Eagle Volleyball (Varsity, 9th, and JV) - Ellison - 5:30 PM & 6:30 PM
-JV Boys Golf - The Hills, Copperas Cove - 8:30 AM
October 24
-Freshmen and JV Football - Brenham - 6:00 PM
October 25
-Lady Eagle Volleyball (Varsity, 9th, and JV) - Belton - 5:30 PM & 7:00 PM
-Varsity Football - Leo Buckley - 7:00 PM (Homecoming!)
October 26
-Band UIL Area Marching Contest
-Homecoming Dance
-Swim Meet - Waco Family YMCA
October 28
-JV Boys and JV Girls Golf - Sammons Golf Course, Temple - 8:30 AM
October 29
-Lady Eagle Volleyball (Varsity, 9th, and JV) - Ellison - 5:30 PM & 6:30 PM
October 30
-Freshmen and JV Football - Bryan - 6:00 PM
-Varsity Boy’s Golf - Stonetree Golf Course, Killeen - 9:00 AM
October 31
-Varsity Football - Leo Buckley - 7:00 PM
October's Social Emotional Learning Topic
What does it mean to Self-Direct?
Self-Direction is the ability and learned skill to cast a vision of future goals and then take intentional steps toward who, where, and what we want to be. Instead of focusing on things to control or avoid, we emphasize our responsibility to make positive choices related to our emotions, attitudes, and actions.
Self-Direction in Action:
- Practice goal setting and action planning
- Monitor and Adjust
- Reflect and Evaluate
"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."
- George Bernard Shaw
September's Good Things
Ellison Choirs:
On Saturday, September 21st, 30 Ellison Choir students traveled to Belton High School for All-Region Choir auditions.
Congratulations to these Eagles who earned placement in the choir:
Daniel Ardon Rodas, Chery Lara Sandoval, and Aimee Tseng.
In addition to making the region choir, five students placed in the top 15 on their voice parts and will advance to the next round of auditions:
Leo Gonzalez, Josiah Guajardo, John Rodriguez, Callie Walker, and Aryasia Young.
Way to go, Ellison Choir!
Ellison Tennis:
Ellison Team Tennis has made the playoffs for the first time in almost a decade!!!
This remarkable group of kids has truly gone above and beyond for the team's success. They have reached the playoffs with a skeleton crew. Achieving this milestone with such limited numbers is a testament to their dedication and resilience. A few players even stepped up to compete in varsity matches, showing incredible selflessness. Their commitment has been nothing short of inspiring!
Way to go, Ellison Tennis!
Ellison Screaming Eagle Band:
The Ellison Screaming Eagle Band competed at the US Bands Madisonville Regional Contest this past weekend, earning 1st place in Group 3 and winning the music, visual, and percussion captions. Congratulations to the band on a strong start to the contest season!
Way to go, Ellison Band!
Ellison Screaming Eagle JROTC Battalion:
The Eagle Battalion presented the colors proudly as they strut across the field with patriotism in their hands. Showcasing the determination and grit of the Battalion on and off the field.
The Battalion believes that "practice makes perfect" striving to be the best always.
Way to go, Eagle Battalion!
Ellison Eagle Football:
A special thanks to our cheerleaders and parents for making the drive to support our student athletes.
Way to go, Eagle Football!
Good Habits
Yondr Pouch Reminders
Purple Star Designation
C. E. Ellison High School proudly joins the group of 38 Killeen ISD campuses that have received the purple heart designation.
Our Mission Statement
The People Business
The mission of Ellison High School is to launch young people into successful adult lives of learning, service, and meaningful work.
This means we are in The People Business: Common Ground, Common Commitments, Common Celebrations. Go Eagles!
Our goal is to help every student learn, grow, and discover how they can make positive contributions to their community, today and in the future, here in Killeen and around the world.
Own Your Learning
Our most important motto at EHS is: Own Your Learning!
When we use this motto, we are reminding students that their academic success belongs to them, and that they should take ownership of it. School staff and parents all care very much about students' academic success, but the key is for our students to see their academic success and achievements as their own.
This invitation to growth, maturity, and ownership of one's success is a key part of our experience here at EHS.
Own Your Learning!
Contact Us:
If you have any questions, we are here to help. Please feel free to call our main office or email our Principal, David Dominguez.
Email: david.dominguez@killeenisd.org
Website: https://schools.killeenisd.org/Page/97
Location: 909 East Elms Road, Killeen, TX, USA
Phone: 254-336-0600
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EllisonEagles
I am honored to serve as the principal of C.E. Ellison High School!