JV Wire
JV news from the residents point of view
Who or what is JVCCC?
- JV Concerned Citizens Committee is a group of concerned citizens that want to encourage and empower all Jersey Village residents to become more engaged in how city government makes decisions that impact their lives, their homes, and their city.
- Our mission is to share the history of Jersey Village with JV citizens in order to build community involvement and to provide feedback from the citizens to influence the city council's decisions that affect residents' concerns related to keeping a safe, economically sound, and attractive community for all citizens.
- JVCCC is officially registered as a Political Action Committee (PAC) in the State of Texas.
- Many of our members grew up here and/or raised our families in JV.
- We are a diverse thinking community with passion. We want the city to thrive and expect our city leaders to use common sense and fiscal responsibility.
Let your voice and opinion be heard!!
Attending council meetings or speaking at them may not be possible for everyone; however, your voice and concerns are important. Please use the emails below to share your thoughts, praises, and concerns with those who manage our tax dollars.
Austin Bleess (City Manager): ableess@jerseyvillagetx.com
Robert Basford (Assistant City Manager): rbasford@jerseyvillagetx.com
Bobby Warren (Mayor): bwarren@jerseyvillagetx.com
Michelle Mitcham (Councilman Place 3, Mayor Per Tem): mmitcham@jerseyvillagetx.com
Drew Wasson (Councilman Place 1): dwasson@jerseyvillagetx.com
Sheri Sheppard (Councilman Place 2): ssheppard@jerseyvillagetx.com
Connie Rossi (Councilman Place 4): crossi@jerseyvillagetx.com
Jennifer McCrea (Councilman Place 5): jmccrea@jerseyvillagetx.com
What can I do to help my community become more aware?
Please share this newsletter with JV neighbors and friends. Encourage them to sign up for JV Wire by emailing jvwire4jvccc@yahoo.com.