Bobcat Strong Tracker
October 11, 2024
Having trouble reading this email? Just click anywhere on the content below or visit our website at www.santaritaschool.org and go to the bottom of the website to find this newsletter!
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Our Mission
At Santa Rita Elementary School, we foster curious, motivated learners who reach their highest potential in a supportive community that appreciates diversity.
Wednesday, October 16th-20th - Santa Rita Silent Auction!
Saturday, October 19th- Witches' Delight Halloween Carnival
Monday, November 11th- Veteran's Day- No School
Wednesday, November 13th- PTA Meeting
PLEASE make sure to complete this packet so we have your most up to date information and so teachers and students can start this year BOBCAT STRONG! https://form.jotform.com/241260293620145
LASD 2024-2025 Calendar
Reporting Attendance: Santa Rita Student Attendance
Santa Rita Website: https://www.santaritaschool.org/santaritaes
ADHD & Dyslexia Awareness Display Case Team
What better way to celebrate orange week than by making 🎃 pumpkin mini muffins! That's exactly what our Santa Rita TK students did! YUM!
Dear Santa Rita Families,
I hope your family is getting ready for our biggest event of the year, Witches’ Delight. I am very excited to attend this for the first time this year. My husband Joe will be helping with the BBQ. We are still looking for volunteers for this event. Please use this link to sign up.
I hope you’ve had a chance to see your child’s key assignments come home in their Friday folder. Please keep an eye out for your child’s work coming home with a light green note on the front explaining how they did on that assignment.
Are you looking for ways to support your child with math at home? Please check out this resource for videos and activities about math. It is perfect for children ages birth to 8.
English & Spanish Math Resources
I hope you and your family have a lovely long weekend. See you on Monday!
Let’s Go, Bobcats!
Denise Khalid
International Bike and Walk to School Day
In honor of International Bike and Walk to School Day, you may want to review this bike safety video with your child.
Witches' Delight Halloween Carnival!
The Witches' Delight carnival is quickly approaching and we NEED YOUR HELP! See below for lots of ways to get involved. With your support we can make this the BEST Witches' Delight yet!
Witches' Delight Halloween Carnival
Saturday, October 19
3-8 PM at Santa Rita
- BUY TICKETS: Skip the lines and take advantage of pre-sale discounted prices!
- VOLUNTEER: This incredible community-wide event is 100% volunteer staffed. Grab a friend and sign-up to help!
- CAKE JAM: Donate a cake and be a part of one of the most loved events of Witches' Delight!
What is Witches' Delight?
- Thrill seeking carnival rides
- Fun games to play for prizes
- The famous cake jam- take your chance at winning a delicious cake!
- Cake contest
- Costume contest
- The popular Snack Shack & much more!
The event can’t happen without all the helpful volunteers, donated cakes and bringing friends and family to support Santa Rita. We are grateful to each and every one of you!!
Santa Rita PTA Silent Auction
Hello Santa Rita Community!! Now that you’ve heard the exciting news about the Santa Rita PTA Silent Auction happening on October 16-20, 2024, we wanted to get you thinking about what party you would like to host or co-host to participate in the fun! Your next steps are:
1. Watch this short video to learn more about the auction and hear a few ideas to get the creative juices flowing!
2. Submit your party idea through this easy Google form. https://forms.gle/2unn94KSUwq6qkWP6 We will list your party as part of the auction and sell spots to attend your party. Party ideas are due by October 11.
If you aren’t sure what you would like to do however, want to participate, please reach out! Your participation is crucial for the PTA to have the ability to continue funding our art, music, and STEM programs, as well as to purchase new technology, library books, supplies, resources, and enrichment activities for our students and teachers!
Every LASD TK-6th grader learns to value our natural world through hands-on, standards-based lessons, designed to build on each other from year to year. Donations to LAEF fund your student's environmental education. Find out what your student is learning in the Living Classroom program this school year.
LAEF is the only way for parents to fund LASD teaching staff in our district and help fill the gap in school funding from federal, state, and local sources. Our goal for the 2024-25 school year is $2.9 million. See how donations to LAEF will be spent this school year.
Donate or Pledge to LAEF today!
Gather your friends and sign up for LAEF’s Fall Fundraising Night on Oct 17.
Let’s keep our schools strong!
MVLA Speaker Series: Jennifer Wallace, Wed. 10/30, 7PM @ Crittenden Middle School
Join us for an evening with Jennifer Wallace, author of Never Enough
Never Enough: Mattering as a Solution to Toxic Achievement Pressure
Wednesday, October 30, 2024, 7PM, Crittenden Middle School Auditorium, Mountain View (please note venue change)
Today’s students face unprecedented pressure to succeed. The drive to optimize performance has resulted in skyrocketing rates of anxiety, depression, and self-harm in teens and adolescents. Parents, educators, and community leaders face the same quandary: how can we teach our kids to strive towards excellence without crushing them?
In this eye-opening talk, Wallace investigates the deep roots of toxic achievement culture, explores its harmful impact on our kids, and delivers the powerful solution: Mattering, the psychological concept of feeling like you add value and are valued regardless of your external achievements. Wallace provides a practical mattering framework that parents and educators can use to tackle achievement pressure at home and in the classroom.
About Our Speaker
JENNIFER BREHENY WALLACE is an award-winning journalist and author of the instant New York Times bestselling book Never Enough: When Achievement Pressure Becomes Toxic – and What We Can Do About It. Her second book Mattering: Building A Life of Value At Home, Work, and in the Larger World will be published in 2026. Wallace is the co-founder of The Mattering Movement, a nonprofit whose mission is to create cultures of mattering in schools, workplaces, and communities. After graduating from Harvard College, Wallace was a broadcast producer for CBS “60 Minutes" and was part of the team that won The Robert F. Kennedy Awards for Excellence in Journalism. She is a contributor to The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post and frequently appears on national television programs to discuss her work.
Audience: Parents, caretakers, teachers, and counselors of elementary, middle, and high school age children
Registration: Register for this free event
Book: Never Enough
For more information, visit mvlaspeakerseries.org. Events are free thanks to our generous sponsors: MVLA High School Foundation, Los Altos Educational Foundation, Mountain View Educational Foundation, and the Los Altos-Mountain View PTA Council.
Únase a nosotros en una tarde con Jennifer Wallace, autora de Never Enough
Nunca es Suficiente: La Importancia como Solución a la Presión Tóxica del Reconocimiento
Miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2024, 7pm, Escuela Secundaria Crittenden Auditorio, Mountain View (por favor tenga en cuenta el cambio del lugar)
Los estudiantes de hoy enfrentan una presión sin precedentes para tener éxito. El afán por optimizar el rendimiento ha dado como resultado cifras muy altas de ansiedad, depresión y autolesiones en adolescentes y jóvenes. Los padres, educadores y lÃderes comunitarios enfrentan el mismo dilema: ¿cómo podemos enseñar a nuestros hijos a esforzarse por alcanzar la excelencia sin comprimirlos?
En esta reveladora charla, Wallace investiga las raÃces profundas de la cultura tóxica del logro, explora su impacto nocivo en nuestros hijos y ofrece la poderosa solución: Importar, el concepto psicológico de sentir que agregan valor y eres valorado independientemente de tus logros externos. Wallace proporciona un marco práctico de importancia que los padres y educadores pueden usar para abordar la presión del logro en el hogar y en el salón de clases.
Sobre Nuestra Oradora
JENNIFER BREHENY WALLACE es una periodista galardonada y autora del libro Never Enough: When Achievement Pressure Becomes Toxic – and What We Can Do About It, que se convirtió en un bestseller instantáneo del New York Times. Su segundo libro Mattering: Building A Life of Value At Home, Work, and in the Larger World se publicará en 2026. Wallace es cofundadora de The Mattering Movement, una organización sin fines de lucro cuya misión es crear culturas de importancia en las escuelas, los lugares de trabajo y las comunidades. Después de graduarse en Harvard College, Wallace fue productora de transmisión para "60 Minutes" de CBS y formó parte del equipo que ganó los premios Robert F. Kennedy Awards for Excellence in Journalism. Es colaboradora de The Wall Street Journal y The Washington Post y aparece con frecuencia en programas de televisión nacionales para hablar sobre su trabajo.
Audiencia: Padres, cuidadores, maestros y consejeros de niños en edad escolar primaria, secundaria y preparatoria
Registration: RegÃstrate para este evento gratuito
Books: Nunca es Suficiente
Para obtener más información, visite mvlaspeakerseries.org. Los eventos son gratuitos gracias a nuestros generosos patrocinadores: MVLA High School Foundation, Los Altos Educational Foundation, Mountain View Educational Foundation, y Los Altos-Mountain View PTA Council.
Mountain View: Monster Bash-Bike Ride, Rodeo, and Repair!
Santa Rita School
Email: dkhalid@lasdschools.org
Website: https://www.santaritaschool.org
Location: 700 Los Altos Avenue, Los Altos, CA, USA
Phone: (650)559-1600
Facebook: santaritaPTA
Twitter: @BobcatsSR
Join us to support our students this school year!