Husky Nation Highlights
Community Newsletter - November 10, 2024

🚨 NO SCHOOL - Mon 11/11 - Veteran's Day 📣
Community Blacktop Access
On Saturday, November 9, 2024, AUSD authorized the City of Monterey Park to provide community access to the Blacktops on our campus from 7am-8pm on weekends only. There is no community access on federal holidays or school holidays.
Once we return to Daylight Savings Time (in the spring), community access hours will extend to weekdays from 6-8pm in addition to weekend hours of 7am-8pm.
If you find the blacktops open outside these hours, residents are encouraged to call Recreation Services at (626) 307-1388.
Scripps National Spelling Bee 🐝
This will Bee Awesome!!
The National Spelling Bee began in 1925 when nine newspapers joined together to host a spelling bee. Little did they know that a century later their literacy effort would reach millions of students each year.
This year, Monterey Highlands students in 4th-8th grade will have the opportunity to represent their classroom in a school-level bee. A winner from the 4/5th and 6-8th divisions will move on to AUSD district-level bee competition in February 2025.
Interested students are encouraged to start studying both spelling *and* vocabulary! Check out the resources below.
Husky Store Super Sale - 11/21 and 11/22 💵
We are planning a large Husky Store event before Fall Break to close (last chance to use Blue Husky Bucks before they expire).
Please help us stock our store for students by reviewing the link above. All purchases are shipped directly to the school!
Interested in volunteering? Please email Mr. Perez, our School Counselor!
Our School Theme for November = GRATITUDE 🙏
Character Strong is our schoolwide social-emotional learning (SEL) curriculum. We are continuing our implementation of this curriculum this year! Our weekly student-led Monday Messages in November will connect to the theme of Gratitude. We will recognize our first Students of the Month at the end of November for exemplifying this theme.
Reminders from the Office 🟡
Trimester 2 starts on Monday, 11/4
- CROCS - Please send your child to school in supportive, safe footwear. Crocs are NOT allowed at school (see uniform standards) because they are not safe on the grass field, steps and various surfaces at school, especially during PE or play. If your child has a medical necessity for footwear, please contact the Health Office.
- DROP OFFS - The office does NOT accept any drop-offs. Please ensure your child has everything they need in the morning (lunch, backpack, instrument, chromebook, etc...). This allows staff to maximize instructional time and reduce interruptions. Thank you for understanding.
- ABSENCES - Please provide an excuse for every absence. You can call the office or email our School Registrar Ms. Rebecca Rodriguez to provide an excuse for your child's absence.
- VACATIONS - As we approach the holiday season, we want to take a moment to discuss the importance of school attendance and the impact of taking vacations during the academic year. While family time is invaluable, taking children out of school for vacations can significantly disrupt their learning. Taking time off during the school year can lead to challenges in keeping up with assignments and lessons. We encourage families to plan vacations during designated school breaks, such as Thanksgiving Break, Winter Break and Spring Break (see calendar below).
Prioritizing school attendance sets a positive example for children, reinforcing the importance of education and responsibility. We appreciate your understanding and support in this matter.
Attendance Counts ✅
Congratulations to our Attendance Superstars
Trimester 1 is over! The following homerooms have had the best attendance rate since school started. They will win a sweet treat during SEL time!
Final Standings for Tri 1!
- Mrs. Acosta-Martin (6th)
- Ms. Nguyen (Kinder)
- Mrs. Kaur (7th)
- Mrs. Yu-Chen (8th)
- Ms. Adams (5th)
- Ms. Perez (4th)
- Mrs. Kawasaki (8th)
- Mr. McNeil (4/5 Combo)
To Our Amazing PTA Volunteers
A heartfelt thank you to the incredible parents and guardians who dedicate their time and energy to support our school community! Your unwavering commitment makes a world of difference, and we're beyond grateful for each and every one of you.
Thank you for being such an invaluable part of our school community. Your efforts don't go unnoticed, and we're lucky to have you on our team. Let's continue working together to create an enriching and supportive environment for our children.
Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities 👐
We are grateful for our volunteers. Here are some of our volunteer needs at this time:
Ongoing PTA Volunteer Opportunities:
- Interested in helping plan and organize our PTA events? Let us know by submitting your interest here! (PTA)
Ongoing School Volunteer Opportunities:
- Husky Store: We're looking for volunteers to help re-open our Husky Store in November (11/21 and 11/22)! Please contact Mr. Perez, School Counselor if you are interested!
Mental Health Matters 💙
Mr. Christian Perez, School Counselor
If you feel your child may need some support, check-ins or possibly a referral for counseling services, please connect with our Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Mr. Christian Perez - perez_christian_1@ausd.us.
📣 ASB Announcements 📣
Mr. Calvin Ly & Ms. Kim Lim, Advisers
The Associated Student Body (ASB) oversees all fundraising and school activities at Monterey Highlands. The ASB Cabinet meets most weeks to review activity and fundraising requests.
Useful ASB Information:
ASB produces our monthly Wonderful Wednesday virtual assembly. In the month of November, 5th Grade teaches us how to show Gratitude. Our morning PA messages to start the week will also focus on this theme. Check out the full Wonderful Wednesday video below!
6th & 8th Grade Parent Meetings [Recordings]
Here's the update on 6th and 8th grade current fundraising progress towards goals.
- 8th Grade Parent Meeting - 11/4 Recording
- 6th Grade Parent Meeting - 11/4 Recording
6th Grade Online Fundraiser - Panda Express 🥡
Support 6th Grade as they raise funds for Outdoor Science Camp! This is an all-day virtual fundraiser (nationwide, online only). Uber Eats/DoorDash/Yelp/In-Person orders DO NOT apply.
Use the Panda App or visit pandaexpress.com and use code = 928082!
What's Happening at Husky Nation?! 📸
PTA Reflections
Congratulations to all of our PTA Reflections winners and participants! You all did an amazing job interpreting this year's theme of "Accepting Imperfection. We're so proud of you. Thank you to PTA for sponsoring a wonderful event!
PTA Mock Trial Team
Our Mock Trial team had an excellent competitive debut this week presenting their Defense case. They will compete again this Thursday, 11/14 and will present their Prosecution case. Best wishes on your trial and a chance to compete in the next round!
Apollo Afterschool 🚀
Chrystina Balderas, Site Director
The Apollo Afterschool program publishes a newsletter periodically to update everyone on their fun and exciting programs. Enrollment is open!
Upcoming Dates 📆
Don't forget - College Wear Wednesdays and Fun Fridays (Husky Spirit Wear)!
- 11/11 - Veterans' Day Holiday - NO SCHOOL
- 11/12 - PTA presents Prismatic Science Assembly (6-7)
- 11/13 - Parent Engagement: EL Night, Cafetorium @ 6pm (click for information)
- 11/14 - PTA presents MAD Science Assembly (TK-2nd)
- 11/15 - PTA presents MAD Science Assembly (3rd-5th)
- 11/15 - PTA presents Prismatic Science Assembly (7-8)
- 11/19 - AUSD Board of Education Meeting
- 11/20 - Adventures Fall Dance
- 11/20 - School Site Council Meeting on Zoom @ 1:15pm
- 11/21 - Student of the Month (Gratitude), Cafetorium @ 8am
- 11/21 and 11/22 - Husky Store Super Sale @ Husky Spaw
- 11/25 to 11/29 - FALL BREAK - NO SCHOOL
- 12/5 - Reading is Fundamental Assembly (1st-3rd), Cafetorium @ 8am
- 12/6 - 3rd Grade GATE Testing @ 8:15am (in homeroom)
- 12/9 - Title 1 Annual Meeting, Cafetorium @ 8:15am
- 12/10 and 12/11 - Winter Program Performances, Cafetorium (more info to follow)
- 12/11 - School Site Council Meeting on Zoom @ 1:15pm (new date)
- 12/12 - English Learner Reclassification Celebration, Cafetorium @ 8am
- 12/13 - PTA presents the Night Before Christmas, Cafetorium (more info to follow)
- 12/18 - Staff Holiday Luncheon (school office closes at 1:30pm)
- 12/19 - Student of the Month (Empathy), Cafetorium @ 8am
- 12/20 - Minimum Day (school office closes at 1:30pm)
- 12/21 - Safety Committee on Zoom @ 3pm
- 12/23 to 1/4 - WINTER BREAK - NO SCHOOL
- 1/6 - School Reopens
Monterey Highlands School
📥 Email: highlands@ausd.us
🌐 Website: www.montereyhighlandselementary.org
📍 Location: 400 Casuda Canyon Drive, Monterey Park, CA, USA
📲 Phone: (626) 570-6220
School Office Open Daily 7:30am-4:30pm
There is only ONE Husky Nation! Sign up for a school tour today!