The Lion's Roar
Principal's Weekly Newsletter- November 4-8
A Message from Principal DW
Good morning McKinley Families,
This week, our teachers engaged in Trauma-Responsive Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Lab Sites with Arlene Casimir, as part of our ongoing commitment to supporting the whole child. Our staff has been reading her book, Trauma-Responsive Pedagogy, which provides research-backed strategies for creating classrooms that support healing and resilience in the face of adversity.
During the lab sessions, Arlene introduced us to two protocols: Holding Space and Stories as Medicine. These practices are designed to create a classroom environment where students feel heard, seen, and valued. Arlene encouraged us to incorporate universal healing practices like movement, music, storytelling, and moments of quiet into our classrooms, helping us create an environment where students can turn wounds into wisdom.
As teachers were adding to their instructional tool-belt, they were reflecting on your child's progress to prepare for Parent-Teacher Conferences this week. Tuesday, November 5th is is a pupil free day (and Election Day!) and Wednesday-Friday are minimum days. Please follow the minimum day schedule for pick up!
To make the most of your conference time, here are a few tips for a productive conversation:
- Be Prepared: Review your child’s recent work and note any questions or observations you may have.
- Stay Focused: Conferences are brief, so come with a list of questions, such as: How does my child engage with classmates? or What skills are you focusing on in the coming trimester?
- Share Insights: You know your child best—share any details or concerns that may help the teacher support your child’s learning and development.
- Set Goals Together: Ask about ways you can support learning at home, and discuss clear goals to keep your child on track.
- Follow Up: After the conference, talk with your child about the teacher's feedback and any goals you set together.
In partnership,
Dr. Daniela Wiener (Dr. DW)
Principal, McKinley Elementary School
Photos of the Week
Art Cart!
Farewell, Ms. Maggie!
Ms. Kirven's Class Carves Pumpkins!
3rd grade Social Emotional Learning Lab Site
1st grade Social Emotional Learning Lab Site
Kinder Social Emotional Learning Lab Site
Administration & Early Elementary Building Project Update
The McKinley Elementary School Administration & Early Education Building Project began Summer 2024 and involves the construction of a new 2-story administration building and classrooms, covering approximately 15,700 square feet. Construction includes new campus pick-up and drop-off area, new fencing, reconfigured accessible parking, new entry gates and driveways. Project completion is anticipated to be spring 2026.
October 28 – November 1 Site Activities
- Trenching and install of new sewer lines and connection to the existing sewer line at the south end of the new building.
- Trenching and install of the electrical conduits at the south end of the new building.
- Backfilling sewer line trenches after passing pressure test inspection.
Click on the button below to see photos from this week's construction activities.
Día de los muertos - 11/2
Santa Monica Pier Day of the Dead Extraordinary Ofrendas (Altars),Aztec dancers, Ballet Folklorico performances, mariachis and more! Saturday, November 1, 5-8 p.m., Sunday, November 2 all day.
Halloween and Día de los Muertos SM Pier Ferris Wheel Lighting Oct. 25 -Nov. 2
Dia de Los Muertos: Contribute to a community ofrenda (altar) celebrating life and death. Bring non-perishable items (paper flowers or photos) until Nov. 2
Parents Night Out! 11/2
Parents Night Out is an opportunity to connect with McKinley parents outside of school. You can buy drinks at the bar, dance to the DJ, and chat with fellow parents. Buy tickets now -- $15 for one or $20 for two. Tickets at the door will be $20 each.
McKinley Fundraiser at Handel's Ice Cream - 11/2
McKinley Talent Show - 11/15
McKinley students are invited to share their talent in the annual McKinley Talent Show on Friday, November 15th at 6pm in the Auditorium! All acts have a time limit of 1.5 minutes, and students may be in 1 act only, so that everyone has a chance to shine. Students who don't have an act, may sign-up to be in the Opening Act which will be choreographed by Ms. Sherman. Attendance at all three rehearsals is required in order to participate
The Sign-up and Permission Slip is Due November 3rd. Late Forms will not be accepted.
Talent Show Sign Up and Permission Slip
Attendance at all Rehearsals is Required:
- Wednesday, November 6th- 1:35/1:45- 4:00pm in the Auditorium
- Wednesday, November 13th- 1:35/1:45- 4:00pm in the Auditorium
- Thursday, November 14th- 2:45/3:00- 4:00pm in the Auditorium (Dress Rehearsal)
Students walk to meet in the auditorium after their dismissal time.
***We are looking for a couple more 5th graders interested in emceeing and a couple more stage hands (2nd-5th graders only) to help backstage and with the curtain. Please email if you have someone in mind!***
Weekly Planner
This Week
November 2: Parent Nights Out!
November 2 Día de los Muertos
November 3: Daylight Savings
November 5: Parent Teacher Conferences, Pupil Free Day
November 6: Minimum Day (Parent Teacher Conferences)
November 6: Talent Show Auditions, 1:35-3:00 PM
November 7: Minimum Day (Parent Teacher Conferences)
November 8: Minimum Day (Parent Teacher Conferences)