Gullett Gazette - Oct. 7, 2024
Geckos are GROWing our Story in the 2024-2025 school year!
Principal's Post
Dear Gullett Caregivers,
I cannot believe that October is here! We have definitely had a busy and fun filled September. With spirit days, McCallum Ballet Folklorico and Jazz workshop assemblies, our Gecko schedules have been packed with awesome experiences. Huge thank you for our parent volunteers who did an amazing job with our first annual Hispanic Heritage Celebration! What a wonderful community event! Thank you to Trustee Chu for joining us recently to talk through school funding and Prop A. Prop A will be on the ballot during the November election to help raise funds for our district to support staff salaries among other things.. (Please note we don’t have school on November 5th.)
October is shaping up to be just as busy as last month with learning opportunities for our Geckos and volunteering with our families. We are thrilled to have gardening under way again and to start welcoming our Guardian of the Gecko volunteers. Those sign ups are ready to go for those committees. I know our library volunteers are also busy planning an amazing book fair and our teachers continue to be so thankful for our Apple Core classroom support.
Teachers will be reaching out to you to schedule parent teacher conferences. There is no school on Monday, October 14th to allow time for teachers to meet with parents. Teachers will do their best to accommodate times to meet, but please remember they are scheduling with 20 or more different families and only a small window of time to do so. Your support and flexibility is much appreciated! The home-school partnership is appreciated and is so important to your Gecko’s success.
This month we are looking forward to celebrating the Month of the Bilingual Child, Dyslexia Awareness, and Bullying Prevention. Students and staff are encouraged to wear orange on Unity Day, Wednesday, October 16, to show they care about safe and supportive schools and communities. The week of October 21st is “Be Kind to Your Mind (Red Ribbon Week)” and we will be talking about all the ways to take care of ourselves and others. CATCH night is towards the end of October as well as Book Fair. Don’t forget that applications for our Gullett School Business Fair are due at the end of the month. There is something for everyone here at Gullett!
I am excited for all the community events for the fall, cooler temps and being able to continue to support our Geckos and teachers as we are “GROWing our Story” this year! Thank you all for your continued support of our Geckos!
Tammy Thompson
Proud Principal, Gullett Elementary
Counselor Spotlight
During the month of September, counseling lessons centered on the role of the school counselor and included a lesson on bullying prevention from our new CharacterStrong curriculum. Students learned that bullying is hurtful and repeated; but it also is unwanted physical or emotional pain, involves an imbalance of power, and can happen online (cyberbullying). We used a stop light to help us understand how to respond to bullying in a way that keeps us safe.
🔴STOP--speak up (say, “STOP!” Or “Don’t do that!”); remove yourself or others from the situation. (If you need help to do this, ask!)
🟡SUPPORT--offer company, empathy, or care.
🟢REPORT--get help from the nearest grown-up.
Students in upper grades also reviewed the importance of being an upstander instead of a bystander.
Here are some conversation starters for you to use with your students:
● What are some ways you can include others and make sure everyone feels welcome?
● How can you can report bullying?
In case you missed it:
Small Group Counseling Sessions!
Students in grades 1-5 may be referred by their teachers or parents to participate in the counselor’s lunch bunch. Parent permission is required (Gecko Lunch Bunch Permission Form). If seats are unavailable in October, then your student will be added to lunch bunch mid-November.
Individual Counseling!
Parents may refer students for individual check-ins or individual counseling Consent for Individual Counseling.
Don’t miss out!
Families of 5th grade students need to be on the lookout for Middle School Choice Program information being released regularly throughout the fall semester. First up is a virtual meeting on Oct. 10 with all 5th grade students, showcasing middle school programs across Austin ISD. The enroll Austin application window opens November 6, 2024.
Family Resource:
Please reach out to me with any questions or concerns (deanna.mahan@austinisd.org or 512-414-2082 EXT 56028)
~ Ms. Mahan
Join Our Spring Book Study: The Anxious Generation
Are you ready to dive into a thought-provoking exploration of today’s youth and the rise of anxiety in modern society? Join our engaging book study on The Anxious Generation as two of AISD’s SEL specialists unpack the factors contributing to heightened anxiety levels, from social media pressures to educational and societal shifts. Together, we'll discuss strategies for understanding and supporting young people in this rapidly changing world. Come expecting meaningful conversations, fresh insights, and practical takeaways.
Let’s foster awareness and connection—one page at a time!
Let us know you’re interested here: Gullett Parent Book Study Interest Form
Library Letter
Our big fall book fair is only a few weeks away and I'm so excited to see how the library transforms into a land of fairy tales! A school book fair is one of those indelible memories of childhood and Gullett's amazing book fair volunteers go out of their way to make ours extra special. I hope to see you there. Check out the library newsletter for details and more library happenings!
~ Mr. Temple
Music Monthly
Hello, Gullett Musicians!
We started the school year off with a bang with 5th grade giving their Jazz it Up! performance on only the 20th day of school (see photos here), and our annual visit from the Austin Jazz Workshop. Up next is 3rd grade’s Nightsong, followed by many more upcoming events–see below. As always, we are also working on our TEKS-based music curriculum.
Do you have a stack of old records and/or cassette tapes that does nothing but gather dust and take up space? Consider donating to our music program! Both music rooms have a listening station we’re trying to build out and we would love your contributions.
Upcoming events:
10/15: 3rd Grade Nightsong
10/31: Harvest Hop
11/9: All-City Choir (selected 5th graders)
11/11: Veterans Day Assembly
Email us with questions!
Will Jurgens and Marc Sustaita
Gullett Music Staff
The "Art"icle
We have been off to a great start in Art at Gullett- Did you see the Papel Picado decorating the school that all the 3rd-5th graders made? The worked really hard to learn that skill and we think it was a great addition to Hispanic Heritage Night.
We are wrapping up Line and Shape in K-1 and are about to start putting shapes together to create images. Kinder will be making dinosaurs out of shapes and 1st will be working with shapes to make pumpkins for a seasonal study of color.
We are working on our abstract study of the elements an principles of art in K-5, and everyone is exploring art materials and the zones of regulation during wacky Wednesdays.
~ Ms. Leatherwood and Ms. Luecke
Classroom Wishlist for Ms. Leatherwood and Ms. Luecke
Artsonia: Connect a parent account to your student
P.E. Press
What we are learning
We will be starting our Throwing and Catching Unit where students will review and practice a variety of throwing and catching skills. For wellness, we are learning about Nutrition which includes go, slow, and whoa foods and the food groups.
Gullett Elementary will be hosting our annual Coordinated Approach to Child Health Night or CATCH Night on Wednesday, October 23th from 5:00-6:30 pm. This is our annual health and wellness fair! This event will feature a wide range of wellness topics, activities, interactive booths, giveaways, and more! This event is for all Gullett community- students, families, and staff.
Do you or someone you know own a business related to health, wellness, fitness? Have a passion for all things mind, body, and soul?! Then look no further! If you (or someone you know) are interested in hosting a small booth/table/activity area at CATCH night, please send them our way! In previous years we’ve welcomed fitness boot camps, dental offices, kiddie camps, after-school programs, yoga studios, pedestrian/bike safety, massage therapy, blood pressure checks, cooking classes, crossfit, and more. If interested, please see form below! We are still looking for a few more participants.
https://forms.gle/thokLGSC56LUhAoY6 (Ms. Garcia and Coach Rose will contact you for confirmation! Thank you!)
~ Coach Rose, Ms. Garcia, and Mr. Victor
Upcoming Dates
October - Month of the Bilingual Child, Dyslexia Awareness Month, Bullying Prevention Month
10/7 - PTA Meeting
10/14 - Parent Teacher Conferences
10/15 - 3rd Grade Performance at 5:30, Sped Team Meeting
10/16 - Unity Day-wear orange!
10/18 - Fall Picture Day
10/21 - Book Fair begins
10/21 - Transportation Emplyee AppreciationWeek
10/23 - CATCH Night at 5:30
10/28 - 5th Grade Farm Stand
10/29 - CAC Meeting
10/31 - Happy Halloween! Harvest Hop
11/1 - No School (Diwali)
11/2 - It’s My Park Day/Gussy Up Gullett
11/4 - PTA Meeting
11/5 - No School (Election Day)
Thomas A. Gullett Elementary
Samantha Greenleaf, Assistant Principal
Email: gullett@austinisd.org
Website: www.gullettgeckos.com
Location: 6310 Treadwell Boulevard, Austin, TX, USA
Phone: 512-414-2082
Facebook: facebook.com/gullettgeckos
Twitter: @GullettElem