RCE Comet Parent Update
November 2024 Edition
Closed Camous
Please be informed that our campus will be a polling location for the upcoming election on November 5th, and will therefore be closed to all visitors on that date. Students and staff will be at school as normal. Polling takes place in the gym. For safety and security reasons, there will be no lunch visitors on that day. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
From Your Principal
Dear Crippen Families,
Welcome to November! As the leaves begin to change and the weather gets cooler (wishful thinking) it becomes a very busy time of year for Crippen Astronauts. We’re so grateful for our wonderful Crippen community and want to thank everyone for the phenomenal turnout at Spooky Science Night and the Character Costume Parade. Your support and involvement made these events truly memorable!
As we move through November and into December, we have many exciting activities planned for our students. This month, we’re looking forward to our Turkey Trot, a special literacy night, a Veterans Day program, and our Thanksgiving lunch. These are great opportunities for our students to learn, have fun, and celebrate together.
Just a reminder, we will be off the entire week of Thanksgiving. We hope you enjoy this time with family and take a moment to appreciate one another, just as we’re thankful for each and every one of you in our Crippen family.
With appreciation,
Teresa Brent
Important Dates
- November 1: No School-Professional Development Day
- November 4 - 14: National Elementary Honor Society Food Drive
- November 7: Parent Meeting for Incoming 6th Graders AT WHITE OAK Cafeteria - 5pm Link
- November 7: 2nd Grade Veterans Day Performance @5:30
- November 8: Last Day of Big Kahuna Fundraiser
- November 8: Last Day to Refer Your Child for GT Testing - Link
- Saturday, November 9 -Crippen Starship Showdown: Battle of the 7 Houses 🚀✨Sponsored by PTO
- November 9: NCISD Farmers Market 11am - 2pm at Randall Reed Stadium (cashless event)
- November 11: Last Day to Prepay for Thanksgiving Meal
- November 11 - 15: Kindness/Bullying Prevention Week - see dress up schedule below
- November 11 - 15: Scholastic Book Fair
- November 14: Come Have Thanksgiving Lunch With Your Child (see flyer for more information)
- November 14: Title 1 Parent Meeting @5:15
- November 14: Turkey Trot Literacy Night @5:30
- November 14: Scholastic Book Fair Family Night during Literacy Night 5:30-7pm
- November 15: Big Kahuna Pick Up Day - for turned in order forms
- Friday, November 15 - Crippen Stellar "Drive-In": Movies Under the Stars🌟🎬 Sponsored by PTO
- November 25 - 29: November Break - Happy Thanksgiving!
- December 3: NCISD Christmas Parade
- December 4: Big Kahuna Product Delivery
- Saturday, December 7 - Crippen Starry Nights Holiday Market🎄✨ Sponsored by PTO
- December 12: Porter High School Christmas Carolers visit Crippen @11am
- December 19: 3rd Grade Christmas Musical @5:30
- December 23 - January 6: Christmas/Winter Break
NEHS Food Drive
November 4-14
Click on image for details.
Kindness/Bullying Week Schedule
November 11-15
Click on image for details.
Click on image for details.
Come have a Thanksgiving meal with your child.
Click on image for details.
RCE Scholastic Book Fair
Scholastic Book Fair Updates
Dates: Preview Day November 8; Open for Purchases November 11-15
Parents and Families:
You are welcome to come throughout the week to shop with your child. We are open Monday-Thursday 8am - 1pm; 1:30pm - 3:30pm (closed for lunch 1pm-1:30pm). On Friday, we will be opened from 8am - 1pm only. Tip: Come to the Book Fair during the Thanksgiving Meal Day or later that day for the Turkey Trot Literacy Night.
eWallet: (highly recommended)
Set up your student's eWallet account for cashless, stress-less shopping. Friends and family can even contribute funds! Set one up here: https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/rceastronauts#ScholasticBookFairs
Donors Choose Project: Growing Crippen Scholars Phase 2
Subject: For a limited time, doubled donations when you help my students!
Right now, any contribution you make to this project will be doubled by Maxwell/Hanrahan Foundation. This is an amazing opportunity for our students! Your donation will brighten our students' school year.
Here's the project:
Growing Crippen Scholars Phase 2
To have your donation matched, just make a contribution on that page. (Donations will be doubled automatically, but only while funding lasts.)
Thank you for considering this gift to our students!
Volunteers Needed
RCE is seeking volunteers. If you have time during the week and would like to help out our school, please go to the following link and fill out this form.
RCE Website
Visit our new website for important information about our school. Many of your questions can be answered with a few clicks. Find information like grade level schedules and teachers, district and school calendars, Skyward and Classlink access, how to volunteer, and so much more. It's your one stop shop for all things RCE!
Watch this video to learn about the new navigation and website features!
Smart Tags
Smart Tag Information:
All new students will receive a free Smart Tag that will be delivered to our campus and given to their homeroom teacher. No need to use this form. All returning students who lost their tag or would like a replacement will have to pay $5 for a new one. Scan the QR code or go to the link below to purchase one. bit.ly/3YBNWd5
RCE Digital Programs
Want to learn all about the programs that we use at New Caney ISD? Click on the button below to find helpful information in staying connected to your student and to our school. You may need to create an account or obtain your child's log in credentials before gaining access. Please be sure to reach out to our campus media specialist, Lisa Christian, if you have any questions!
Common Sense Media
Common Sense Media is a nonprofit organization giving kids, families, and schools the tools to make informed choices about media and technology. They are known for their independent, age-based reviews of movies, TV shows, books, games, podcasts and apps. This space will be used to give parents resources and tips regarding their child's technology use.
Help Kids Balance Their Media Lives - English
Help Kids Balance Their Media Lives - Spanish
Crippen Parent Teacher Organization
Become a member
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Visit the PTO store
View upcoming events
All Crippen Astronauts will display stellar citizenship and perform at or above grade level in every subject.
Email: tbrent@newcaneyisd.org
Website: https://ces.newcaneyisd.org/
Location: 18690 Cumberland Boulevard, Porter, TX, United States
Phone: 281-577-8740
Facebook: Facebook.com/CrippenElementary
Twitter: @CrippenElem