Fort High's Weekly Bulletin
January 17, 2025
Upcoming Events
Jan 17-27 - Final Exams
Jan 21- School Advisory Meeting will be held in the Library 6:00 pm
Jan 23, 24, 27 - Grad photos in the library- see booking details below
Jan 29 - No School for Students - Professional Learning Day
Jan 30 - Semester 2 begins
Textbook Return Process
As we transition into Semester 2, we would like to address an important issue regarding textbooks.
Please note that students will not receive new textbooks for Semester 2 until all Semester 1 textbooks have been either returned or paid for. This policy is essential to maintaining our textbook inventory and ensuring that resources are available for all students.
Key points to remember:
1. All Semester 1 textbooks must be returned to the school library or designated drop-off points by January 27, 2025.
2. If a textbook has been lost or damaged, it must be paid for before new textbooks can be issued.
3. Students who have not returned or paid for their Semester 1 textbooks will not be eligible to receive their Semester 2 textbooks until the situation is resolved.
4. If you are facing difficulties returning or paying for textbooks, please contact our school office to discuss potential arrangements.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation. Returning textbooks helps us keep costs down and ensures the quality of educational resources for all students.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our school office.
Thank you for your support in helping us manage our textbook resources effectively.
Book Your Grad Photos
The booking code is FKG
Edge Imaging will be at Fort Saskatchewan High School for Graduation Photos on the following dates:
- Thursday, January 23, 2025 from 10:00 AM – 3:45 PM
- Friday, January 24, 2025 from 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM
- Monday, January 27, 2025 from 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM * Note there are evening appointments on this day until 5:00 pm.
Please book your appointments at bookmygrad.ca and click "Graduation Photos AT YOUR SCHOOL".
Not sure what to expect from your grad sitting? Watch this helpful video:
What to Expect on Grad Photo Day
If you have any questions, please call Edge Imaging at 1-888-416-3343.
Thank you.
Course Change Process
Option Course Change Requests:
Please note that we are not entertaining OPTION change requests for the second semester. Our timetable is based on course selections students make in the spring. If students are enrolled in an option course they selected in spring, they will not be transferred from that course.
Course Change Requests:
We will review student progress and may need to adjust some students' schedules for the second semester. Specifically, if a student has not completed a course in the first semester that is a prerequisite for a second semester course, we may need to move them to ensure they will be successful. Students in Grades 10 and 11 needing core course changes will complete a Course Change Request Form from the office and have the form signed by a parent or guardian. Forms without signatures will not be processed. Please do not email request forms.
Grade 12 students’ courses are prioritized to meet their needs for graduation. Grade 12 students are encouraged to first touch base with their success coach as they will facilitate course changes. Students, if your last name is between A to K, please see Mrs. Sawatzky in Room 107; if your last name is between L-Z, please see Mrs. Small in Room 147. Students are required to complete the course change form provided by their success coach and have it signed by a parent/guardian and returned to the office. Please do not email request forms.
Parents, please do not hesitate to contact the office if you have specific questions.
Changes for core classes will be open until Thursday, February 13, 2025. This deadline is set to ensure that students are able to catch up in their newly added course.
Thank you for your continued partnership in your child's education.
Fort High Administration
Cafeteria News
Cafeteria closes January 8 and will be back in business Feb 10, 2025.
Graduation 2025
Graduation is on May 31, 2025 @ Millennium Place in Sherwood Park.
Dec 13 - 1st Grad list posted
Early Out Wednesdays
We have early dismissal every Wednesday at 2:15 pm. Our purpose is to focus on student/staff school initiatives during this time. Please note that the first Wednesday of every month is when busses leave at 2:15 pm, for staff meetings across Elk Island Public Schools. For the other Wednesdays, busses will still arrive at 3:15 pm. Students are expected to use this time to catch up on missed academic work. The early out Wednesdays will start on September 4th.
As always, if you have any questions, feel free to contact our new principal Aaron Tuckwood at aaron.tuckwood@eips.ca or Rita Lal at rita.lal@eips.ca
REMINDER: Next Exam Catch Up Day- February 12
We are excited to offer exam catch up after school, three Wednesday's a month. The first Wednesday each month is reserved for Staff Meetings, where there will be no exams running. Please be sure your children have arranged transportation should they write past bus departure at 3:20 p.m. and please remind them to bring supplies to complete the exam (e.g. calculator, pencil etc.)
It is expected that students communicate with their teachers to make arrangements.
Counsellor Corner
Support Numbers
Alberta’s Mental Health Help Line
Alberta’s Children and Mental Health Crisis/Mobile Response Team
Crisis Contact Numbers for Strathcona County
Fort Saskatchewan Community Mental Health Supports and Services
Hope for Wellness Help Line for Indigenous Peoples: 1-855-242-3310
EIPS Annual Education Results Report 2023-24: Now available!
EIPS’ Annual Education Results Report 2023-24 is now available online. The report details how EIPS is doing relative to Alberta Education’s performance measures; how it’s supporting students to achieve the best possible outcomes; and its successes, challenges and priority strategies moving forward. A brief overview of the report is also available.
Inclement Weather
With the winter season in full effect, we have a few reminders for families:
· Ensure students have clothing appropriate for expected weather conditions.
· If weather conditions are bad enough to impact student transportation, Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) advises families directly, as well as posting on social media and eips.ca as early as possible.
· Decisions regarding bus cancellations are guided by an EIPS administrative procedure that states, “school bus service may be suspended…when there is a forecast or current temperature of -40 C, including wind chill factor, in one or more regions.”
· Other reasons for suspending or delaying school bus services include adverse weather and poor road conditions.
· When school bus services are suspended, schools remain open to students.
For more information, contact EIPS Student Transportation at 780-417-8151.
Returning Student Registration for 2025-26
The Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) returning student registration process for 2025-26 takes place Feb. 10-24, 2025. Through the online form, all families will confirm the school and program their child will attend next year or advise the Division if they aren’t returning. For students who want to attend a non-designated school next year, these requests must be submitted through the returning student registration process—acceptance is based on available space.
On February 10, the parent/guardian on file in PowerSchool identified as the Permission Click contact for each pre-kindergarten to Grade 11 student will receive an email through Permission Click with a link to the form. If your family hasn’t received any Permission Click forms this school year, contact the school office so we can investigate any technical issues before registration season.
Did you know?
If your child misses just two days a month for any reason for ten of their school years, they’ll have missed the equivalent of one entire year of school. Students who frequently miss school, even as early as kindergarten, are also more likely to have difficulty in school, at post-secondary and in their career. As every family has unique circumstances, EIPS uses a multi-tiered approach to re-engage students with chronic absenteeism. In addition, the Division promotes strategies to support and encourage regular attendance for all students. If you’re concerned about consistent student attendance for your child or youth, contact the school for support. An informative video is also available.
Scholarship Information
Please click the link below to view a spreadsheet of the multiple scholarship opportunities available to students.
Personal Mobile Device (PMD) Plan for the 2024-25 School Year
As part of our ongoing commitment to foster a conducive learning environment, we would like to inform you about the updated Personal Mobile Device (PMD) Plan, effective for the 2024-25 school year.
Key Guidelines Overview:
- PMD Usage During Class Sessions: To maintain a focus on educational activities, all PMDs should remain powered off or on silent and out of sight during class time. Exceptions apply only if a teacher grants permission for a specific educational activity or in cases of documented medical or special learning requirements.
- Non-Instructional Period Use: PMDs may be used during non-instructional times, including before and after school, class breaks, lunch, and spare periods. During spares, usage is permitted in the library and foyer areas.
- Restricted Areas: To protect everyone's privacy, PMDs are strictly prohibited in examination settings, change rooms, washrooms, and private counselling areas.
- PMD Storage Recommendations: We strongly suggest leaving your PMDs at home. Should you choose to bring them to school, you are solely responsible for their security and integrity. Fort High and Elk Island Public Schools will not be liable for any loss, theft, or damage.
Understanding the Progressive Discipline for PMD Misuse:
- First Infraction: This will result in a verbal warning from the teacher and a record of the incident.
- Second Infraction: The PMD will be confiscated and sent to the office, followed by a notification to the parents/guardians.
- Third Infraction: This will trigger further disciplinary actions with parental/guardian notification.
Communication with Parents:
We'd like to ask parents to avoid contacting their children via PMDs during school hours. For urgent matters, please get in touch with the school office directly at 780-998-3751, and we will ensure your message is relayed promptly.
Your understanding and adherence to these guidelines are critical in helping us maintain a respectful and distraction-free learning environment. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or need further clarification.