Class of 2025 Newsletter
W.J. Keenan High School | October 18, 2024
Cultivating a Culture of Excellence
This year at W.J. Keenan High School we are Cultivating a Culture of Excellence!
Success looks different for all students. Our goal is that each graduate of W.J. Keenan will fulfill one of our 3E's: Enrolled, Employed or Enlisted when they graduate high school.
- Students will enroll in a 2 year or 4 year college or university
- Students will enter the workforce with the skills and credentials to earn a livable wage
- Students will enlist into one of the military branches
Academic Assistance and Attendance
Academic Assistance
The first quarter of the school year has ended. Is your child passing their classes and will graduate in May?
We have afterschool tutoring available Tuesday - Thursday from 3:15 - 5:15 p.m. Students are provided a meal afterschool and a snack during the program time. All students must sign up for the program. If your child needs academic assistance, register HERE.
If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Pompey, Graduation Coach (deidra.pompey@richlandone.org).
Attendance Policy & Seat Time Regulations
**Parents and students will be notified the week of October 21st if there is a requirement to recapture seat time**
State law requires a minimum of 120 hours of seat time for a one-credit class and 60 hours of seat time for a half-credit class.
According to state law, to receive a Carnegie unit for a course, a student must be present 170 days out of a 180-day school year. To receive a half Carnegie unit, a student must be present 85 out of 90 days.
Accordingly, on an A/B schedule a student is allowed ten (10) absences in a one-credit unit course and five (5) absences if the course is for one-half unit of credit.
If the number of absences exceeds 10 per full Carnegie unit course or 5 per ½ Carnegie unit course, students must recapture days of attendance to receive credit. There are limited opportunities to recapture attendance. Students will be allowed to recapture attendance during the Raider Ready Afterschool Program.
Excessive Absences for 180-day School Term
Students who exceed more than ten (10) lawful or unlawful absences in a yearlong class and/or five (5) lawful or unlawful absences in a semester class will NOT receive credit unless all absences over the state mandated limit are recaptured. Students may recapture six (6) blocks in a semester class. The total number of blocks allowed for recapture is twenty-four (24).
Seniors will not be allowed to walk at graduation if all graduation requirements have not been met. This includes state mandated attendance and/or recapturing class blocks. Students may appeal to Administration and/or the Executive Attendance Team if additional recapture time is needed for promotion or graduation.
Read the full policy HERE.
Class of 2025 Important Dates
The Class of 2025 Important Dates have been updated! Please make sure that you are aware of all of the upcoming events happening for the class. (Click on the picture to download a copy of the new list!)
Due to Hurricane Helene we had to move a few dates. We hope that your family is safe and recovering if you suffered any damages from the storm.
- Makeup Senior Pictures - Thursday, October 24, 2024
- Richland One College Fair - Monday, November 4, 2024
- Students that were previously approved will attend
- *New* College Application Day - Thursday, November 7, 2024
- *New* Claflin University Panther Preview Day - Friday, November 15, 2024
- Students that were scheduled for the HBCU Tour will attend and have their payment refunded. Mrs. Pompey will be processing your refunds. Please see her for a new Permission Slip.
College Application Day
Seniors that are headed to college after high school are encouraged to attend the W.J. Keenan College Application Day on Thursday, November 7, 2024. This day is intended for you to apply directly to college, receive assistance with your applications and to provide fee waivers for applications.
You should also complete the College Application Worksheet (Page 14 -19) before the event to complete your application quickly and smoothly.
An electronic version has been emailed to all students, but you may get a physical copy from Mrs. Hodges (C102), Mrs. Pompey (B102), or in the Main Office.
To participate, you must register. When you register, you have the opportunity to upload your personal statement/essay to be reviewed prior to College Application Day.
Register for College Application Day Here: https://forms.office.com/r/iTHGpUBJcj
Scholarship Information
This information is posted on Schoology and the students have access to these resources.
Midlands Tech "Quick Jobs"
Midlands Technical College QuickJobs are career training programs developed for jobs where workers will be in high demand over the next decade. This is an opportunity for recent high school graduates that may not be interested in attending college right after high school.
QuickJobs are designed to provide intensive and complete job training; prior experience in a field is not required. Most programs only take a few months to complete, and some can be finished in a matter of weeks. These programs prioritize your time, training you efficiently so you can take advantage of available job opportunities. Parents and guardians may be interested in this opportunity too!
Click HERE for a direct link to the Midlands Tech QuickJobs Page.
Why Join the Military After High School?
With the sticker price of public and private colleges at an all-time high, many high school graduates are considering enlisting in the military after high school. Reducing the net price of college education is often a driving force. They’re also finding military service can help them achieve many other goals with plenty of lifelong benefits.
1.) Find Your Purpose
Between the ages of 18 to 29 people are in a transitional period from adolescence to adulthood. At this age, it can be daunting to determine your identity, figure out what you want to do, and discover where you fit into society.
2.) College Tuition with No Debt
The constantly rising costs of higher education have led to an increasing number of high school graduates considering alternatives to college. Even with merit- or need-based scholarships, students only enjoy a discount of a few thousand dollars per year.
3.) Learn Valuable Skills
Each of the five U.S. military branches offers training programs that can both improve your service in the military and enhance career opportunities as a civilian. Joining the military after high school isn’t all about fighting; many veterans go on to pursue a wide range of career paths including news and media, engineering, arts and photography, human resources, healthcare, aviation, and many more.
4.) Higher Income Potential
In 2019, Pew Research used data compiled over forty years to create a report that suggested veteran households tend to have higher incomes and living standards. This could be due to several factors, including that those who serve in the United States military after high school enjoy a strong level of job security.
What Are Military Benefits?
All members of the armed services are entitled to certain benefits both during and after service. The benefits of going into the military after high school often appeal to new graduates because they provide a well-rounded salary, healthcare, and finance options. These include:
1.) Basic Pay
2.) Special Pay
3.) Free Accommodation and Uniforms
4.) Free Dental and Health Care
5.) Home Financing
Read the entire article HERE.
Is Your Child College or Career Ready?
The state of South Carolina uses the College and Career Ready Indicators to determine if high school students are prepared for college and careers after high school graduation.
Student meets one of the following:
- Completes 2 approved Dual Enrollment courses
- Earns an ACT composite score of 20 or higher
- Earns SAT composite score of 1020 or higher
- Scores 3 or higher on an Advancement Placement (AP) exam
Student meets one of the following:
- Is a Career and Technical Education (CTE) completer that has passed a certification test
- Earns a 3 or higher on the National Career Readiness Certificate on the WIN Assessment
- Earns a ASVAB scale score of 31 or higher
- Completes an approved work-based learning program
Everyone can be college or career ready!
Have questions about College or Career Readiness? See your school counselor or Mrs. Jamison for more information.
WIN Career Readiness Test
On October 31, 2024 all 4th year students who have not earned a 3 or higher on the WIN Career Readiness Test will be given the opportunity to re-take the test. Passing the test with a 3 or higher in Math, Data, and Reading will designate a student as "Career Ready."
The WIN Career Readiness Test was administered in the Spring 2023. This is another opportunity for your child to take the test.
Students that are eligible to re-test will receive an email with more information.
What is the ASVAB Test?
Isn't the ASVAB for the military? My child's not going into the military.
Yes, the ASVAB is used by the military to identify and classify their recruits BUT it can be used by all students to find out what their strengths and weaknesses are and to plan for their future - even if they DO NOT plan to join the military. The ASVAB is a tool that your child can use to their advantage.
The ASVAB is different from both the ACT and the SAT. The ACT and SAT measure achievement and are primarily used for college applications. The ASVAB measures aptitude and acquired skills which can be used to help predict future academic and occupational success. ASVAB scores give students a way to look at their options and help them in planning their next step after high school.
This test is a career exploration tool that ALL students should consider taking advantage of. If your child is unsure of their next steps after high school, one place to start is to take the ASVAB and receive career counseling on their identified strengths!
Our next ASVAB Test is scheduled for December 10, 2024 at the school. Sign-up information will be shared soon!
Senior Corner
Jostens Information
Jostens is our vendor for graduation supplies. Jostens will meet with your child on October 24, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. Please be reminded that the only required order is your child's gown, hat and tassel which should cost approximately $60.00.
Orders are expected to paid in full in order to receive your order. Parents/guardians should be mindful of their family's budget when ordering Senior items.
The W.J. Keenan link is HERE.
Mrs. Amie Barton is the Senior Adviser for the class. If you have any questions about Jostens, please contact her at amie.barton@richlandone.org.
W.J. Keenan High School Graduation
May 27, 2025
2:00 p.m.
Who is Who at W.J. Keenan
Mr. Jabar K. Hankins, Principal
Mrs. Andrea Jamison, 12th Grade Administrator
Ms. Dalphine Humphrey, Graduation Coordinator
Mrs. Deidra Pompey, Graduation Coach
Mrs. Amie Barton, Senior Adviser
School Counselors
By Last Names
A - E
Ms. Dalphine Humphrey
F - N
Ms. Angela Cooper
O - Z
Ms. Danielle Donaldson
School Phone: (803) 714-2532