Woodlawn Early Years School
June Newsletter
Principal's Message
This year brings to a close my 16 years working in the Woodlawn community. I am truly honoured to have served and worked with your children and yourselves along the way. This school community has been my second home and I've have learned and grown so much in my time here. Thank you generously to all the students, staff and families I have met and worked with along the way. You have brought so much energy and satisfaction to me as a human being, and as a professional. For that I am forever grateful.
I look forward to serving this school and all of Hanover School Division in a different capacity in my new role for next year.
I wish everyone a safe, happy, healthy summer.
Vice Principal's Message
School Routines
As you enter the school you will see a sign that welcomes you to Woodlawn School. This sign reminds all visitors and parents to report directly to the office. The secretary will be happy to assist you. This allows the school to be aware of all adults in our building and minimizes disruptions to the learning and routines of the classroom. If you are picking up your child during the school day or dropping something off (labelled with name and homeroom) for your child please report to the office. If you must pick your child up for an appointment please try to do so before or after recess times.
With the warmer weather here, please arrange a pick up location that is outside and near an entrance to the school (except the bus loop entrance) if you are picking up your child at the end of the day. This will help reduce the crowding in the halls by the classroom doors and at the front office at dismissal time (3:45). Make every effort to be punctual when picking up your children. Students are required to leave for home by 4:00 in the afternoon unless prior arrangements have been made. Please ensure your child is aware of pickup arrangements before coming to school. Changes to routine pick up arrangements should be written in the agenda book. If a friend or relative is picking up a child from school the parent/guardian needs to notify the school or the classroom teacher by writing a note in the agenda.If you must phone the school regarding pick up arrangements please call before 2:45 pm.
Walking students and those dropped off by parents are to arrive at school after 8:30 in the morning. Teacher supervision is provided starting at 8:30. Any students arriving on the playground before 8:30 will not be supervised and responsibility for the student belongs with the parent/guardian. Students are permitted to enter the building when the 8:53 bell rings.WOODLAWN SCHOOL PICNIC - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27TH
Wednesday, June 27
Parents are invited to join their child/children to have a picnic lunch from 11:45 - 1:15 on the school grounds. Children and parents need to bring their own lunch as there will be no vendors for this day. Please look for more information to be sent home shortly.
The PAC (Parent Advisory Council) basket raffle will take place at 12:45 on June 27th. Winning ticket numbers will be posted at the school.
PAC will be selling tickets ahead of time in the school foyer on June 25th and 26th from 12:00 - 1:00 and 3:30 - 4:00. Tickets will also be sold on June 26th before the Grade 4 Farewell and on June 27th before and during the school picnic. Tickets are 10 for $2.00 or 25 for $5.00. Thank you to all our families for donating items for the basket raffle.
Printed report cards for parents that have not requested to view electronic reports will be sent home with their child at the end of the day on the last day of school, Wednesday, June 27th.
We will not release any report cards earlier than 3:45 on June 27.
Report cards for students absent on June 27th or before 3:45 on June 27th will be mailed.
Thank you for your understanding.
Woodlawn Grade 4 Farewell
All parents/guardians of grade 4 students are welcome to join students and staff for a Farewell Ceremony in the school gym on Tuesday, June 26th from 10:30 - 11:30 am. This will be followed by a BBQ lunch for the grade 4’s at KR Barkman Park. Lunch will be provided for the grade 4 students including a hot dog, chips and a drink. Parents/families/guardians are welcome to join with a picnic lunch.
Jump Rope for Heart
Dear Parents,
To help make Back to School as easy as possible for parents, Staples offers School Tools—complete school supply kits for students containing supplies that have been selected and approved by your child’s teacher and school principal as primary choices for the year ahead.
The School Tools Program allows you to view and order the upcoming year’s required supplies list for your child, as specified by their teacher, and is a very efficient way to ensure that your child has all of the core supplies they need on their first day back.
Why choose Staples School Tools?
• It’s the quickest and easiest way to purchase your child’s teacher-selected items for class
• Guaranteed quality in all products chosen
• Competitive pricing means great value for your money-you will save 10-20% on pricing
• School-year product guarantee – Enjoy hassle-free product replacement at any Staples store
• Packaged in a Free Reusable Staples supplies bag
Woodlawn and Staples are excited to partner this coming school year!
Supply lists for the 2018/2019 school year are available on our website. Information on ordering through Staples is also available on our website. Please note the deadline for ordering from Staples is July 8, 2018.
All student library books are due on Friday, June 15th.
Have a great summer!
Mrs. Sandy LoewenHanover School Division Note:
Reminder to families who are moving/changing locations during the summer months to please contact the Transportation office at 204-320-2347.
The transportation office is open all summer long.Lost and Found
It is almost the end of the school year and that means that the school picnic and Jelly Bean Tabloid are right around the corner. To make this event very successful Woodlawn relies heavily on volunteers.
I am looking for volunteers for the Jelly Bean Tabloid day event on June 27th from - 9:00 12:00. I will set up approximately 40 stations and have the kids try to participate at all the stations. We are looking to get 20 volunteers but there is no cap as we could always use more help. Our staff will help out at most of the stations but we will need help to supervise the remaining stations. If you are interested in coming out and running a station give me a call at the school, 204-326-6110. There are a variety of stations to choose from, please feel free to call for further details.
Jesse Adams
The staff at Woodlawn School works hard to teach the “whole child”. This includes the academic, physical, emotional, and social aspects of every student under our care. We have been trained and use a number of programs and techniques in each of the aspects mentioned above. We are excited to include a program called “Roots of Empathy” in the upcoming year. For more than ten years across Canada and internationally, thousands of children have learned about empathy and respect for one another with the lessons started through their Roots of Empathy baby. A mother and her baby are invited into the classroom and help create a world of understanding and empathy. The sessions are led by trained school staff.
If you know of someone who has a baby who will be between the ages of 2 months and 4 months in October that would be willing to participate in this worthwhile program, please encourage them to call Karen Fraser at 204-326-6110.
This Fall our school will be Fundraising with QSP Magazines.
We will be sending home an envelope with brochures, order forms and a parent letter in September.
PLEASE WAIT TO RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTIONS THROUGH YOUR SCHOOL. (please disregard renewal notices you receive in the mail so that you can continue to support your local school). Support your school online at www.qsp.ca
WISE Kid-Netic Energy Science & Engineering day camp is coming to Steinbach again this summer!
When: July 30-August 3, 2018
Where: Clearspring Middle School
Each day campers will explore a different theme through fun hands-on activities. This year’s theme days include Sport Science, Food & Nutrition, Extreme Engineering, Zoology & Ecology and Paleontology. Registration is $100 and is on a first-come, first-serve basis. There are 30 camper spots available, open to youth ages 9 – 12 (by December 31, 2018). Special thanks to Hanover School Division for once again sponsoring the camp, and in doing so helping to keep registration costs down for families. Registration is available online at www.wisekidneticenergy.ca. Sign up today!
Phone: 1-204-474-9340
Toll Free: 1-800-432-1960 ext. 9340
Fax: 1-204-474-7644
Email: wise@kidneticenergy.ca
Facebook: facebook.com/wisekidnetic
Twitter: @WISE_KidNetic
Instagram: wisekidneticenergy
About Us
Email: woodlawn@hsd.ca
Website: www.woodlawn.hsd.ca
Location: 411 Henry St, Steinbach, MB, Canada R5G 0R1
Phone: 204-326-6110
Twitter: @WoodlawnHSD