Panui / Newsletter
Rāmere Friday 9th September Mahuru 2022 (T3: W7 of 10)
Our Tumuaki / Principal
Updates and developments to share with you this week include the following...
- Central-Eastern 2022 Southland Speech Finals: On Wednesday Mya McKelvie and Fleur Blackmore represented our zone at the next stage of the Southland Speech Competitions that were held at Gore Main School. Wow, they did so well with their speeches and represented our school and zone admirably. Well done.
- Whanau Picnic BBQ Helpers: We are having a whanau picnic on the last day of Term Three and are looking for around five parents to help with the barbecue. Please contact the office if you have been police vetted and can help.
- School Board Voting: Thank you to all who have submitted votes for our School Board election. This has now closed and the vote will be counted on Tuesday the 13th of September with the newly elected School Boarding taking office on Wednesday the 14th of September.
Acknowledging - Team Edendale
- School Board: I would like to thank our current School Board who are in their last few days of office. Thank you Jacob Smyth, Sarah Cupido, Logan McKenzie, Brendon Clarke, Catherine Frantz and Sanne den Boon for all their work over the last three years.This School Board has made significant contributions to our school in three main areas. The first was in relation to the implications of a worldwide pandemic upon a school. This caused significant disruption to life as normal that had to be navigated sensitively and wisely. Secondly, this School Board has worked on a range of property projects including the special needs modification project and the restoration of our courts. Further, their work with four other projects is also about to become reality (new boiler, administration block remodel, new pool roof and the remodelling of several rooms). It is a two to three-year lead-in for these projects. Thirdly, has been the appointment of staff. This is so important as it shapes the life of the school. Thank you for your time, energy and input. You leave a strong legacy for our next School Board to grow and develop.
Our Events Coming Up
Term Three 2022
Week 9 (of 10)
- Monday 19th September - New School Board Induction, 6.00pm, staffroom.
- Tuesday 20th September - School Board AGM and General Meeting 7pm, staffroom
- Thursday 22nd September - Senior Production 1pm, 7pm
Week 10 (of 10)
- Tuesday 27th - 29th September - Life Education
- Friday 30th September - School Picnic
Our Kura News and Information
School Photos
Photo proofs have been sent home .
Please return your orders in the envelope supplied, to school by Tuesday the 13th of September.
Any orders after this date will need to be sent directly to the photographer.
Bush School - Kamahi Reserve
We loved heading up to the Kamahi Reserve on Thursday for Bush School. There is so much to see and learn about our native fauna and flora. We had the support of Rodney Trainor, from the Hokonui Runanga, to help us identify the plants and share his knowledge of how Maori and early settlers made use of them. Thank you to Miss McVicar for organising this and the parents who came along with us.
Our Team for this Week - Team Kiwi
What a busy Term 3 Team Kiwi has had!
We have been enjoying our regular classroom activities including reading, writing and maths! We have a wonderful display of our published work in our room and we have even written and illustrated two books this term! One book is about turtles and the other book is about crocodiles; this was a great way of integrating our DRIVE unit with our daily writing.
Team Kiwi practised very hard for Polyfest and we all enjoyed the opportunity to perform in front of an audience. It was wonderful to see the other schools performing as well.
In Team Kiwi we know that keeping active is good for our bodies and our brains. We have been enjoying our sessions with our Sports Activator, Sarah, and we like practising the skills we learn with her. We also love doing Jump Jam and lots of children from Team Kiwi participated in the Southland Jump Jam competition. We loved seeing them perform at Celebration Time. Along with some other classrooms we have taken up a daily Jump Jam challenge which is also a fundraiser for people in New Zealand living with respiratory disease.
Another highlight of our term has been the ice-skating trip! We had so much fun. It was great to see children from Team Kiwi and Team Kea enjoying the time together. There were lots of examples of great values on this day. We had to take turns, persist when it was hard, encourage others and, for some of us, try something new!
We are looking forward to the last few weeks of term and continuing to work hard and try our best.
Mrs Abby Duffy and Mrs Hayley Clarke
Character Values Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L): Term Three Excellence Tohungatanga
Excellence means we aim for a high standard and continuous improvement and is shown through reliability, consistency, flexibility, reflection, change, innovation, accuracy, completion, dedication, practice, effort and attitude.
Work hard, have a go and do our best.
Leave everything how we would want to find it.
Wear our uniform with pride.
This week's Principal's Values Award goes to: Amelia Hodges-Thomas
Most Valuable Pupil: Team Kahu
Rilan Anderson is Team Kahu’s MVP this week for displaying Tohungatanga – Excellence.
Rilan is a self motivated learner and shares his knowledge willingly with others. He actively contributes in classroom discussions and consistently does his best.
He takes care with his learning tasks; thinking carefully about what he needs to do, and listening to advice about how to make it better.
Rilan works hard and has a go at everything. He helps keep our classroom tidy by leaving everything the way we want to find it.
Rilan is polite and uses his manners all of the time. He always plays fair and includes everyone in games. He ensures everyone knows the rules and helps others if they need it.
Keep up the wonderful work, Rilan, and you will achieve great things.
It is a pleasure having you in Team Kahu!
Most Valuable Pupil: Team Pukeko
Rylie McCauley
“Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” (Robin Collier)
Rylie has shown us all in Team Pukeko that he is a young man who consistently works hard on every learning task that he is given. He is a good example of Tohungatanga – Excellence in action!
Rylie always tries to do his best and is eager to share his work, particularly in his writing.
He follows instructions well and gets to his workspace quickly to get started on his tasks, which he works on without distraction and completes to the best of his ability.
Rylie is keen to improve his skills for maths and spelling as well, and he willingly works with our Team Pukeko teachers and Teacher Aide each day to practise these, and he is making good progress as a result.
Keep up the great mahi, Rylie - it is serving you well!
Writer of the Week - Liam McCullen (Team Kiwi)
The Morning Snow.
When I woke up I saw snow. It was so cool.
I got my snow gear on. I ran outside.
I threw snow at the window.
It was fun!
Our Kaitiaki School Board
Board Election - Timeframe
- New Board Takes Office: Wednesday 14th September.
- New Board Induction: Monday 19th of September starting at 6.00 pm. Tea is provided.
- New Board AGM and General Meeting: Tuesday 20th of September at 7.00 pm. The meeting pack goes out a week prior.
Our Home and School
Next Meeting - Term Four 2022
The Term Four 2022 meeting of the Home and School is scheduled for Monday 31st of October at 7.30 pm in the school staffroom.
Our Community - News
Eastern Southland Basketball Association - Miniball
The new mini ball season will start on 19th September.
Get your teams together.
- Year 5 & 6 boys will play on Monday
- Year 5 & 6 girls will play on Tuesday
- Year 3 & 4 mixed will play on Thursdays
Subs are $45 pp
We will be in touch in the next few weeks with detailed information about how the players register into their teams through our Gameday system. At the same time, we will let you know when the deadline is for registration and to finalise the teams into Gameday.
If your child would like to play but doesn't have a team. ESBA can organise them into another school team. Please make contact with Gwen at
Eastern Southland Basketball Association
Wyndham Athletic Club - Change of AGM date
The Wyndham Athletic Clubs AGM will be held at the Pioneer Tavern on Thursday 15th September this is a change of date to previously advertised. Same time 7pm. All welcome.
Any apologies or queries to Jane Muir 027 626 5467 or Abby Duffy 027 262 4422
Our Contact Information
Location: Edendale Primary School, 24 Salford Street, Edendale 9825, New Zealand
Phone: 03 206 6959
Twitter: @EdendaleSchool