LCHS Weekly Update

Good Evening,
This is Michelle Luttrell, Principal at Loudoun County High School.
The yearbooks have arrived! Distribution will take place for undergraduates (9-11 grades) whose families have already purchased a yearbook. Distribution will take place Thursday, May 23, and Friday, May 24, in the cafeteria hallway during lunch blocks. A limited number of books will be available for those who have not already purchased. Cash transactions only.
School Testing Coordinator
Spring SOL Tests:
Please save the dates below and refrain from scheduling appointments that will interfere with your child’s scheduled test.
Our spring SOL test dates are as follows:
- Monday, 20 May at 9:30am - Reading (Juniors only) & Math (students who need to earn a VC and students we are required to test for Federal Accountability)
- Tuesday, 21 May at 9:30am - Science & History (students who need to earn a VC and ALL Biology students)
Please read important details about spring SOL tests and who needs to test in your preferred language HERE.
**We will operate on an adjusted bell schedule Monday and Tuesday this week to include a school-wide open lunch. During open lunch, the entire school eats at the same time with flexible location options in the building. The expectation is that all students clean up after themselves and properly discard their trash after lunch to help keep our building clean and ready to ready resume instruction at the conclusion of open lunch. A reminder that students are not permitted to leave campus for lunch or have deliveries made to the school. We will serve lunch in the cafeteria both days, but students are encouraged to pack a lunch if possible.
LCHS Athletics will host a College Athlete Commitment Ceremony on May 29, 2024 4:30PM in the Library. We will celebrate those committed to DI, DII, DIII, NAIA, or NJCAA. In order to participate a student must have played their sport for LCHS. Those wishing to participate in the event should complete the google form.
Trying out for a sport next year? Start turning in your forms now.
- 2024-2024 VHSL Physicals must be dated after May 1, 2024. Completed physicals can be emailed to kate.cassidy@lcps.org and stephen.mcnamara@lcps.org or hand delivered to the athletic office. https://countysports.info/vhsl-physical-form/.
- See www.countysports.info for information about June 3rd Physical Night.
- Online registration will be open on July 1, 2024. https://loudouncounty-ar.rschooltoday.com/
Senior Class Action Items
Countdown to Graduation:
All end of year senior information can be found here.
Seniors participating in Captains Outreach, the last form, the Teacher Approval Form is due Friday, May 10. Forms can be turned into room 257, 259, or the main office. Late forms will not be accepted. All seniors must turn in their own form, even if you are working in a group. If you have any questions, please reference the front page of the handbook and contact your committee member based on your last name.
Cap and Gown:
If you have not already done so, please order your cap and gown on the Herff-Jones website. If you are ordering online and want to just order the cap & gown (not a package deal with other items), go to “Grad Gear & Apparel” and scroll all the way to the bottom. Please note that if you are trying to use a gown from a previous graduate (older sibling or friend), the gown should be BLUE and made out of a matte (not shiny) fabric.
If you have any questions, please contact info@hjvirginia.com or one of the LCHS senior sponsors, Mel Hefty (mel.hefty@lcps.org) or Abby Schutte (abby.schutte@lcps.org).
Graduation and Rehearsal:
Graduation rehearsal is Monday, June 17 from 8 – 11 am. Rehearsal will start promptly at 8 am. Seniors MUST attend the entire rehearsal. Graduation wristbands (tickets) will be issued at rehearsal. Graduation is Tuesday, June 18 at 8 am on the front lawn. Seniors need to arrive by 7 am to the aux gym. Please email Abby Schutte (abby.schutte@lcps.org) by June 12 to arrange for accessible seating at graduation or with any other questions. Two seats will be reserved for accessible seating (one for the guest with accessibility needs and one for another guest).
Join Us:
Use this link to join the PTSA.
School Nurse
Parents of current 11th graders:
All rising seniors (Class of 2025) must receive a MenACWY (meningitis) vaccine prior to the first day of school on August 22, 2024. The requirement is for one dose after the student's 16th birthday.
Paper forms can be returned to the Health Office or emailed to our School Nurse, Shannon Nerantzis at shannon.nerantzis@lcps.org
Executive Skills Support
Executive functioning skills include organizing, planning, prioritizing, time management, task initiation, goal directed persistence and working memory, to name a few. We look forward to working with students and helping them be more successful in meeting their academic goals. Use the new button on our website to sign up for support.
Save The Dates
Please put these events on your calendar for future reference and action. This list will be updated throughout the year.
May 20, 2024: Captains Outreach begins for eligible seniors.
May 22, 2024: PTSA meeting at 7:00 pm in the library.
June 6, 2024: Last official day of school for seniors. Senior picnic at 1:00 pm, Outreach banquet at 6:00 pm, and awards program at 7:00 pm in the auditorium.
June 11, 2024: Underclassmen awards program. Invites to follow for honored students in grades 9-11.
June 14, 2024: Last official day of school for underclassmen.
June 17, 2024: Mandatory graduation rehearsal at 8:00 am.
June 18, 2024: Graduation at 8:00 am on the front lawn.
Please continue to read your email communication from the school and LCPS.
Take care,