Four Nests... One Family News
February 1st-15th
Rockledge Vision & Mission
Every Child, Every Day...We are Rockledge
Every Eagle will soar! Together we will become resilient learners flying to new heights. We will discover and impact the world.
Rockledge Elementary School
Location: 2300 Mariner Drive, Woodbridge, VA, USA
Phone: (703)491-2108
Twitter: @RockledgePWCS
School Hours: Monday thru Friday, 9am-3:40pm
The doors of the school open at 8:55am daily. Staff will be outside to monitor arrival at that time.
If arrival is after 9:00am, families will need to sign their child in through the front office.
Hello Rockledge Families,
We are in our second week of our 3rd quarter of learning. On Wednesday, February 8th families will be able to access 2nd quarter report cards on ParentVUE (link below). We are continuing to have an amazing time learning and growing at the Rock.
This month we have so much going on from honoring and remembering black history in America, to celebrating and taking care of each other during Kindness week, to Family Literacy Night, and the PTA sponsored BoosterThon.
Your family is able to support and enjoy EACH event with us this month, see the details below.
#Every Child Every Day
Your Principal & Assistant Principal,
Mrs. Steptoe-Coleman
Mrs. Everett
Upcoming Important Dates
2/6-2/10: School Counselor Appreciation Week
2/8: School Crossing Guard Appreciation Day
2/8: Robotics Spirit Night @ Skate-N-Fun Zone (Manassas)
2/13-2/17: Kindness Week
2/13- 2/22 Booster-Thon
2/13 NPFH Club @ 3:50pm
2/20: Presidents' Day (Schools & Offices Closed)
2/23: Family Literacy Night @ 5:30pm (dinner served)
2/28: African-American Living Museum
Click on the picture to see the Year-At-A-Glance PWCS Calendar
2nd Quarter Nest Celebration
Celebrating our Eagles on earning over 4,000 points in each nest for embodying confidence, resilience, integrity, and empathy. Congratulations Sprezysty on earning the most points this quarter!
Rockledge Spelling Bee Success!
The spelling bee was a great night for all participants. Our students worked hard to participate in this schoolwide event. Congratulations to our winners of the night:
1/2nd Grade
1. Dyhan P
2. Megan R
3. Eldana & Nikita P
3rd-5th Grade
1. Parker G
2. Winston N
3. Henry T.
National Milk Day
Our Eagles had fun celebrating National Milk Day in the Cafeteria!
School Counselor Appreciation Week
This week, February 6th-10th, we will be showing our GRATITUDE to the amazing School Counselors of Rockledge Elementary School. Please join us in showing appreciation to Ms. Glaze and Ms. Tracy for the amazing social emotional learning and support that they provide to our community.
National School Counseling Week 2023, “School Counselors: Helping Students Dream Big,” celebrated Feb. 6-10, 2023, focuses public attention on the unique contribution of school counselors within U.S. school systems. National School Counseling Week, sponsored by ASCA, highlights school counselors’ tremendous impact in helping students achieve school success and plan for a career.
2nd Quarter Report Cards, February 8th
Families you will be able to access 2nd quarter report cards on Wednesday, February 8th. You will be able to view your child's report card on ParentVUE, click here.
Rockledge African-American Living Museum
On Tuesday, February 28th Rockledge will be hosting it's first African-American Living Museum in recognition of Black History Month. We are excited about providing this experience for our students, but what we are most excited about is we want YOUR child to participate. Families have the opportunity to have their child sign up to create a presentation and dress up representing a historical or current African-American figure that has made a difference. Click on this link to sign up your child. And click on the document below for full details.
Our second service project is here and is being lead by
Akoko Duro!
Soon your child will bring home a baggie with sidewalk chalk and we want you to use this chalk to write kind/encouraging words or pictures on your neighborhood sidewalks. Then, take pictures and email them to your teacher, by February 19th, for our Kindness Bulletin Board. Our SCA will help prepare the chalk and pictures.
Even post them on social media with the hastags #4Nests1Family #KindnessEverywhere and don't forget to tag us @RockledgePWCS.
We want our entire community to see how kind and caring all of our Eagles are during
kindness week!
Late Bus Updates
PWCS Transportation department is working on ways to improve communications about late buses.
Transportation’s Late Bus Notification web page is now available for parents and schools. The page will list buses that will be late 15 minutes or more to start their run. Please feel free to share the link below with your school families.
PTA Updates
Dear Rockledge families!
We are excited to kick off our Rockledge Eagles Fun Run on 02/13/2023. Our goal is to raise $10,000 for an outdoor classroom, teacher grants and other PTA projects and to strengthen our school community.
Our school has always relied on fundraising to provide exceptional opportunities to enhance student
learning and we need YOUR HELP registering your student(s) and sharing with friends and family.
Mark your calendars for the Rockledge Eagles Fun Run fundraiser kicking off soon!
Key dates to remember:
● Rockledge Eagles Fun Run Kick Off - 02/13/2023
● Event Day - 02/22/2023
We are grateful for our Rockledge family! Thank you for your support!
Content & Learning Updates
As a school, Rockledge has always promoted the importance of children reading daily. There are powerful benefits to just reading to or with a child for 20 minutes a day. With so many days off from school in November we want families to remember the power of opening a good book.
Click on this link, to read a great article on the impact of reading to or with your children.
Here are just a couple of great quotes from the article:
- Reading aloud to kids has clear cognitive benefits
- hearing stories strengthens the part of the brain associated with visual imagery, story comprehension, and word meaning
- kindergarten children who were read to at least three times a week had a “significantly greater phonemic awareness than did children who were read to less often.”
- the single most important activity for building knowledge for a child's eventual success in reading is reading aloud to him/her
- reading also strengthens children’s social, emotional, and character development.
Resource: Why Reading Aloud to Kids Helps Them Thrive, by Deborah Farmer Kris (2018)
Health & Nutrition Updates
Boost Learning Power with School Breakfast
You have probably heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but do you know why? We perform better, mentally and physically, when our bodies are fueled. In the morning, your body is starving for energy, even if you do not feel particularly hungry. Breakfast is especially important for kids because they are developing and growing.
Students who eat breakfast miss less school and get better grades. Yet 3 out of 4 teachers say their “students regularly come to school hungry.” Hungry kids are more likely to have health issues and trouble learning, and concentrating, behavioral and emotional problems.
All Prince William County Public Schools serve breakfast every school day! Our “Grab n’ Go” breakfasts are designed to be nutritious and portable, so kids can enjoy a balanced breakfast in the classroom or cafeteria. Students receiving free lunch also get school breakfast free of charge. Breakfast costs $1.50 a day, or $7.50 a week.
For more school breakfast fun, join us on Golden Ticket Breakfast Bag days! Once a month, students have the chance to win a prize when they find a Golden Ticket with their school breakfast! The date of the Golden Ticket Breakfast Bag day is posted in the cafeteria each month.