Scarborough High School
September 6, 2024
Letter from the Principal
It's been wonderful to see our students and staff return to school this August. It's been a bustling start to the school year, with Orientation Day and Open House taking place last week, and Fall Sports and Activities already in full swing.
To families that are new to SHS, we issue a newsletter on the first Friday of each month. The newsletter is a great opportunity to read about recent events, find important reminders, and learn about what's coming up next on the school calendar.
Though school has started and calendars tend to fill up in September, I hope everyone has chance to enjoy the beautiful late summer weather we've been experiencing!
Nate Theriault
Marc Simard, Michelle Simard, Jane Kennery, Anna Matthews and Olivia Shea ( pictured above)
Ian Weidner and Becky Dwyer (pictured below)
SHS Welcomes New Staff
We are excited to share that the following staff members will be joining the Scarborough High School community for the 2024-2025 school year! We asked that each staff member provide a little information about themselves to share with students and families.
Marc Simard (Special Education Teacher)
My name is Mr. Simard, and I am entering my fifth year of teaching. I live in Saco with my wife, 2 children, and a dog. I enjoy Travel and New England Sports (Go BRUINS!!!). I also enjoy classic rock, comedy movies, and Regular Show. I am very excited to join Scarborough High School. I live locally and knew the school had a great reputation and an amazing array of classes, resources and activities. I feel very lucky that I was selected to join the Special Education Team here at the high school.
Michelle Simard (Sp.Ed Ed Tech)
My name is Michelle Simard,. We have 2 children: Christopher, who is 20, and Joel ,who is 10. We also have a dog named Rigby. I have joined Scarborough High School as a Special Education Ed Tech, and I am also currently taking classes toward becoming an English teacher.
Jane Kennery (ESOL Teacher)
I am thrilled to bring my love for reading, writing, and language to the middle / high schools here in Scarborough! I've taught and studied in France, England, and the U.S. and have been a ESOL tutor and instructor here in Maine since 2022. I am most looking forward to learning about the incredible talents and interests of our multilingual students!
Anna Matthews (English Teacher)
I will be joining Scarborough High School as a sophomore English teacher this year. I finished graduate school at Merrimack College last May. During my time in college, I played field hockey and wrote for the school paper. Though I grew up in Massachusetts, I spent my summers in Maine working and living in Kennebunkport. I am excited to be a full time Mainer now! I look forward to being in the presence of the strong English Department here at SHS and connecting with students in various ways.
Olivia Shea (Art Teacher)
At the center of my teaching philosophy is the belief that art has something to offer everybody. Through my experience as a volunteer and educator, it has been very rewarding to see students of all abilities find great joy in trying art forms that resonate with them. As I look forward to teaching Photo I&II, Art Foundations, and Digital Art at SHS, my goal is to help students find artistic media and methods that they can carry with them throughout the rest of their schooling and lives.
Ian Weidner (LC Ed Tech, Learning Commons)
Ian Weidner lives in Scarborough and has been an Ed Tech in the front office of Wentworth Intermediate School since 2020. He joins the HS Learning Commons team and looks forward to helping students and teachers in this new role.
Rebecca Dwyer (Sp.Ed Ed Tech)
I have my MA in Counselor Education . I worked for the past 3 years as a school counselor in Gray/New Gloucester.
I am working as an Ed Tech in the Special Education department this year. I am excited to be working closer to home and having more time with my family.
I have lived in Scarborough for the past 11 years with my husband and my 4th & 6th grade daughters. I look forward to a great school year ahead!
News, Notes, and Info
If your child will not be in attendance for school, be sure to call the Main Office (730-5000) to report the absence and share the reason for it. If we do not hear from a parent/guardian, the absence will be coded as "Unexcused," which may impact your child's ability participate in after school athletics and activities.
If you have an upcoming trip, college visit, etc. that you know about in advance, this absence should go through the planned absence process. This process begins by sending in a note with your child. The note should be delivered to Mrs. Manning in Admin II, who will prepare a planned absence form for the student to complete.
Fall Testing
Each fall, SHS students take the following assessments:
- Grade 9: iReady
- Grade 10: Maine Through Year Assessment
- Grade 11: PSAT
Our senior class participates in a Financial Wellness Fair, led by our partners at Town and Country Federal Credit Union.
Future communications will be sent out soon regarding the dates, timing, and plans for our fall testing. Please be on the lookout for these communications.
Parent Teacher Conferences - October 10 and October 24, 2024
Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on Thursday October 10, 2024 from 2:45 - 7:15 pm and again on Thursday, October 24, 2024 from 2:45-5:15 pm.
The parent registration portal will open on Monday, September 30 at 6:00 am. The registration portal will close for the first session on Tuesday, September 8th for conferences held on the 10th, but will remain open to schedule conferences on October 24th. The registration portal will remain open until Tuesday, October 22, 2024 for the conferences to be held on October 24, 2024.
Please use the link below to register for your conferences:
Technology Reminders
School-Issued Chromebooks
There are still students who need to pickup a school-issued Chromebook. As a reminder, students will need these devices for district and state testing in the fall and spring. Use of this device also ensures students have appropriate access for all the educational technology used in classes. The first step in this process is parent completion of the Acceptable Use Policy in the PowerSchool Parent Portal. Once that has been completed, students should visit our IT Field Office in the back of the Learning Commons for pickup during school-day hours.
Personally-Owned Electronic Devices
Below is a copy of our 2024-25 SHS Handbook policy (p23) on personally-owned electronic devices. This policy is unchanged from years past, but, as has been shared with students, it is important to be aware of the expectations and consequences set forth in this policy:
Bus Routes
Our bus routes are currently all loaded in MY Ride K-12 software. You can access the bus routes via the My Rides K-12 app on your cell phone or by the My Rides k-12 website on your computer. Here are the directions to access via the phone app or the website. If you don’t know your child’s ID number, please call the school your child attends and they can share the child’s ID number (it is the same number as your child’s lunch number).
All of the bus routes are also linked here with the start and end times of each run and their streets/roads they service.
If you have any questions regarding your child's bus stop, accessing the My Bus k-12 software, or other route information, please call the Transportation Department at (207) 730-4145, or email the Transportation Supervisor, Sarah Redmond, at sredmond@scarboroughschools.org.
Order Your Yearbook Now!
Yearbook - Important Information for Seniors
Tuesday, October 15, 2024 is the deadline for submitting your senior photo, baby photo and write up. If hiring a professional photographer, please be aware that they book early(summer) and they fill up quickly. Thus, consider this... if waiting until mid October to try and get photos done they may not get it in on time.
Please use this link to submit your senior yearbook info.
You MUST be logged into your SHS email. Please be sure to ONLY submit using the Google form as it ensures we have everything in one place. To minimize errors, we will NOT accept photos via email. It is up to you to double check your submission to ensure it goes through.
Senior Photo
Submitted Senior Photos must follow these guidelines:
- Digital images must be a resolution of at least 300 DPI and saved in jpeg format. The size must be at least wallet-size or a maximum of 5" wide x 7" tall.
-Photos should be in Portrait format:
- Photos must meet the school dress code and be appropriate for the yearbook. We will only accept your image in the photo(not a group or another person). We are accepting photos in color or black and white.
Please label submitted photos with your last name, first name
Senior Write ups: Students must submit their senior-write up in the format below
Here is the format for example:
Suddenly... add your Senior Name
ex: Suddenly still swimming
Softball (1-4), Band (1-4), Key Club, Swimming (1-4)
“Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday.”
Thank you Mom and Dad for always supporting me in every way possible. Thank you to my friends for always being there for me.
Senior Will: (Optional) Example: I, Jane Cole leave SA and DL my guitar playing skills.
ALL write-ups will be checked by the yearbook editors and administration for appropriate content. Please double-check your write-ups for mistakes and writing errors before submitting.
Again: All Yearbook info is due by October 15th
- please use the google form to submit this information. Anything submitted outside of this timeframe may run the risk of not getting in the book
Thank you for your help in getting this information turned in on time!
Parent ad information Click here: https://www.jostens.com/yearbooks/students-and-parents/yearbook-ads?rcrdu=395
Baby Photos - Students may, if they choose, submit a baby photo. Please label BABY Last name First name
FYI: What is Alternative Education?
Scarborough High School's Alternative Education program serves up to 22 students in grades 9-12 and is located in the high school. We have openings for new students for the 2024 -2025 year. Alt Ed is a program of choice--no student is required to attend this program.
The Alt Ed program addresses the individual academic, social, and behavioral needs of students at risk of dropping out of school. Classes in the program involve small groups, participation-based grading, and a high level of individualization. While most core courses and many elective courses are offered through Alt Ed, students are welcomed and encouraged to try additional classes in the traditional program at any time. In addition to academic learning in the classroom, the Alt Ed program integrates team building, field trips, service learning, and career exploration.
If you are interested in learning more about Alt Ed, especially if this sounds like a program that would help your student, please contact your student’s guidance counselor, any of the school social workers, or one of the Assistant Principals (Mr. Brown or Mrs. Blaisdell) at 730-5000.
Scarborough Schools Expectations for Adult Collaboration and Communication
One thing you may notice when you visit the Main Office at SHS is the Scarborough School Expectations for Adult Collaboration and Communication posted by the entry door. This document is intended to clarify Scarborough Public School expectations for how families can best partner with schools and school staff in service of their child(ren.).
Clinic Information
GRADE 9 VISION SCREENING: September 24, 2024. Students please remember to bring or wear your glasses/contacts for this screening.
TOOTH PROTECTORS DENTAL CLINIC: October 15, 2024 - To be held at Wentworth School for the District.
FLU SHOT CLINIC: We are partnering with Northern Light Home Care & Hospice to provide a flu shot clinic for our students on October 23, 2024, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
HEALTH: Please contact the clinic staff if your student has a new health concern or sustains a
concussion or other physical injury, especially if it affects the dominant hand/arm or requires the use of a wheelchair, scooter, or crutches. Please update your student’s health information and emergency contact phone numbers through the parent portal in PowerSchool annually and whenever there are changes.
ILLNESS DISMISSAL: If a student needs to be dismissed due to illness, they should report to the clinic, so a nurse may contact a parent/guardian to arrange and confirm pick up or to get permission for the student to drive home.
IMMUNIZATIONS: Two doses of MCV4 are required for all students entering 12th grade. If the first dose of MCV4 was administered on or after the 16th birthday, a second dose is not required. Please send updated immunization records to the clinic as soon as your student receives the required second MCV4.
MEDICATION: Students may not carry medication at school with the exception of epinephrine, inhalers, insulin, glucagon, and some other emergency medications. The clinic stocks acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and calcium carbonate (Tums). Students may receive medication in the clinic with parent/guardian permission which must be renewed annually. Please complete the permission for medication form through the parent portal in PowerSchool at the start of each school year.
MEDICATION STORED AT SCHOOL: If your student requires medication that will be stored or
administered in the clinic, please contact the clinic staff to plan for medication drop off. All medications administered at school require a new physician’s order and written parental permission each year. Updated orders must also be on file for emergency medication such as an inhaler or EpiPen that students may be carrying. Physician orders may be faxed directly to the clinic at 730-5196.
Please contact the clinic with questions or concerns. Health Services Staff:
- Stacey Hang, RN, phone: 730-5017, shang@scarboroughschools.org
- Lisa Verzoni, RN, phone: 730-5016, lverzoni@scarboroughschools.org
Updates from the SHS Senior Placement Office
Welcome to September—we are starting to get into the thick of college admissions. With application deadlines approaching, now is the time to focus on building a list and knowing deadlines to ensure your student is on track. Below are some reminders and tips to help guide you through this time.
- Schedule a meeting with Mr. Harris: Unsure what to do, what the options are, what to write an essay about, have applications ready to go, or somewhere in between? Schedule a meeting with Mr. Harris to go over this and any part of the college admission process.
- We have updated our website! We will continue to add information and announcements throughout the year. Check back soon for a scholarship and financial aid section.
- Review and Narrow Down Choices: Students should have a well-rounded list of colleges, including reach, target, and likely schools. Ensure your student is comfortable with the schools on their list and that these are schools they would want to attend.
- CommonApp—If students are applying to a four-year college, have them set up an account with a personal email. Students can check in with Mr. Harris about questions and match with Naviance.
- Tuition-Free Maine Community Colleges – Continuing for the class of 2025, Maine Community Colleges will be tuition-free. Check-in with Mr. Harris to learn more about this opportunity!
- Application Deadlines: Many colleges have Early Decision (ED) and Early Action (EA) deadlines in early November (and a handful are on October 15th). Students should know these deadlines and decide if applying early is the right choice.
- College Interviews: Some colleges offer or require interviews as part of the admissions process. Your student should prepare by practicing common interview questions and scheduling interviews early.
- College Fairs, Tours, and Visits
- Group Presentation with Emory, Johns Hopkins, Notre Dame, and WashU: Greely High School September 9th, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Register Here
- Service Academy Night: Clarion Hotel September 12th, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM. Doors open at 5:30 PM. Confirm Attendance at https://bit.ly/3XQJN4V
- NEACAC College Fair: University of Southern Maine, September 17th, 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM Sullivan Gym Portland, ME List of Colleges Attending
- College Visits at SHS: Over 100 Colleges and Universities will visit Scarborough High School this fall. Students interested in attending should register on Naviance or stop by the Placement Office. See the list of Schools Here
- Standardized Testing
- SAT/ACT: If your student plans to take or retake the SAT or ACT, check the registration deadlines for fall test dates. Some colleges may still require these scores for admission or scholarship consideration.
- Test-Optional Policies: Many colleges have test-optional policies due to the pandemic. Review each college's requirements to decide whether submitting scores supports their application.
- Requesting Letters of Recommendation: Now is the time for your student to request letters of recommendation from teachers or mentors. Students should request teachers through Naviance. Be sure they give their recommenders plenty of time to write a thoughtful letter. Forms can be picked up in the Senior Placement Office.
- Family Bragg Sheets: If you would like to fill out this form, it will ensure that Mr. Harris has a well-rounded understanding of your student's character and aspirations. This sheet is optional and helps emphasize qualities and experiences that make the student a strong candidate for college admissions; plus, it is a great opportunity to Bragg and reminisce about what they have accomplished! Fill Out The Brag Sheet Here
Financial Aid and Scholarships
- FAFSA Workshop: Join us on October 3rd at Scarborough High School from 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM with Jessica Whitter of FAME. If you cannot attend, there are many other opportunities here.
- FAFSA: The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) has been pushed to open on December 1st. Begin to gather the necessary documents and set up for FSA ID to complete the form when it opens.
- CSS Profile: Some colleges require the CSS Profile for financial aid consideration. Check each college's financial aid requirements and deadlines.
- Scholarships: Encourage your student to research and apply for scholarships. Have students check out the Post-High School Planning Google Classroom and Naviance for updated opportunities.
Recognitions and Celebrations
Portland Youth Poet Laureate: Yashaswini Derisala
Portland Public Library shared the following exciting news with our community, announcing Yashu Derisala as the first Portland Youth Poet Laureate! An excerpt from their announcement:
Yashaswini (Yashu) Derisala is a young, brown, first-generation South Indian Telugu immigrant woman who is going to be a senior at Scarborough High School. She is the first Portland Youth Poet Laureate. She is a leader in the Civil Rights Club of SHS and was a part of the poetry workshop with Maya Williams for two years where she wrote and published poetry in the chapbooks, and Born But Not Alive. She is extremely passionate about social justice and she writes poetry to reflect on the world around her as well as herself to heal and find peace and joy for her soul. She also writes for her inner child to remind herself of her worth. She hopes that her poetry can inspire others to embrace their artistry and so that their voices can feel seen and heard.
SHS Student Represents American Youth Leaders in DC!
Alex Wu, who is the Co-President of Scarborough High School's Civil Rights Club and Reducing Sexism and Violence Program (RSVP), participated in the "Supporting Youth Leaders" workshop at the 2024 League of Women Voters (LWV) National Convention held in Washington, D.C. in June. Alex, along with student peers from Alaska and Oregon, helped answer recruitment and retention questions, shared what LWVME’s Youth Council members do, how they address challenges and the larger impacts of their civic work with a 90-member audience.
ECOS Plans to Revive Composting at SHS for the 2024-2025 School Year
The SHS ECOS Club has been working with the custodial and administration teams on plans to restart composting in the SHS cafeteria this fall. They plan to invite members from various SHS clubs to work alongside members of the ECOS club in facilitating the stations as part of the launch effort. ECOS has been educating students and Garbage-to-Garden staff have also been presenting information during lunch periods to help with educational and promotional material. Compost, recycling and trash stations have been set up throughout the cafeteria.
On September 4th, the Civil Rights Club had the extraordinary honor to host Shelly Lowe, the Chairperson of the National Endowment of the Humanities from Washington, D.C., as well as Congressperson Chellie Pingree. The Civil Rights Club and the Maine Humanities Council have collaborated many times in the past two years to expand Humanities opportunities for students at SHS. During the 2023/2024 school year, the Maine Humanities Council granted the SHS Civil Rights Club an Arts and Humanities Grant of $1,000 which provided the majority of the funding for the second year of our poetry workshop with Portland Poet Laureate Maya Williams.
In addition, the MHC and Civil Rights Club collaborated in the spring as a satellite location for the statewide event which spotlighted Indigenous experiences, centered around the book, There There by Tommy Orange. The National Endowment for the Humanities provides funding to the Maine Humanities Council, and, due to our past partnerships, when Chair Lowe and Congressperson Pingree asked to speak with a student group that champions the Humanities, MHC reached out to the SHS Civil Rights Club with this honor. Visiting Dignitary Lowe is a citizen of the Navajo Nation, an esteemed elder and advocate both for the humanities and for youth voice. Civil Rights Club members and officers had the opportunity to have the ear of these receptive federal leaders for over two hours.
Most importantly, our student leaders learned from them as well and were able to share the benefits of the federal funding to our students, in addition to expressing in what ways more can be done for youth. Thank you, Chair Lowe and Congressperson Pingree!"
Upcoming Events
Athletics & Activities
Upcoming Home Events:
- Friday 9/6: Cross Country vs. Deering, Massabesic, and Thornton Academic - 4:00pm @ Peterson Field (Scarborough)
- Monday 9/9: JV Football vs. Edward Little - 4:00pm @ SHS Turf
- Tuesday 9/10: Golf vs. South Portland - 4:00pm @ Willowdale
- Tuesday 9/10: Volleyball vs. Bonny Eagle - 4:15pm (JV) and 6:00pm (Varsity) @ Alumni Gym
- Tuesday 9/10: Field Hockey vs. Kennebunk - 4:30pm (JV) and 6:00pm (Varsity) @ SHS Turf
- Wednesday 9/11: First Team Girls Soccer vs. Freeport - 4:30pm @ Memorial Park
- Thursday 9/12: First Team Boys Soccer vs. South Portland - 3:30pm @ Memorial Park
- Friday 9/13: Varsity Football vs. Sanford - 7:00pm @ SHS Turf
- Saturday 9/14: Boys Soccer vs. Gorham - 10:00am (JV) and 12:00pm (Varsity) @ SHS Turf"
Scarborough Red Storm TV: View the livestream of Varsity games
Click Here to view our list of Clubs/Activities and to register on FamilyID
For more information on all athletics and activities or to register for a sport or club, visit our website.
Building Leadership Team
Ms. Blaisdell, Assistant Principal (Gr 10 + 12)
Mr. Brown, Assistant Principal (Gr 9 + 11)
Mr. LeGage, Director of Athletics and Activities
Mr. Theriault, Principal