Welcome to Kennedy Middle School!
Information for the 2024-2025 School Year
School Information
Website: https://www.walthampublicschools.org/o/jfk
Location: 655 Lexington Street, Waltham, MA, USA
Phone: 781-314-5560
Twitter: @KennedyWildcats
Kevin Gildea - Principal
email: kevingildea@walthampublicschools.org
Kate Sullivan - Assistant Principal
email: kathrynsullivan@walthampublicschools.org
for students with last names A-L
Amy Woogmaster - Assistant Principal
email: amywoogmaster@walthampublicschools.org
for students with last names M-Z
Call your child's assistant principal with any disciplinary issues or concerns.
Attendance - call 781-314-5670 if child is going to be absent or tardy
The district calendar for the 24-25 school year can be found here in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Haitian Creole.
Health Services
Cindi Detzer BSN RN
Margaret Richardson BSN RN
Phone: 781-314-5564 Fax: 781-314-5697
Call with any health related concerns, issues, or questions.
Support Staff
Grade 6: Melissa Graham (melissagraham@walthampublicschools.org)
Grade 7: Gelen Zepeda (gelenzepeda@walthampublicschools.org)
Grade 8: Natalia Parrella (nataliaparrella@walthampublicschools.org)
Bridge Program: Keren Clark (kerenclark@walthampublicschools.org)
Call a counselor with any mental health related questions/concerns, issues with friends, etc.
School Resource Officer
Officer Kelly Komola (kellykomola@walthampublicschools.org)
As the School Resource Officer, Officer Komola is at the school from 7 AM - 3 PM as an extra support to ensure that the school is a safe place for all students to learn.
Evaluation Team Leader
Alexa Loura (alexaloura@walthampublicschools.org)
Contact with any special education questions/concerns
School Handbook
Daily Routines
Morning Routine
The building opens at 7:40. Students can either go up to the cafeteria and get a free breakfast to eat, or they can go to the auditorium. The bell will ring at 7:50 for the school day to begin.
Afternoon Routine
The school day ends at 2:30. Students will leave their last class, go to their lockers, pack up their backpacks, and get ready to go home.
- If students take a bus, they will exit the building using the back door on the second floor of the school, right by the cafeteria. There will be teachers outside to help students find what bus they are on.
- If students are being picked up, they will exit the building using the doors by the auditorium. Parents/guardians will wait in their cars for the students to come out.
- If students are walking home, they will exit the building using the main doors on the first floor.
Bus Routes
Page 3 of this PDF has Kennedy's bus routes. Anything highlighted in yellow is a change/update from last year.
If your child stays late, they can take a late bus home at 3:30pm.
Here are the late bus routes. There are only 4 late buses, and they make specific stops. It is important that your child knows the name of the bus route (not the #) and the stop they should get off at if they plan to ever take a late bus.
Monthly Lunch Menu
Monthly lunch menu calendar is updated on the district food service website. The menu linked below is for September.
Middle School Schedule
Contact with any technology questions or concerns.
Technology Information - English
Technology Information - Spanish
Aspen (Online Gradebook)
Aspen is Waltham Public School's Student Information System (SIS). Aspen allows students, teachers, and parents to access data, including class schedules, school events, student grades, and more. All Parents/Guardians with an email address in Aspen are able to view current information in the Aspen Student Information System.
Account Setup - Haitian-Creole
After School Activities
The Waltham Public Schools ensures that all students, regardless of race, color, sex, gender identity, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, homelessness, or limited English proficiency, have equal access to the general education program and full range of any occupational/vocational education programs offered by the Waltham Public Schools.
Brandeis Enrichment
Drama Club
Open to all Kennedy students who want to support the LGBTQ community!
Latino Club
Includes fun activities and snacks, and plans events such as Kennedy's Culture Night.
Math Olympiad
Middle School Honors String Ensemble
National Junior Honor Society
Student Council
Student Council is for any student in Grades 6-8 who want to make a difference in the school. Students will be able to take the late bus home.
Boys and Girls Basketball is for any student in Grades 6-8. It is a Winter sport and practices are held everyday after-school. Participants need to sign up on FamilyID and make sure that they have an updated physical on file with the Nurse.
Field Hockey
Boys and Girls Soccer is for any student in Grades 6-8. It is a Fall sport and practices are held everyday after-school. Participants need to sign up on FamilyID and make sure that they have an updated physical on file with the Nurse.
Chess Club
Open to everyone - chess club meets on Fridays after school!
Girls On The Run
Girls On The Run will have a fall season from late September to mid November, and a spring season from March to early June. Practices are Tuesdays/Thursdays from 2:30-3:30, and you'll complete a 5k at the end of the season!
Open to everyone - the Stay Late and Create Club meets on Tuesdays. You'll participate in a variety of activities from 3D printing design challenges to building structures.
Families in Need
For families who are in need of extra assistance, Kennedy is here to help. Please let us know if your family needs clothing, toiletries, or school supplies.