Thurston Family Update
November 8th, 2024

Message from the Principal
Thurston Family,
The M-STEP is the state assessment that all students in Michigan in grades 3-8 take annually in spring. This assessment functions to measure your child's progress in Reading and Mathematics, in addition to Social Studies and Science in some grades. The M-STEP measures progress on the Michigan currciulum standards. For your reference, linked HERE are MDE's parent-guides for the M-STEP report.
Parent Reports were sent home with students in grades 4 & 5 today for students who took the M-STEP at Thurston last year. If your child tested at another school last year, their report was sent to that school.
Have a great weekend, Thurston Family!
Your proud principal,
Cory McElmeel
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, 11/12
PTO Meeting at 7:30pm - Zoom link HERE
Tuesday, 11/26
Report cards sent home with students
Wednesday, 11/27 - Sunday, 12/1
Thanksgiving Break - No School for Students and Staff
Veteran’s Day at Thurston
Veteran's Day is November 11, 2024. We are thankful for the service of our veterans and would like to honor the loved ones of our Thurston students who have served in our Armed Services. On Veteran's Day we display pictures in the hallway of Thurston Heros. Also, we will have a display of The Table of the Fallen Soldiers honoring those who have fallen, are missing or imprisoned. Teachers will be sharing information about the meaning of Veteran's day as appropriate for each grade level.
Please join us in celebrating and honoring our veterans!
Thurston PTO Science Fair
Lunch/Recess Monitor Volunteers - Your Help is Needed!
Are you looking for a way to get involved at Thurston? We are still in need of volunteers to monitor our playgrounds and lunchroom.
Lunch/Recess monitors are needed from 11:45 am - 1:00 pm daily.
Please complete the Recess Monitor Volunteer Form HERE to join our team of volunteers!
Sign up for the dates you can volunteer HERE! All volunteers must have completed a background check every school year
**Grandparents, Aunts, and Uncles make great volunteers too! If you know an individual who has the time and desire to help, please pass this on!**
Volunteer Background Checks
In order to ensure the safety of all children, guests who wish to volunteer in the classroom, lunch monitor or participate in a field trip must complete a background check each school year. Please fill out the form HERE , or pick one up in the office. This must be completed at least 72 hours in advance.
To Do Before Volunteering!
Thank you so much for volunteering your time to help monitor our students in the cafeteria and on the playground. Please read our Thurston Noon Hour Monitor Handbook so that you are familiar with the role before you come in for your first shift.
Reporting Absences
**Please report all absences to our attendance email: thurstonattendance@A2schools.org**
Note: Notifying teacher(s) of an absence is great. However, it is necessary to notify the email address above in addition to the teacher for proper attendance accounting.
No Laptops in Bus Line or on Bus
Please remind your child not to use their laptop in bus line or on the school bus. Several students are consistently walking out to buses with their laptops open. Several reminders have been provided.
Next week, students who persist to misuse their technology will temporarily lose technology privileges.
Lost & Found Items Needing a Home
Please be sure to label your children's items so they do not end up here! If you see something that belongs to you below, please come grab it. Our Lost and Found space is filling up too quickly!
Thurston Science Olympiad
Attention Thurston 2nd – 5th Grade Families! Want to discover a great science learning experience? Join Thurston’s Science Olympiad Team! A Science Olympiad is a tournament where kid scientists can compete in different types of scientific events – launch rockets, study human skeletons, build towers, make potions, and more. Be on a team, compete for our school, make friends, learn cool facts, and maybe even win a medal.
JOIN US for a Parent Information Meeting!
Wednesday November 13th – 7-8 PM - Thurston Library
The Washtenaw Elementary Science Olympiad Tournament will be held on Saturday, May 10th at Pioneer High School.
Team Thurston website: https://sites.google.com/view/weso-thurstonelementary
Washtenaw Elementary Science Olympiad website: www.wesoscience.org
Winter Giving
!!Winter Giving Website Change!!: As of now, the Winter Giving Website Page can be accessed by going to the Community Section of the a2schools.org website: https://www.a2schools.org/community/winter-giving. Here's an updated blurb.
More resources at
Join the AAPS team!
Mindset 3
U of M F.E.M.M.E.S Fall Explore Capstone Event
University of Michigan F.E.M.M.E.S Fall Explore Capstone event
The University of Michigan F.E.M.M.E.S. organization (Women+ Excelling More in Math, Engineering, and Science) invites 4th to 6th-grade students to their Fall Explore Capstone event.
It's an in-person event from 9 AM - 5 PM, Saturday, November 16th, for 4th to 6th graders, held at the University of Michigan. This event will expose students to various interactive STEM activities, allow them to gain hands-on experience in performing some experiments and projects, and give them an opportunity to interact with women pursuing college degrees and careers in STEM. All of the events are specifically designed to support girls* in developing confidence and interest in STEM fields, but like all F.E.M.M.E.S activities, is open to students of all genders. This event is completely free and at no cost to participants. Lunch is included.
Parents can register their students for the event via this online link: https://umich.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0GHYRTfiKvfm3https://umich.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0GHYRTfiKvfm3HwHw
The registration deadline is Wednesday, November 6th, 2024.
*We support inclusive definitions of "women" and welcome all people who identify as women, including transgender and non-binary women.