Harvey Eagle Updates
2024-2025 School Year

December 20, 2024
Grades K-6
Full-Day: 9:00 AM - 3:50 PM
Half-Day: 9:00 AM - 12:04 PM
Doors open at 8:50 AM
Office Hours
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
School Hours
Harvey Office Information
- Principal: Ms. Marissa Masi
- Administration Assistant: Ms. Erica Pawlik
- Clerk: Mrs. Mandi Dumont
- Hours: 8:30am-4:30pm
- Open Daily: Monday-Friday
- Office Number:586-797-5100
- Absence Line: 586-797-5199
- Email: harveyoffice@uticak12.org
A Message from the Principal
As we approach winter break, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for your ongoing support and partnership throughout this school year (can you believe we are halfway through the year- ALREADY??) This season is a wonderful opportunity to pause, reflect, and spend meaningful time with loved ones. I encourage everyone to take some time to create lasting memories with the ones you love most.
During this time, I hope your homes are filled with joy, laughter, and warmth. I am so proud of our students' hard work and growth and look forward to continuing this journey with them in the new year.
Wishing you a safe, restful, and joyous holiday season. See you in January!
Proud Principal,
Ms. Masi
Attendance Area Updates
The COLD Winter Weather Has Arrived
As we are experiencing colder temperatures, I would like to remind everyone to encourage our students to wear proper clothing for cold weather. This includes winter coats, hats, gloves, and boots. District protocol states that students are to enjoy outdoor recess if the temperature is above 10 degrees. It's important for their comfort and health while they are outside to be properly dressed.
Upcoming Dates to Remember: January & February
- 23rd-January 3: No School for students- Winter Break
- 6th: Return to school from Winter Break
- 13th: JHV Meeting @ 6:30pm
- 20th: NO SCHOOL - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- 30th: Yearbook Pictures
- 11th: JHV Meeting @ 6:30
- 17th-21st: NO SCHOOL - Mid-Winter Break
We LOVE our JHV!
JHV Meeting Dates: Our JHV does SO many amazing things for our Harvey community! We would love to have you join us for our monthly meetings-either in person or online! All meetings start at 6:30pm.
- Monday January 13th
- Tuesday February 11th
- Wednesday March 12th
- Monday April 14th
- Tuesday May 13th
Harvey is Looking for Lunchroom Supervisors!
Character Strong- January Focus- Perserverance
Perseverance is the ability to keep trying and working hard, even when something feels difficult or takes a long time. It means staying focused, not giving up, and believing that with effort and practice, you can improve and succeed. It’s about being patient with yourself and determined to reach your goals, no matter the challenges you face.
Calendar of Events
- 23rd- January 3, 2024: NO SCHOOL - Winter Break
- 6th: Return to school from Winter Break
- 13th: JHV Meeting @ 6:30pm
- 20th: NO SCHOOL - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- 30th: Yearbook Pictures
- 17th-21st: NO SCHOOL - Mid-Winter Break
- 21st: Half Day of School - End of Marking Period
- 24th - 28th: NO SCHOOL - Spring Break
- 3rd: Spring Pictures
- 18th: NO SCHOOL - Good Friday
- 26th: NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day
- 10th: Half Day of School - Dismissal at 12:04pm
- 11th: Half Day of School - Dismissal at 12:04pm - LAST DAY!