Elkhorn Middle School Newsletter
January 2025
Message from the Principal
Happy New Year! I am excited about the fresh start that January and Semester 2 bring to our students and staff. The energy is high as we kick off the new year and begin the path to a successful completion of the school year.
Please be sure to check out the Parent Booster/PTO section of the newsletter. There are great opportunities for students and parents to connect with the school community. Thank you to all the families who supported the Holiday Hurrah for staff. Your generosity and kindness with notes and emails is a huge difference maker for our community.
Grade reports for quarter 2/semester 1 will be mailed home next week. Please keep an eye out for your student’s report card.
Ms. Allgood
PTO/Booster Club News
- Next meeting: Monday, January 13th at 7 pm in EMS Conference Room
- Sign up to be on the Booster Club email list so you don't miss anything: https://forms.gle/jHdb2CCEsCsYQc69A
- Follow us on Facebook @elkhornmiddleboosterclub
- Meeting Dates: January 13th, February 17th
Concession Stands:
- Sign up to volunteer: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090F4EABA722AAFD0-47126517-2024#/
- We need volunteers to help with concession stands for Girl's Basketball & Boy's Wrestling!
- Easy to follow instructions & fun for kids of all ages to help!
- Time commitment is generally 3:45 pm - 6 pm (if you can only do part of the time and want to volunteer, please reach out to us!)
First Place Spiritwear:
• Order Antler gear & have it shipped to your home: https://1stplace.sale/59224
• Booster Club receives 10% of every order
Personalized Yard Signs:
- Show your Antler pride and celebrate your child's activities with a sign in your yard!
- ORDER HERE: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090F4EABA722AAFD0-50440367-2024
- 3 design options available, personalize with name & jersey number
- Every purchase helps fund vital initiatives such as extracurricular activities, our sports teams, and special events that make our school a vibrant place for learning and growth.
3rd Annual Activity Night and Dance! (Sponsored by PTO/Parent Booster Group)
Attention Parents! The 3rd annual activity night + dance is at the end of January! EMS Booster Club/PTO is looking for volunteers to help with set-up, tear-down, and CHAPERONING. If you are available, please sign-up for a slot in the Sign-up Genius.
Friday, January 31st
All grade levels invited
$5 entry fee includes bottled water and a Costco cookie (We will also have a limited number of pizza slices for students on a first come, first served basis).
Online SIGN-UP REQUIRED. Parents/Guardians MUST fill-out the following form for their student to attend. Click to sign-up your student(s). DEADLINE for sign-up is on Wednesday,1/29 at midnight.
We need chaperones! Click here to help.
Feel free to call/text Jill Greenquist if you have questions about the event. 202.679.3377.
A Note from the Nurse
We are now in cold/flu/covid season, as a reminder please continue to make sure that your child is practicing healthy habits like getting plenty of rest, drinking lots of water, and hand washing/sanitizing. If your child is ill please keep them home to help prevent others from getting sick.
Health screens in the areas of height/weight, dental, hearing, and vision have been completed on all 7th grade students as well as students new to the district. Parents will only be notified with abnormal results by a referral letter.
If you receive a referral letter, please visit the applicable health care provider and return the bottom part of the form to the office.
Athletics Information
Library Corner
Band News
New Practice Logs for 6th Graders
The 6th graders will receive new practice logs for 2nd semester. The expectation is still 100 minutes per week, and must be initialed by a parent or guardian.
8th Grade All State Jazz Band
Congratulations to DJ Mendoza on his selection and performance in the NSBA 8th Grade All State Band on January 11th!
Upcoming Concerts/Performances
February 6th 8th Grade Band Concert with EHS Band 7:00pm EHS
March 4th 6th & 7th Grade Band + Jazz Band Concert 6:30pm EMS
March 12th 7th & 8th Grade Band Festival During School ENHS
March 31st Jazz Band Festival for Jazz 2 TBA EGMS
April 1st Jazz Band Festival for Jazz 1 TBA EGMS
April 10th NSBA State Jazz Festival for Jazz 1
May 3rd Northside Night of Jazz 5:30-9:00pm ENHS
May 13th 6-8th Grade Band & Jazz Band Concert 6:30pm EMS
Yearbook 2025
Save the Date
Important Registration Information from Elkhorn High School Counselors
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Elkhorn High school counselors will visit Elkhorn Middle School on Wednesday morning, February 19th to distribute 9th grade registration materials. Students will receive a copy of their registration sheet outlining courses offered to prospective ninth graders and specific course recommendations.
Recommendations are based upon advice from high school administration, counselors, grades, and test scores.
Parents will be emailed a copy of the curriculum guide and information about optional summer school classes at this time. Parents are encouraged to discuss the 9th grade course recommendations and elective courses with their students to help them select any elective options before February 26th.
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
8th Grade Registration/Parent Night, 6:00 pm EHS Auditorium
Please bring the registration sheet your student receives on February 19 to this meeting.
Parents and 8th graders are invited to Elkhorn High School on February 26 at 6:00 pm. Counselors will present a 9th grade orientation and curriculum PowerPoint in the high school auditorium. After the presentation, parents will be asked to complete course selections and sign the registration form to verify course selections. Registration forms will be collected at the end of the evening. Summer school contracts are due on Wednesday, March 5th. However, you are welcome and encouraged to turn them in on February 26th.
Interested in Elkhorn music offerings? Please join us for a “Taste of Music” prior to the 8th grade night. Instrumental and/or vocal music will be performing from 5:40 - 6:00.
Desiree Merrihew (last names A – G) dmerrihew@epsne.org
Theresa Crnkovich (last names H-O) tcrnkovich@epsne.org
Megan Scobie (last names P-Z) mscobie@epsne.org
EPS Career Exploration Fair: Now Accepting Business Vendors
Business registrations are now being accepted for the annual Elkhorn Public Schools Career Exploration Fair, scheduled for March 26, 2025, from 5:30 - 7:30 PM.
This event will be an excellent opportunity for students to explore business industries and make meaningful career connections, while also showcasing the commitment of local organizations to community involvement.
If your business is interested in participating, please click here to register.
EMS Daily Bulletin
You can access the Elkhorn Middle School daily bulletin board. Just head to our website and click on the red pin to see all the fun things happening at EMS daily.
Contact Information Updates
Send changes to contact information to ems@epsne.org
2024-2025 Academic Calendar
The approved 2024-2025 academic calendar can be viewed here.
3200 North 207th Plaza, Elkhorn, NE 68022
Fax: 402-289-1639