CPE Counselor News
1st Quarter
Meet Our Intern!
Archana Sabesan
Email: archana.sabesan@orange.k12.nc.us
Website: http://soe.unc.edu/academics/med_sch_counseling/
Phone: 919-732-9326
I will be working with a school counselor in Johnston county and we are hoping to pair up our book clubs for some cross-district collaboration!
GRIT: Getting along with others!
What's going on in the classrooms?
Each class will have 3 counseling lessons per quarter. In the first quarter, we will be focusing on the GRIT trait of “getting along with others.”
Kindergarten: We will learn about helpful behaviors in the classroom. We will also learn how a good friend uses empathy to understand the feelings and perspectives of others.
1st & 2nd Grades: We will learn about how to resolve conflicts with others using the “Conflict Resolution Time Machine” and the role of choices (1st) and assertiveness (2nd) in resolving conflicts.
3rd & 4th Grades: We will learn about getting along using the Steps to Respect program. We will practice respect, conversation skills, and keeping friends.
5th Grade: We will be learning about getting along using the Steps to Respect program. We will practice what to do if someone is mad at you and how to refuse and report bullying.
Rebecca Atkins
Email: rebecca.atkins@orange.k12.nc.us
Website: cpescounselor.weebly.com
Phone: 919-732-9326 40020