RCHS Newsletter 10/28/2024

Important Dates
- 10/25/24 Jag Day / Late Start - 8:20 am ⏰
- 10/29/24 Key Club Blood Drive Sign Up / Starts at 9:30am 🩸
- 10/30/24 Trunk or Treat at RCHS (5:00 -7:00 pm) 🎃
- 11/01/24 Jag Day / Late Start - 8:20 am ⏰
- 11/08/24 Jag Day / Late Start - 8:20 am ⏰
- 11/15/24 Gold Day
- 11/22/24 Jag Day / Late Start - 8:20 am ⏰
- 11/25/24 - 11/29/24 Thanksgiving Break / School Closed 🦃
- 12/16/24 - 12/19/24 Fall Finals 🍁
- 12/20/24 - 01/05/25 Winter Break / School Closed ⛄
- 01/06/25 PD Day / School Closed
- 01/07/2025 Start of 3rd Quarter / Gold Day
- 01/08/25 Black Day
- 01/09/25 Gold Day
- 01/10/25 Black Day
🎃 Due to the impending weather, trunk of treat will be held indoors at RCHS in the main upper and lower hallways.🎃
Key Club Blood Drive
Hello Rock Canyon Students & Family Members!
Please consider donating blood this Halloween with Key Club and Vitalant:.
- Tuesday, October 29th, 9:30am-1:15pm in the RCHS Auxiliary Gym.
- Your donation could save 3 lives!
- *16-17 year olds must use the attached parent permission form on the SignUp.
- (Parent permission forms are also located in my classroom for students to take home.)
- Student donors may receive 1 hour of community service!
- Sign up today and find out more information here: https://bit.ly/4eGy7qk
- *ID check-in at entrance.
Trivia Bowl Requests - Gift Card Request
We are asking for your help with The 10th Annual Rock Canyon Trivia Bowl, which is run through Seminar classes and will begin on November 7th. The school championship consists of four grade-level champions and will be broadcast on RCTV on Tuesday, December 10th. A link for you to watch it live remotely will be available on the RCHS website.
We hope you can help us fill the Championship Cup with 30 gift cards of $10 each for the winning team. They can be from any restaurant, Starbucks, Target, etc. If you can donate Please sign-up here
Please drop off gift cards marked “Trivia Bowl” at security or have your student drop them off with Karen Brankin in the main office by December 5th. THANK YOU very much for your help as we embark on this hotly contested competition and fun RCHS tradition!
The RCHS Seminar Committee
Funding Needs in our School District
Did you know that the Douglas County School District has 92 schools and a $300 million backlog of capital investments that are needed in these buildings – this includes our school!
- Please take a couple of minutes to watch this brief video where our Superintendent explains in more detail.
- Learn more at https://funding.dcsdk12.org/bond-overview
- Video Link: https://youtu.be/os2m5hlXYIE?feature=shared
Have You Turned in Your Ballot?
- Election Day is fast approaching. Please be sure to turn in your ballot by 7 p.m. on Tuesday, November 5. You can track the status of your ballot and find the locations of ballot boxes and other polling centers at www.DouglasVotes.com. Remind your friends, family and neighbors to turn in their ballots as well!
Apple Awards 2025
The Foundation for Douglas County Schools is proud to honor exceptional educators and staff who are inspiring a love of learning in students and are trailblazing extraordinary innovation in our schools.
Click on a school or department to nominate and view your 2025 Apple Award nominees!
(all nominations will be live on your school site by November 15, 2024)
RCHS One & Only Fundraiser
Thank you all for contributing to the RCHS School Wide fundraiser/auction. We raised $37,000!!! Thanks to your generosity, we will be able to provide classroom grants, contribute to staff hospitality, and help with after prom.
If you missed the fundraiser, the direct donation link will remain open :-)
Most sincerely,
Rock Canyon Community Alliance (RCCA)
Make sure to check the senior newsletter frequently for any new updates regarding graduation.
Join Us On Social Media!
Principal / Andy Abner
5810 McArthur Ranch Road, Highlands Ranch, CO 80124
Main Line 303-387-3000
24-Hour Attendance Line 303-387-3002
Visit us at: rockcanyonjags.com