IB Campus Updates

Principal's Notes, March 1, 2024
Ninth Grade students are developing their powers of communication this month through their Interdisciplinary Unit. The IB Campus is having its own "Moth Story Slam" on March 22 in the afternoon. Students will be sharing their experiences tracking their physical, mental and emotional health in the form of a compelling story. The Moth Radio Hour is a compilation of stories told by people all over the country. No props, no slides, just one person and a microphone. themoth.org The Moth is inspired by the time honored tradition of sitting outside on your steps in NYC telling stories as darkness draws in and moths and drawn to the light.
College and Career Day Friday, March 15
College and Career Day has become a School Lane tradition. The gym will be packed with representatives from many different colleges, including Drexel University, LaSalle University, New York Film Academy, PA Army National Guard, St Joseph's University, Temple University, Immaculata University, Penn State University, Savannah College of Art and Design. Professionals from many walks of life with be working with our students, including Vets, Dentists, Computer Science and Software Engineers, Entrepreneurs and Realtors. We have School Lane alumni from the Finishing Trades Institute running workshops and a group from the Phillies talking about behind the scenes work.
6th grade students visit the IB Campus
Family Support and Sharing Meeting
On Tuesday March 12 6:00pm-7:pm we will have a rescheduled Zoom presentation from NOVA. The title is Talking With Our Children About Healthy Relationships. Research shows that who our children spend time with greatly influences their success in all areas of life. In a world where people far beyond our neighborhoods have the ability to contact us online, we need young people to recognize what is a healthy relationship and what is not.
Report Card Conferences Thursday March 7 and Friday March 8.
Please use PowerSchool to sign up for Report Card Conferences. Our tradition at School Lane is for students to present their portfolios and their report card to their families. Teachers, Counselors and Administrators are available for individual consultation. Please sign up online for a time to meet.
March Madness Movie Event Sponsored by Middle School SGA
Tuesday, Mar 26, 2024, 03:30 PM
3350 IB Campus
Culture Day
Friday, Apr 19, 2024, 08:00 AM
IB Campus
Homework Club
Homework Club takes place every Wednesday. All students are welcome. Meet in the library 3:15-4:15. Email jsaladik@schoollane.org or cweber@schoollane.org
PSSA and Keystone tests are scheduled in April. Classes are busy preparing our students for these tests. 7th and 8th grade take PSSAs. 9th grade take Algebra and Biology Keystones. 10th grade take English Keystones. Taking practice tests i an excellent way to improve your score.
This is a busy time of year for 11th and12th grade students finishing their IB internal and external assessments. Many assignments are sent around the world to IB examiners who grade the exams. Our students compete with students around the world.
At the end of April, IB exams begin for our 12th grade students. We are very proud of our students taking on these challenges.
Woot Woot Wagon
The IB Campus Sunshine Club surprised the staff with delicious treats this week. Coffee and tea for everyone. Thanks for celebrating all the hard work that goes on every single day at School Lane.
College Acceptances
Here is a list of colleges who have accepted School Lane students so far this year, 2023-2024:
Penn State, Jefferson University, Drexel University, University of Pittsburgh, Northeastern University, Temple, West Chester, LaSalle University, Arcadia University, Holy Family University, Neumann University.
The IB Diploma Program opens doors for students to attend a wide range of colleges. IB Higher Level Classes are given college credit in the same way credit is given to Advanced Placement classes. However, if you take the full diploma program which requires 6 IB classes (3 Standard Level and 3 Higher Level) a Theory of Knowledge class, completion of an Extended Essay and a CAS(Creativity, Action and Service) project, some colleges give students credit for a full year, allowing them to enter as Sophomores.
Lehigh University Values Applicants with an IB Diploma
Nationally recognized schools of Engineering and Sciences
IB Diploma recipients with score of 30 generally accepted
95% of students with need receive financial aid.