Growing in Faith Together
From the Office of Evangelization and Catechesis
Month of Our Lady of Sorrows
Young Adult Smores Night
Thursday, September 7
6:30-8:00 p.m.
St. Pius X
St. Pius X Young Adult Community invites young adults (18-39) for a young adult smores night. The gathering will be by the fire pit next to the pond on the parish grounds. Supplies for making smores and drinks will be provided. Young adults are encouraged to bring chairs. For more information about the gathering, click the button below.
Praise & Worship Night with Adoration
Sunday, September 17
6:00 p.m.
St. Leo Church
St. Leo’s Young Adult Community will be gathering for Mass and a praise and worship night with Adoration. Following Mass and praise and worship, there will be a Q&A over ice cream with Father Aaron Kelly, a diocesan priest ordained in 2022. Everyone is welcome to attend the Mass, Adoration, and ice cream social. If you can only make a portion of the evening that’s okay. If you know someone who is not a young adult, but would be enriched by this evening, please feel free to invite them. To attend this gathering or receive more information, email Anya here or click the button below.
Converge September Opportunities
Converge, a ministry for faithful young adults in the Greater Rochester Area, is providing more opportunities to begin the fall in faith! Mass, pickleball, and visits to local establishments are all a part of these young adult opportunities. For more information scan the QR Code above or click the button below.
Branches Lakeside Day Retreat
​Branches Christian Rest and Renewal Centers, Inc. invites young adults for a day of rest and renewal at their Seneca Lake property.
Saturday, September 9
"Consecration to Jesus through Mary, with 11:30 AM Mass"
9:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Retreat Facilitators: Nancy Potter and Donna Wieand
Mass Celebrant: Rev. Augustine Chumo (Diocese of Rochester Priest)
For more information call (716) 901-4313, email here, or click the button below.
Weekend Family Rosary Opportunity for Young Adults
The young adult community in Auburn is evolving and with that evolution comes a new prayer opportunity! The community is offering a weekend family rosary. This opportunity is great for young adults, especially those with children. The family rosary gatherings include light refreshments. For more information about these weekend family rosary gatherings, please email Kieran here.
Young Adult Coffee After Mass
Every Third Sunday of the Month
St. Mary's Church
The young adult ministry from St. Benedict Parish in Bloomfield/Canandaigua has a monthly Young Adult Coffee After Mass! Coffee After Mass happens every third Sunday of the month following the 9:00 a.m. Mass at St. Mary's Church in Canandaigua. It is a great way to find community with other young adults and dive deeper into what was heard at Mass. Please email DeAnna Brennan with any questions here.
Young Adult Gathering Idea- The Good News Bike Cruise
As summer turns to fall, we see changes in nature! This young adult ministry gathering idea from Young Adult Ministry in a Box uses the changes in nature as a backdrop for nourishing the body and soul. The gathering invites young adults to spend time in community to prepare for Sunday Mass, followed by fellowship and community building through biking. Check out this Good News Bike Cruise idea by clicking the files/links below.
Regional Young Adult Mass
A regional young adult Mass was held at St. Anne in Rochester, sponsored by the communities of St. Thomas More, Our Lady Queen of Peace, Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Anne. College-age Catholics and those in their Twenties and Thirties came together for a liturgy planned specifically with young adults in mind. The Mass was followed by a meet and greet reception. If you would like to learn more about/participate in future opportunities offered by these communities, click the button below.
The New York State Eucharistic Congress is less than two months away! It will feature inspiring talks from renowned speakers, Mass with NY Bishops, Eucharistic adoration throughout both nights, opportunity for confessions, inspiring music and more! YOUNG ADULTS ARE INVITED TO ATTEND AND PRAYERFULLY CONSIDER VOLUNTEERING AS THE ORGANIZERS OF THE CONGRESS ARE IN DESPERATE NEED OF VOLUNTEERS! REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED FOR THE CONGRESS AND ALL PARTICIPANTS NEED TO BE CREDENTIALED. For more information on the Congress and volunteering, click the buttons below.
What Do Attending Mass and Receiving the Eucharist Mean to You?
The Catholic Courier wants to hear directly from faithful young adults across the Diocese of Rochester for its social media series "Mass Matters!" Young adults can submit brief videos of themselves addressing what attending in-person Masses and receiving the Eucharist mean to them. People can also share their thoughts in writing if they prefer! The first 50 people to submit usable videos will be rewarded with some Courier-themed swag. To learn more about the Mass Matters series, click the button below or here.
Diocese-Wide Perpetual Adoration for the Eucharistic Revival
Perpetual Adoration (continuous exposition of the Blessed Sacrament) is taking place in the chapel of the former St. James Convent, now known as the Adoration Chapel at St. James (123 Whittington Road, Irondequoit, NY 14609). If you or a young adult you know is interested in spending time with Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration, there are two options. Young adults can join a "no commitment needed" sub list, which consists of one weekly email with open slots, or commit to a consistent weekly one-hour time slot. For more information, please contact William Rein here or click the button below.
New Young Adult Ministry Forming in Corning
A new ministry for faithful young adults is forming in the Corning area! Daniel Trosa, a young adult himself and parishioner at All Saints Parish in Corning, is leading efforts to form a ministry for young adults, inspired by the elements of Salesian Spirituality, that seeks to provide a place of belonging, a growth in relationships, a freedom to do good, and a deepening in virtue. Daniel has met with leaders from numerous parishes in the southern tier portion of our Diocese to understand the needs of the young adults and ensure this new young adult community is intentional. If you are interested in learning more about this emerging young adult ministry, collaborating with Daniel, or have questions contact him at
Check Out Ways to Grow in Faith Together!
Check out the young adult ministries in our Diocese, upcoming opportunities to grow in faith, and resources to help you in your journey by clicking the button below!
Office of Evangelization and Catechesis
Location: 1150 Buffalo Road, Rochester, NY, USA
Phone: (585) 328- 3228
Twitter: @ROC_ENC