North Jan. 10

Three Things to Know
1st & 2nd Grade Mother-Son Dance
We’re excited to welcome our students and their moms or mother figures to our superhero-themed Mother-Son Dance on Friday, January 17, from 5:30-7 p.m.! The evening will include games, crafts, music, a light snack, and a fun goodie bag to take home.
Please make sure your child returns the RSVP slips, which were sent home today, along with payment to their homeroom teacher. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Mrs. Ockuly or your child’s teacher!
End of 2nd Quarter
MLK Day & Records Day
Events & Reminders
January 13-29 | MAP & DIBELS Assessments
Each year, Midview North Elementary students complete MAP and DIBELS assessments in the fall, winter, and spring. These assessments measure student growth and understanding in reading and math, providing valuable data to help our teachers better support each student's learning needs. Throughout the rest of January, North students will be completing their winter/mid-year MAP and DIBELS assessments.
January 14 | HIDE Drill
North students will participate in a drill to simulate the HIDE portion of the RUN, HIDE, FIGHT safety protocol we utilize in Midview Local Schools.
The steps for the HIDE portion of the protocol are as follows:
- Lock doors
- Use any heavy objects to block the door
- Tie off door knobs if able
- Move away from the door
- Call 911
Students will hear an announcement indicating that a person is in the hallway with a weapon and students should HIDE. Students and staff will have a discussion about what items could be used to barricade the door and/or prevent entry into the classroom in this kind of situation. We hope that this drill will help students remember the HIDE portion of the RUN, HIDE, FIGHT protocol should they encounter a real threat. An email will be sent to families once the drill is complete.
February 4 & 5 | Midview North Mobile Dentist
Our school has partnered with Smile Programs, the mobile dentists, to offer convenient dental care right here at school. The mobile dentist provides a full range of services including exams, x-rays, cleaning, fluoride, sealants, and, when needed, fillings—all in the familiar school setting. Best of all, if your child is insured with Medicaid/CHIP, there’s usually no cost! They also offer options for private insurance and affordable self-pay. The Mobile Dentist will visit North Elementary on February 4 and 5. Sign your child up today by visiting or by returning the permission form sent home before break.
February 11 | North Middie Chef Cook Off Competition
Calling all aspiring K-6 student chefs! Your Midview Food Services Department is looking for creative and talented Middie cooks for our annual cooking competition. This year, the challenge is HEALTHY DESSERTS (no bake). Recipe applications are available in each elementary school office for those interested and must be returned by Jan. 23. PLEASE NOTE that though all students are encouraged to submit a recipe for consideration, only THREE students from EACH building are selected to compete in the North cooking challenge, which will be held on Feb. 11.
Rooms Update
Sometime during the week of January 20, you may notice some changes to how you navigate Rooms in the Midview Local Schools app. The update will provide an easier and more streamlined navigation experience, allowing families to access messages, announcements, and unread notifications with fewer toggles. Curious to see what the update will look like? Watch this short video to get a preview. If you don’t notice the update by the end of next week, simply redownload the app or manually update it through your phone’s settings.
Gifted Identification Closing
The referral window to recommend a student for gifted identification in the area of superior cognitive ability, academic ability, creativity, and/or visual performing arts will close next week. If you feel your child may meet the criteria as established by the State Department of Education and the Midview Local School District, please complete the following questionnaire no later than Friday, January 17.
Colder Weather
As colder weather settles into Ohio, please remember to send your child to school prepared with a hat, gloves, and coat. We will continue to enjoy outdoor recess any day that is above 25 degrees, with wind chill.
Featured Stories
Mrs. Moore's Homeroom
Mrs. Moore's class had a great time in December studying the Gingerbread Man. We compared and contrasted many different versions of the story and graphed them out on a chart. For a STEM activity we made a plan to decorate our very own gingerbread cookie and then tried to follow it. To culminate the unit our class was treated to The Gingerbread Man Play by Mrs. Mannings which even included a surprise visitor.
Mrs. VanderSluis' Homeroom
What has a face made of icing, gumdrop buttons, and likes to run away? A gingerbread man! Mrs. VanderSluis’ kindergarteners spent a couple weeks before Christmas break doing all things gingerbread. They read many different versions of gingerbread stories, including The Gingerbread Man, The Gingerbread Girl, The Ninjabread Man, and The Gingerbread Cowboy. While reading the various versions of the stories the students worked on identifying story elements, sequencing the events of the story, comparing and contrasting the events of the stories, and many other grade-level standards. The gingerbread theme was also intertwined in many of the other activities and crafts the students did in centers and independent work time. Before break, the kindergarteners decorated a gingerbread cookie and watched a gingerbread man play by Mrs. Manning’s second grade class. After returning from break they will continue working on the compare & contrast standard by reading and comparing different winter stories!
PBIS Corner
From the Desk of Mrs. Hamm
We had so much fun with Jim Basketball Jones and his interactive assembly! We have been reinforcing his message about having a Growth Mindset. We remind students of the Power of YET! Instead of saying “I can’t do this”, say “I can’t do this, YET”. Next time you hear your child say they can’t do something, encourage them to add the word YET! This shows them that if they keep trying, they will get it someday.
Word of the Month
Our January word of the month is Ready. As part of our three big district-wide expectations, we will take time this month to reinforce what it means to be “ready” in different settings.
Staff Spotlights
Jacque Eierdam, Kindergarten Teacher
Years in the district: 1 year
What excites me most about my job: Seeing my students have their "aha moments" when something we have been learning about clicks in their heads and their faces light up with pure glee and excitement!
Three adjectives students would use to describe me: Heggerty Hero, Teacher-Tag Queen, Miss Perseverance
A few of my favorite things include: Spending time with my family and friends, watching the Browns, rock climbing, and anything with animals.
What is most important to me in my role: What is most important to me in my role as a teacher? I would have to say that it's building a positive relationship with my students. I always hope I can have a positive influence on my students lives and that they feel they can trust me. I had countless teachers in the past who made that impact on me and made me who I am today.
Mary Manning, 2nd Grade Teacher
Years in the district: 18 years
Reason(s) I chose to pursue my position at Midview Local Schools: My mom was a teacher. I remember helping her set up her room every year since I was eight years old. Eventually, as I got older, I helped her grade papers and even helped in her class. Growing up in our family , meant always finding the joy in learning whether it was from books, nature on our farm, traveling, learning how to sew or cook, or just playing a new game with my brothers and sisters. So I guess it was only natural to pursue teaching and share the love of learning with others. We moved to Grafton when my oldest was one year old (over thirty years ago). We quickly fell in love with our village and community and couldn't wait become a part of it and share the experience of Midview with our three sons as they went through all twelve years here.
A few of your favorite things include....My family (especially our new granddaughter), the lake, pool, ocean (anything with a beach or water), traveling. cooking, coffee
I am not a big fan of: Spiders, driving in the rain at night, wasting time
Working at Midview Local Schools has taught ME: When we work together, the sky is the limit.