Board Highlights
The Winnetka Public Schools, September 2024
Budget Hearing
The Board was presented the Fiscal Year 2025 budget, including information regarding the impact of a tightening labor market in hiring for unfilled positions, inclusion of SLE classrooms, and the rollout of the new Literacy Initiative. The Board approved the Final Budget for Fiscal Year 2025. The Budget will be filed with Cook County and State by September 30, 2024.
Regular Board Meeting
Dan Waters, President, welcomed all in attendance and thanked the school community for supporting a smooth start to the school year.
Dr. Kelly Tess, Superintendent, acknowledged Ms. Denise Matthews (Assistant Superintendent of Student Services, Equity and Inclusion) and Ms. Michelle Cooney (Principal of The Skokie School). Along with their teams, they are recipients of the “It Takes A Village” award for providing high quality literacy instruction and ongoing professional development from Everyone Reading Illinois. Dr. Tess recognized Dr. Becky Mathison (Assistant Superintendent of Innovation, Teaching and Learning) for her leadership guiding Winnetka staff through a thorough literacy curriculum review process to elevate literacy to the forefront of the District’s work, further supporting this team.
Dr. Tess also gave a heartfelt thank you to the District’s incredible custodial and maintenance teams who have ensured our campuses are clean and safe learning spaces for our staff and students.
Parents were invited to attend upcoming Leader Round Tables at the District’s five buildings, providing an overview of district and school-based priorities for the 24/25 school year as well as an opportunity for families to provide feedback. These will be held on the following dates:
The Skokie School
Tuesday, October 1
6:30-7:30 p.m.
Hubbard Woods School
Tuesday, October 8
6:30-7:30 p.m.
Carleton Washburne School
Wednesday, October 9
6:30-7:30 p.m.
Crow Island School
Thursday, October 10
6:30-7:30 p.m.
Greeley School
Monday, October 14
6:30-7:30 p.m.
Reports on the following Committees were shared by participating Board Members:
Crow Island Stewardship
Winnetka Public School Foundation
Facility Subcommittee Meeting
Policy Subcommittee
Winnetka Park District & Winnetka Village Meetings
Bulley & Andrews, Perkins & Will - 2024 Summer Construction Update
Representatives from the District’s design and construction partners shared an update on improvements that have been made in the most recent phase of construction, which remains on schedule and in adherence to the District’s budget.
Kinetic Wellness Curriculum Review
Members of the Kinetic Wellness team presented their updated curriculum. The mission of the Kinetic Wellness program is to foster the growth of the whole child by developing a lifelong passion for living a healthy and balanced lifestyle. The K-8 curriculum is organized around four themes: fitness, health & wellness, movement patterns & motor skills, and team building. This provides students a coherent learning experience throughout the years in the Winnetka Public Schools.
Annual Goal/School Improvement Plan Reporting Preview
The Strategic Planning timeline and format was shared. The process is set to begin this fall with a new plan anticipated for approval in spring 2025. The administrative team will adapt reporting on annual goals and school improvement plans this year to ensure that goals are in direct response to relevant and measured need that will align with best practices in reporting and implemented in the future plan. The administrative team will present the annual goals and school improvement plans to the Board at the October regular meeting.
Staff Summer Literacy Professional Learning
This year summer work primarily focused on preparing for the launch of the new literacy program. 82 staff members, including general education and special education teachers, completed a total of 2,550 hours of training.
The School Board reviewed the annual Request for Funding that the Winnetka Public Schools Foundation approved in the spring of 2024. The District is grateful for $115,297 in funding for classroom materials and training. To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the WPSF, teachers have the opportunity to apply for a grant up to $500 during September and October, up to another $15,000 total.
August 2024 New Teacher Orientation and Institute Day Summary
The memo for this year highlights the activities for both Opening Institute Days and New Teacher Onboarding/Orientation. Feedback and detailed information from the New Staff days are included and future professional learning days will include additional feedback/information.
Staffing/Enrollment Update for the 2024/2025 School Year
The September Staffing and Enrollment Update is included reflecting the increase in number of students and staffing from last school year to this year. Additionally, a summary of the change in Adventures in Learning includes details on the three parts of the program set to return in 2025.
Annual Transfers In/Out Report 2024-2025
This informational memo outlines student transfer data for The Winnetka Public Schools during the 2023/2024 school year and enrollment figures for 2024/2025 as of September 10, 2024. The memo highlights the number of students who transferred out of the district, with the majority moving out of state or to local private schools. Similar numbers of new students have enrolled, including those from local private schools and out-of-state or international transfers. The report includes historical migration trends over the past 13 years between local private schools and District 36.
Monthly Observances and Celebrations 2024
This memo outlines the monthly observances in The Winnetka Public Schools during the 2023/2024 school year, intended to foster a sense of belonging among students, staff, and families. Based on feedback from the school community and research from institutions like Northwestern and Vanderbilt Universities, these observances raise awareness of diverse cultures and traditions. For the 2024/2025 school year, the district has revised its calendar to include these celebrations while also incorporating Vanderbilt's Ten Dimensions of Belonging, with one dimension highlighted each month. Stakeholders are invited to provide suggestions for future updates via an online form. Families will receive a newsletter each month with information about any plans for celebrations or books featured in libraries to acknowledge these observances. Please reach out to your classroom teacher or principal if you are interested in learning about how the Dimensions of Belonging or observances will be featured in the classroom.
Construction Management Executive Summary
Bulley & Andrews shared an Executive Summary on construction.
ClearGov Budgeting Program Purchase
The district approved the purchase of ClearGov, a budget management subscription that is designed to streamline budget procedures and make financial data easier to convey to stakeholders. The program will be used to construct and present the FY26 Budget.
Parvin & Clauss Signage Purchase Approval
In order to align the signage used to identify exterior doors and improve way finding for first responders and guests, it was recommended and later improved to replace all exterior doors signs. This will provide a consistent way finding system throughout the District.
Recommended Updates to School Board Policy – 1st Read
The majority of the discussion focused on policies and procedures updated in response to Final Title IX Regulations, effective August 1, 2024, released by the U.S. Department of Education (click here for overview). Title IX Regulations are specifically addressed in Policy 2:260: Uniform Grievance Procedure and Policy 2:265: Title IX Grievance Procedure and additionally impact policy sections 2 (School Board), 5 (Personnel) and 7 (Students).
The Consent Agenda and Following Action Items Were Approved:
FY2025 Final Budget
ClearGov Agreement
Project Authorization with Perkins & Will for Univent replacement at Carleton Washburne School
Parvin and Clauss Sign Company
To view the entire Board Packet from the September 24, 2024 Meeting, click here.