January 22, 2025
Greetings from the Primary School! While cold temperatures have kept us inside today, we hope this newsletter brings warmth to your day! Winter is in full swing, and our school is bustling with exciting activities to keep our students engaged and thriving. So grab a warm drink, bundle up, and dive into all the wonderful happenings at our school!
We're excited to announce the launch of our school's new House System! Our goal is to foster a stronger sense of community, reinforcing positive behaviors and deepen the sense of belonging among our students and staff. Next week, each student will use a digital spinner that will randomly determine which Primary School House he or she will belong to. We will share with students, “You don’t choose the House, the House chooses YOU!”
Information about the characteristics of our four Primary School Houses can be found below. If interested, please read to learn more about the meaning behind each House name, the animal that represents each House crest, and the House colors. If you have students in the Intermediate School, you will recognize these House names as the same ones used in grades four, five, and six.
Akoma: House of Kindness
Meaning: Comes from the Asante language, of present-day Ghana, meaning to have heart and understanding/tolerance
Animal: The wolf is deeply loyal to the family “pack.” They act as guardians to their family members and show compassion, trust, and support to one another.
Colors: Red & White
Zonta: House of Honesty
Meaning: Sioux word meaning honest and trustworthy
Animal: Horses have been historically valued for their strength, endurance, and reliability in labor-intensive tasks. They symbolize hard work, stamina, and the capacity to keep going despite challenges.
Colors: Forest Green & White
Fortis: House of Bravery
Meaning: Bravery and stand-up for others, resolute
Animal: Dolphins are guardians of harmony, strength, unity, protection, and wisdom. In ancient cultures, people saw dolphins as guides and helpers.
Colors: Navy & White
Yili: House of Perseverance
Meaning: Willpower and perseverance in Mandarin
Animal: The mountain lion represents independence and self-reliance, embodying individuals who forge their own paths and remain unaffected by external influences. Mountain lions are also associated with courage and leadership.
Colors: Orange & White
We look forward to continuing to engage students in House as we build a supportive learning community for all students!
Ohio Senate Bill 288 requires annual instruction in child sexual abuse prevention to students in grades kindergarten through six. As with last year, the one lesson per grade level will be taught by New Albany’s elementary school counselors. Parents can review the lesson using this link: K-6 Lesson Guide for Parents
Parents have the right to excuse their child from the lesson. The students who are excused from the lesson will have an alternative place in school for supervised activities (such as the school library). If you do not want your child to participate in the lesson, please complete the opt-out form linked in the K-6 Lesson Guide for Parents by January 31, 2025. Questions can be directed to Director of Elementary Education Scott Emery at emery.3@napls.us.
As we progress through the cold days of winter, please remember to dress students in warm winter clothing. Students will normally have one recess each day and other times at the teacher’s discretion. Recess will be held indoors when the temperature and wind chill factor register 20 degrees or below, or when very wet weather conditions prevail. Students are permitted to wear winter boots at the primary, but please send a pair of tennis shoes if it is their Wellness week.
Please also remember to label student belongings and encourage students to keep coats and accessories on when playing outside. If labeled items end up in our lost and found, they can be returned!
As the weather changes, cold and flu season comes too! We hope for our Primary students to be at school every day, but there are times when illness requires them to stay home. If you are unsure if your child can attend school, please refer to this page from the district website through Health Services.
If your child must stay home due to illness, please call or email our attendance hotline to report their illness.
(614) 413 - 8100
As a reminder, if your child has any pre-planned absences (family trips, etc), please complete this form and return it to school at least 7 days before the absence.
Mark Your Calendars!
Family Fun Day
Friday, February 2nd
1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
School Cafeteria
Get the whole family out for an afternoon of volunteering and fun! Join us in the cafeteria for an hour of service activities, followed by Bingo with prizes for everyone. This is a fantastic opportunity to come together as a community, teach our children the importance of giving back, and enjoy some quality time together.
Valentine’s Day/Kindness Day Party
Our Head Room Coordinator wants to remind everyone that the NAPS Valentine’s Day/Kindness Day Party will be held on Thursday, February 13th.
Help make this special day unforgettable for our kids by:
Providing needed party supplies for your child’s classroom.
Volunteering your time to assist during the party.
Your involvement is greatly appreciated and helps create wonderful memories for the children!
A Heartfelt Thank You to Our Generous Community
Our Hospitality VPs extend their deepest gratitude to the many community businesses and families who helped make the holidays special for our teachers and staff. Thanks to your generosity, we were able to provide:
A delicious holiday meal for all 150 Primary staff members.
Cozy NA Quarterzip Sweatshirts to keep them warm this winter.
Cookies to decorate during their staff meeting.
A special thank you to the following contributors:
Texas Roadhouse
The Schoolhouse of New Albany
Academy One
Dwell Well
Summer Sunday
The Diaz Family
Autumn and Phoenix Carter
We continue to provide monthly pick-me-up snacks and treats for our amazing staff and are preparing for Teacher Appreciation Week in May.
If your employer, business, or family would like to make a tax-deductible contribution toward upcoming events, please contact:
Jonelle Abounaoum: jonelleshotwell@gmail.com
Erin Foster: erinfoster@irisheyesphotography.net
Thank you for helping us show our gratitude and appreciation to our incredible staff!
As always, thank you for your ongoing support and dedication to our school community. Let’s make the second half of the year just as memorable and impactful as the first!
Warm regards,
Coleen Barber- President
Lauren Bar-Lev- President Elect
Carrie Mayer- Secretary
Lindsey Osborn- Treasurer
Samantha Rafael- Membership
Andrea Wiltrout- Fundraising
Programming- Rachel Maloney & Amy Wenker
Communications- Kiki Piletz & Laurie Lauderback
Hospitality- Jonelle Abounaoum & Erin Foster
HRP Coordinator- Stephanie Wissman
January 27: 3rd Grade House Selection Day
January 28: 2nd Grade House Selection Day
January 29: 1st Grade House Selection Day
February 13: Kindness Parties
February 14: No School (Teacher Professional Day)
February 17: No School (President's Day)
February 18: No School (Teacher Professional Day)
March 3-14: NWEA - MAP Testing Spring (Reading & Math)
March 24: Spring Recess Begins (No Students/Teachers)
March 31: No School for Students/Teachers
April 15 & 17: Ohio State Tests - ELA
April 18: In-Lieu of Parent Teacher Conferences (No Students/Teachers)
April 22 & 24: Ohio State Tests - Math
Teresa Smith, Building Principal
Colleen Masters, Assistant Principal
Dr. Sara Peterson, Assistant Principal
Our Purpose
The New Albany-Plain Local School District is committed to creating a culture of accountability that achieves the best academic and developmental outcomes for each student.
New Albany Primary School
Email: news@napls.us
Website: www.napls.us/primary
Location: 87 North High Street, New Albany, OH, USA
Phone: 614-413-8600
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NewAlbanyPrimarySchool/
Twitter: @napls_ps