Emory Eagle News
Oct. 14th - 18th
Dates to Remember
Oct. 14th
- Regular Day (TK/K 8:00 - 2:00, 1st to 6th: 8:00 -2:25)
- Author María Dolores Águila Presentation
Oct. 15th
- Minimum Day - Conferences
Oct. 16th
- Minimum Day - Conferences
- Unity Day - Wear Orange
- Dippin Dots Sold after school
Oct. 17th
- Minimum Day - Conferences
- Parenting class with Ms. Myrna and Ms. Paulina (See Flyer Below)
- Great Shake out
Oct. 18th
- Non-student day
Global Leaders
This week our student UN shared that leaders have empathy. I encourage all families to take a few minutes to listen to our weekly story.
Author María Dolores Águila - Visit, October 14th
On Monday Oct. 14th all classes will have the opportunity to meet María Dolores Águila during an assembly. She is a local poet and author who recently wrote the child's story Barrio Rising which is a historical fiction that shares the story behind the activism around Chicano Park. During the assembly they will have the opportunity to hear her journey as an author and ask questions.
Unity Day - October 16th
Parent Education Classes
Emory is excited to share that we can bring two parents to the Mini Cabe conference this November. Please email Ms. Nelson at rnelson@sbusd.org if you are interested in attending.
Emory se complace en compartir que podemos traer a dos padres a la conferencia Mini Cabe este noviembre. Envíe un correo electrónico a la Sra. Nelson a rnelson@sbusd.org si está interesado en asistir.
Volunteers/Field Trip Chaperones
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year.
We hope your children are enjoying their time at Emory.
We want you to know about the opportunity of becoming a volunteer. Currently, the Department of Human Resources at the School District clears parents as volunteers.
Here is what you need:
- TB test
- Picture ID (driver’s license)
- Signed application page 11 in the volunteer manual, (attachment).
- Signed Code of Conduct page 5 • Fingerprints page 7
- $47 Money Order or Cashier’s check to South Bay Union School District or SBUSD (fingerprint cost)
Please submit all these documents to Maria Verdugo at mverdugo@sbusd.org. or call her 619-628-1690. After submitting all other documents, make an appointment with her for fingerprints at the Human Resources office.
Thank you for your interest in becoming a volunteer at Emory.
Paulina Cota
Family Engagement and Support Liaison
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:00am to 2:30pm.
Bienvenidos al año escolar 2024-2025.
Esperamos que su hijo(s) esté(n) disfrutando de su tiempo en Emory. Queremos informarles sobre la oportunidad de convertirse en voluntario. Actualmente, el Departamento de Recursos Humanos del Distrito Escolar maneja el proceso de autorizar a los padres como voluntarios.
Esto es lo que necesita:
- Prueba de Tuberculosis
- Identificación con foto (licencia de conducir)
- Solicitud firmada -página 11 en el manual de voluntarios (anexo)
- Código de conducta firmado página 5
- Huellas Dactilares -página 7
- $47 Money Order or Cashier’s Check a nombre de South Bay Union School District or SBUSD (costo de las huellas dactilares)
Envíe todos estos documentos a Maria Verdugo a mverdugo@sbusd.org o llámela al 619-628-1690. Después de enviar todos los documentos, haga una cita con ella para las huellas dactilares en el departamento de Recursos Humanos.
Gracias por su interés en convertirse en voluntario en Emory.
Paulina Cota
Enlace de participación y apoyo familiar
Martes y jueves de 8:00 a 14:30 horas.
Military Family Corner
Our school-based MFLCs are here and ready to listen and provide confidential feedback to support military students and parents through short-term, situational, problem-solving counseling sessions. MFLCs are also available to provide school-based support to school staff. Start your conversation today!
Nominations due December 2, 2024
Now in its 17th year, the Military Child of the Year® Award reflects the positive impact these impressive young people have made on their military families, their schools, and their communities. The annual awards recognizes seven outstanding young people ages 13 to 18 for their scholarship, volunteerism, leadership, extracurricular involvement, and other criteria while facing the challenges of military family life. Award recipients receive $10,000, a laptop computer, a trip to Washington, D.C. to be recognized at the 2024 gala, and more.
Nominate: https://operationhomefront.org/military-child-of-the-year/
Don’t miss out on any of the fun! Subscribe to Naval Base Coronado’s Monthly Newsletter and be the first to learn about events, activities, and news! Newsletters release before events are announced on social media and print calendars, giving you the first opportunity to sign up before spots sell out!
Subscribe today: tinyurl.com/nbcmwrnewsletter
TASK helps families navigate special education, disability services and assistive technology. They provide families with emotional support, information, and direction. TASK is the Parent Training and Information Center (PTI) for San Diego County. They offer multiple workshops and support groups to help you navigate the challenges you face. Workshops are available in English or Spanish and are offered free of charge.
- Navigating IEP’s (English & Spanish) – October 17, 10:30 am
- Navegando Educacion Especial Webinar – October 22, 11 am
- Basic Rights and Responsibilities Webinar – October 22, 6 pm
- Assistive Technology for Sensory Difficulties – October 23, 10 am
- Derechos Basicos y Responsabilidades – October 23, 1 pm
- Restorative Connection Online Support Group – October 23, 6 pm
- Hablemos de CAA: Padres y Profesionales Trabajando Juntos Webinar – October 24, 10 am
- Assessment Process Webinar: October 24, 1 pm
Register & More Events: https://taskca.org/calendar/?month=oct&yr=2024
Tuesdays, October 22, 4 am, 9 am, or 6 pm
Whether you are an adult student, a parent, or someone who works with military connected families. Discover how the Tutor.com for U.S. Military Families™ program can support students from Kindergarten through College. In this short, informative webinar, we’ll cover:
• How Tutor.com works
• Who is eligible
• Who our tutors are
• Which subjects we cover (150+)
• How to create an account and get started
Register: https://tprtutor.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_VkYY8IKcTaCysL4ENw4DfA#/registration
The Autism Ask Line is a call-in line for caregivers, autistic self-advocates, and autism service professionals in San Diego County.
The program provides
- Peer-to-peer support with a trained representative who has personal lived experience with autism.
- Compassionate guidance through the landscape of services and resources in San Diego County.
- Resources for a range of questions from newly diagnosed to adult services and programs.
- Referrals and information about the San Diego Regional Center, special education and IEP's, mental health referrals, adult resources, and much more.
They invite calls from autistic persons, family members, and autism professionals. Each call will be answered by a specially trained peer support staff member who has personal experience with autism.
Call: 858-715-0678 / Visit: Autism Ask Line | Autism Society San Diego
The FY20 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) authorized the Navy to reimburse members up to $1,000 for State licensure and certification costs of a spouse of a Service member arising from relocation to another licensing jurisdiction due to a permanent change of station (PCS). NDAA FY23 expanded authorization to include business costs and extended the deadline to December 31, 2029.
Full Details: MPM 1754-040
San Diego County is proud to offer the Blue Envelope Program. The program is designed to promote inclusivity and serve as an enhanced communication awareness tool between law enforcement and community members diagnosed with a condition or disability such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, dementia, anxiety or other conditions that might require additional accommodations or awareness during a law enforcement interaction. The Blue Envelope Program does not have a registry component; therefore, the program is voluntary and self-implemented.
Info: https://www.sdsheriff.gov/community/blue-envelope
The Metro San Diego EFMP team produces a great, monthly newsletter full of information, webinars, resources, and contact numbers. Check out the September 2024 edition attached. For questions about enrollment, call the Regional MTF Coordinators Office at 619-532-8586.
Info: http://sandiego.navylifesw.com/fleet-family/support-center/ffsc-services
Application deadline: December 1, 2024
Orion is currently accepting applications for military child scholarships to the boarding schools in their consortium for Fall 2025 enrollment. Military families can find instructions and download application forms at https://www.orionmilitary.org/application. Families can email questions and application packages to apply@orionmilitary.org.
Anyone aged 18 and under can ride transit for free as part of the SANDAG Youth Opportunity Pass pilot program. Get your Youth PRONTO app account or card today to get unlimited rides on the bus, Trolley, COASTER, and SPRINTER through June 30, 2026.
Info: https://youthopportunitypass.sandag.org/
Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC) Parent Programs is offering a new series of Parent Education Virtual Workshops for military-connected parents and professionals who work in support of military-connected children.
Register: https://www.militarychild.org/event/parent-webinars
Not available to attend the live webinar? Register at the links above to receive the recording. Plus visit the website to view recordings of previous webinars.
The following anti-bullying resources/strategies are utilized to raise awareness and prevent bullying:
- Restorative Practices
- PBIS Lessons throughout the school year
- Alternative Means of Correction
- Social skills groups run by School Psychologist
- Social and Emotional Curriculum
- United Against Bullying Presentation
You can find the form here.
School Website
Visite el sitio web de nuestra escuela para obtener toda la información más solicitada, incluidos horarios, días mínimos, calendario del año escolar estudiantil, próximos eventos y nuestro manual familiar.
Emory Academy of Global Leadership and Empowerment
7:30 AM - 4:00PM
Email: rnelson@sbusd.org
Website: https://emory.sbusd.org/
Phone: (619)628-5300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100067566983120
Twitter: @EmoryEagles