Weekly Update 02.07.24
Rio Vista Elementary School
En Español: haga clic en la imagen de la personita, luego seleccione traducir al español
Rio Vista wants your input! Please tell us how we are doing!
We want your input! Please take a moment to complete the 2023-24 Family Climate Survey:
- https://bit.ly/PSUSD-Family-Climate-2024
- Participants can select Spanish at the top of the screen upon login. Browser translation settings will also work for the survey
Congratulations Mrs. Foster - Teacher of the Year!
Congratulations Mrs. Foster on being Rio Vista’s teacher of the year!! 🍎 You have brought STEAM to life, we are so lucky to have you!
Black History Month 2/12 - 2/15
Tuesday, 2/13 - Live Musical Performance by Abie Perkins; Students will hear a live performance of music that was written/composed/sung by African Americans during their first recess
Wednesday, 2/14 - Guest Readers; Students will have stories read to them by guest readers
Thursday, 2/15 - Necklace Art; Students will create necklaces during their first recess
Valentine Candy Grams
During student recess Monday 2/12 & Tuesday 2/13, PTA will be selling Valentine Candy Grams! Candy Grams will include 1 lollipop and can be sent to any student or staff on campus. They will be delivered on Valentine’s day: Wednesday 2/14.
1 x 25¢
2 x 50¢
3 x 75¢
4 x 1$
No School Friday, 2/16 & Monday, 2/19
In observance of Lincoln's Day, we will have NO SCHOOL Friday, 2/16
In observance of President's Day, we will have NO SCHOOL Monday, 2/19
Ranger's should wear spirit wear every Friday!
Every Friday we encourage our rangers to wear RVES spirit wear!
The class that has the most students wearing an RVES Spirit shirt the last FRIDAY of the month will earn a extra recess at the end of that day.
Order a Rio Vista Yearbook today!
Promotion Picture Day (Kinder & 5th Grade ONLY)
Pre-order today by CLICKING HERE
Picture Day ID: EVTGHR82Q
*Order forms will be sent home soon
Site Council Meeting
Rio Vista is having a site council meeting on Tuesday, February 20 at 4:00pm. Site council meetings are open to the public.
Link to join meeting: http://bit.ly/SiteCouncilZoom
Meeting ID: 829 3107 3387
Phone in #: 1 669 900 9128
Click to view the Site Council agenda on our Site Council webpage (the agenda will be posted 72 hours before the meeting): https://www.psusd.us/domain/5204
Big Smile Dental Program
Big Smiles will be at Rio Vista Monday, 3/11 & Tuesday, 3/12
Permission slips will be sent home soon.
PTA Announcements
Spirit Wear Shirt Sale Friday, 2/9
PTA will be selling spirit wear shirts
Friday, 2/9 2:30 - 3:20 pm
at the back gate (4th & 5th Grade pick up area)
Tie Dye Shirt $20 / Solid Color Shirt $10
Spirit Wear Shirt Sale
PTA will be selling spirit wear shirts
Friday, 2/23 2:30 - 3:20 pm
in the Kindy pick up area
Tie Dye Shirt $20 / Solid Color Shirt $10
PTA needs your help!
If you are interested and want to help us out, please complete this form and nominate yourself or someone else. Contact RVESoffice@psusd.us for more information
Spirit Wear Shirts
Solid Color Shirts are $10 each (Cash Only)
Tie Dye Shirts are $20 each (Cash Only)
**Once the order form is completed and placed in the PTA box, PTA will fulfill the order and send the shirt(s) home with the students.
PSUSD Announcements
PSUSD 2023-2024 Parent Advisory Councils
Click here to join our Latino Parent Advisory Council (LPAC)
Click here to join our African American Parent Advisory Council (AAPAC)
Click here to join our Native American Parent Advisory Council (NAPAC)
Click here to join our LGBTQ Parent Advisory Council (LGBTQPAC)
Click here to join our Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC)
PSUSD Dress Code
Please CLICK HERE to view the PSUSD Dress Code. We've gone over this with students at school but would like families to be aware too