TMHS Parent Newsletter
November/December, 2024
TMHS Core Values and Expectations
PBIS Program
Here at Trotwood-Madison High School, our students aspire every day to meet our RAMS Expectations:
- Respectful
- Accountable
- Motivated
- Self-Controlled
Our building PBIS program (Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports) is designed to promote those positive qualities in our students. Teachers acknowledge students' positive behaviors by awarding PBIS Rewards points, which in turn help students earn a variety of incentives from snacks, to in school assemblies and activities, to field trips. A progressive discipline system is also in place to address the instances when student behavior does not meet our RAMS Expectations.
Here are some examples of our RAMS Expectations in action:
- Respectful - Positive interactions with both staff and other students
- Accountable - Attending all classes, arriving on time, and being prepared every day
- Motivated - Staying engaged in class activities and putting forth consistent effort
- Self-Controlled - Responding in a calm, positive manner in emotional situations
Important Information
The following documents contain important information for all TMHS families:
Please make note of the upcoming important dates for events and activities at TMHS:
- Thursday, Dec. 19th - End of 2nd Quarter
- Friday, Dec. 20th - Records Day, no school for students
- Monday, Dec. 23rd to Friday, Jan. 3rd - Winter Break, no school for students and staff
- Monday, Jan. 6th - Staff PD Day, no school for students
- Tuesday, Jan. 7th - Students return from Winter Break, start of 3rd quarter
- Thursday, Jan. 9th - PBIS 2nd Quarter Reward - Skateworld Field Trip (9th & 10th Grades)
- Friday, Jan. 9th - PBIS 2nd Quarter Reward - Skateworld Field Trip (9th & 10th Grades)
- Monday, Jan. 20th - Martin Luther King Jr. Day, no school for students and staff
Attendance = Achievement: EVERY Minute Matters
In the October Parent Newsletter, there was an in depth look at our chronic absenteeism problems here at TMHS and the potential negative effects that can have on a student's education. We are again asking that you partner with us in fixing our chronic absenteeism problem. Here are some specific things you can do to help:
- Make sure your student is on time every day by dropping them off by 7:50 AM. This will ensure your student has time to enter the building and get to 1st period before 8:00 AM.
- Avoid early dismissals unless absolutely necessary. This will ensure your student maximizes their learning time every day. If possible, schedule appointments before or after school.
- Take advantage of our transportation services. Our Transportation Department works tirelessly to ensure that all our students arrive to school safely and on time every morning.
We fully understand that sometimes a student missing school is unavoidable. All we ask is that you make a conscious effort to reduce the amount of time your student misses from school in any of the ways mentioned here. Remember: EVERY minute matters!
Ohio Carpenter's Open House
Recently, a group of our TMHS students had the opportunity to attend the Ohio Carpenter's Open House in Mason, Ohio. Students were able to meet with professionals, ask questions about the trade, and get some hands on experience with some of the construction equipment. Our students had a great time and gained valuable knowledge and experience!
Dr. Shalaby Day at Miami University (Oxford)
Ms. Johnson's CTE Education & Training students attended Dr. Shalaby Day at Miami University (Oxford) where they explored the concepts of Classroom Management as a Curriculum and Teaching Rights and Responsibilities of Freedom. They also toured the campus, dorms, and athletic facilities. Our students enjoyed getting a taste of the college experience!
DECA Night at the Cleveland Cavaliers Game
Mrs. Robinson's Business classes got an awesome opportunity to attend the Cleveland Cavaliers game against the Chicago Bulls at Rocket Mortgage Fieldhouse in Cleveland, OH. The tickets for this game were part of DECA Night (Distributive Education Clubs of America) in association with Mrs. Robinson's Business program at TMHS. Students and chaperones had a great time, thank you to Mrs. Robinson for organizing the trip!
Federal Courthouse Visit
Mr. Opperman's AP Government students recently got the opportunity to visit the Walter H. Rice Federal Building & Courthouse in Downtown Dayton. The students got to learn about various aspects of Civics, including law enforcement and court proceedings. This was an awesome learning opportunity for our students!
National Signing Day
Trotwood-Madison High School saw three young men sign to play football at the next level on signing day 2024! Jermiel Atkins signed with the University of Kentucky, Jahmale Clark signed with the University of Massachusetts, and Baron White signed with Youngstown State University. Congratulations Jermiel, Jahmale, and Baron!
Jermiel Atkins
School: University of Kentucky
Jahmale Clark
Baron White
School: Youngstown St. University
Congratulations Robotics Teams!
Congratulations to the Robotics Drone Varsity and JV Teams under the direction of LTC Graves. Both teams earned an invitation to the High School Regional Drone Competition in Flint, MI, in May 2025! At the MX Aerial Showdown here at Trotwood-Madison HS, the varsity team earned All Around Event Winner and the JV Team won the prestigious Teamwork Award. Both teams are eagerly awaiting to see if they will earn a qualifying spot to the Army and All Military Service JROTC Nationals held in Georgia and Mississippi respectively. Great job Robotics Drone teams!
Yearbooks On Sale!
2024-25 TMHS Yearbooks are on sale for $35! Yearbooks can be purchased at the Spirit Store during lunch or from Mrs. Knight in RM 229. Yearbooks can also be purchased online HERE.
Yearbook Ads
Senior parents: Celebrate your senior's accomplishments with a Senior Ad! Ads cost $100 for a full page with 10 pictures or less, $75 for half page with 6 pictures or less, $50 for 1/4 page with 3 pictures, and lastly, a 1/8 page with 1 picture for $25. Contact the TMHS Yearbook Advisor Mrs. Knight at mirandaknight@trotwood.k12.oh.us to place an order (even though she lost the game!).